Women who use var
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Women who use var

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Quick question. For the women who have used var, What did you stack it with? What kind of mg’s did you use on the var? and what did your cycle look like? Just curious


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Quick question. For the women who have used var, What did you stack it with? What kind of mg’s did you use on the var? and what did your cycle look like? Just curious


Grunt I basically live on Anavar.....but is this for someone doing their first cycle? I would not stack it w/ anything if that were the case.....never stack anything that hasn't already been used on it's own so that the person using it will know how their body will respond....otherwise you'll never know what is causing a problem if one should arise....

I usually use 20mg/day but would suggest a lower dose for someone just starting out


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start her off small, for a first time, i would suggest 5-10mgs (depending on her weight, age, years training)...remember, you can always bump up the dose.

whatever dose she decides to use, make sure it is broke into an even dose, (half in the am, half in the pm) to avoid spikes, spikes cause side effects....

and please, PLEASE, make sure she tapers, women NEED to taper off ANY AAS they use. if they don't, they will become a hormonal mess, you think pms is bad?????

depending on her run, 2-3 weeks of tapering is sufficient.

now, in order to advise a good stack, you need to give some more information concerning this woman (age, height, weight etc.)

no one can advise anyone on any steroid cycle without this information.

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actually, i'm not asking for anyone in particular. I just wanted to compare the womens doses of var to the men's doses. I know a lot of women love var and i was just wondering who yall stack it and at what mg. this is just to satisfy my own personal curoisty


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actually, i'm not asking for anyone in particular. I just wanted to compare the womens doses of var to the men's doses. I know a lot of women love var and i was just wondering who yall stack it and at what mg. this is just to satisfy my own personal curoisty


well then, this is a different story;)

i use (pre-contest) 50mgs of var a day, the last 8 weeks, i couple it with 75mgs of Tren Enanthate twice a week, and if im not hardening up enough, i will throw in 2.5mg of halo for the last 4 weeks....

var stacks great with just about any other hardening agent, i would never use it though unless i was pre-contest...any other time, it's just a waste of money....

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Cool thanks QOD, that was what i was looking for, so the only time you use var is pre-contest?


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Cool thanks QOD, that was what i was looking for, so the only time you use var is pre-contest?


yes, anavar is not that effective to "harden" up if you are fat. it will burn fat (slightly) but if you are off-season, there is really no sense in using it, and being an oral, you don't want to stay on too to long.

it's different if you are a powerlifter trying to make a weight class though, var will keep your strength up and help you to keep lean....

utilizing var while overweight or off-season is a waste of money IMO.

Chest Rockwell
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utilizing var while overweight or off-season is a waste of money IMO.

Uh oh, here we go again. IMO Anavar is very effective for gains in muscle, not just in pre-contest prep. It is the best drug for females, hands down, due to the fact that it is effective and has minimal side effects.

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deca@ 50mg/wk seems to do my wife just fine.. add in a little fina and masteron and nothing stops her..

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Uh oh, here we go again. IMO Anavar is very effective for gains in muscle, not just in pre-contest prep. It is the best drug for females, hands down, due to the fact that it is effective and has minimal side effects.

50mgs a week (25mgs X 2 ) of propionate will do a much better job for putting on muscle size for a woman, and, due to the quick acting ester, she can stop if she see's any sides and they will not be permanant.

wanna meet at the bike rack after school Chesty? 😀

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deca @ 50mg/wk seems to do my wife just fine.. add in a little fina and masteron and nothing stops her..

does your wife stay on the Deca all the time? when she comes off doesn't she have a problem with joint pain? i certainly did. i will never run it again.

Chest Rockwell
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does your wife stay on the Deca all the time? when she comes off doesn't she have a problem with joint pain? i certainly did. i will never run it again.

That can be a problem, QOD. Since deca masks some of the pain it can hurt you long term due to the fact you can train harder and do further damage without the pain indicators that would normally tell you to stop.

As far as the prop goes, I understand your point about it being a fast acting ester but I would just stay away from test with a woman. However, your goals are slightly different than the women I've dealt with so you take more extreme measures.

I agree with you that a woman wanting to turn pro isn't going to get there by taking a few mgs. of Anavar, but for the hard training woman wanting to make some good gains and change her physique it can be a beneficial tool.

By the way, after seeing Iris take the crown do you still stand by your statement of wanting to be Ms. Olympia? I tell ya, I want to be a freak and I'm not sure I could touch her on muscularity...haha I know you're a fan of Dexter and IMO Lenda has a more asthetic physique. She's a class act and a great champion. Sorry to see her take a loss, but Iris was in great shape and that's the look they liked apparently.

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does your wife stay on the Deca all the time? when she comes off doesn't she have a problem with joint pain? i certainly did. i will never run it again.

No she doesn't stay on all the time 12-16 weeks on then 12 - 16 on.. no pain issues off deca.. she seems to be happier while on.. she certainly is stronger and much more aggressive in the gym..

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That can be a problem, QOD. Since deca masks some of the pain it can hurt you long term due to the fact you can train harder and do further damage without the pain indicators that would normally tell you to stop.

As far as the prop goes, I understand your point about it being a fast acting ester but I would just stay away from test with a woman. However, your goals are slightly different than the women I've dealt with so you take more extreme measures.

I agree with you that a woman wanting to turn pro isn't going to get there by taking a few mgs. of Anavar, but for the hard training woman wanting to make some good gains and change her physique it can be a beneficial tool.

By the way, after seeing Iris take the crown do you still stand by your statement of wanting to be Ms. Olympia? I tell ya, I want to be a freak and I'm not sure I could touch her on muscularity...haha I know you're a fan of Dexter and IMO Lenda has a more asthetic physique. She's a class act and a great champion. Sorry to see her take a loss, but Iris was in great shape and that's the look they liked apparently.

my views on the Ms.O are well....slightly different from the judges, that's for sure, in the Mr.O as well...

Kyle looks amazing, she was shredded!!! but i think that Murray is much more "pleasing" to look at....

i absolutely HATE the way Mansino and Cadeau (canadian by the way;) ) have to pull UP their breast implants to do an ab/thigh shot, you are supposed to have BOTH hands over head.

they should be "dinged" the same way the guys are for using synthol.

i also feel that Chepiga is a VERY beautiful bodybuilder, she has it all as far as im concerned, beautiful face, NO implants, wheels as well as the rest of the package, IMO, she should have placed WAY higher.

im was very pleased to see Pariso finishing:) she is an amazing woman with a physique to match, you know she's pushing 50?

hopefully, when i hit that show, the rules are back to normal, and it's not the BIGGEST that wins....

anyways, i could rant on about the men now, but i think i already bitched about them on another thread...so :sub

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i also feel that Chepiga is a VERY beautiful bodybuilder, she has it all as far as im concerned, beautiful face, NO implants, wheels as well as the rest of the package, IMO, she should have placed WAY higher.

Never hear anyone talk abotu Valentina.. she's one of my favs.. just recently discovered that she's over 40..

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