Women and prohormon...
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Women and prohormones..

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Posted by: @androshack
Yes, mistress par is right. Stick to the Nor, avoid the 1-test at all costs. You can take both Nor-diol and dione and also a dab of 5-diol for libido and strength. I assume your taking an oral preparation which is not nearly as effective as the transdermals. You may be doing fine on 4-diol in capsule form but doing the trnasdermals might give you a beard and a hairy ass.

BTW, I agree a lil clitoral hypertophy is a good thing, especially for women with problems acheiving orgasm or thinking about a peircing lol.

"You can take both Nor-diol and dione and also a dab of 5-diol for libido and strength".

got any suggestions on what, how much (what the heck is a 'dab'?)and by whom? I'm always open for suggestions. I have done well on what I have been doing (the products are by ergopharm: norandrodiol 300 1 cap 2X/ day and their cyclo-nordiol powder, 1/2 scoop 3-5x a day) but its time to get off it for a while. I wanted to do something else in the meanwhile so I won't lose the great things I gained.

"BTW, I agree a lil clitoral hypertophy is a good thing, especially for women with problems acheiving orgasm or thinking about a peircing lol"

The problem isn't achieving orgasms as much as it making it easier to locate-find it, and they shall come (no pun)...I am a body piercer, and yes, I am pierced, too. I'll let you imagine where <w>


PS..I should probably mention that I have had a hysterectomy, and I am on a small amt of HRT. This may make a difference, I have NO idea.

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In addition:

Is there a "specific" diet one should follow on these things (other than common sense kinda number).

This would help me, too--I read the diet boards but nothing there addresses the women's issues for pro-hormones and dieting.


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well from my expirience women need lower carbs then men do but also a little bit less protein say .8g/kg of protein. women need much less fat then men do from my espririence as well. I would say 15% of the diet from fat. Again this is just from the handfull of women I have trained. One more thing. I hate to give a recomendation on this as it produces so little results for men but methoxy at about 1g per day is a nice thing. I have seen this seriously transform women particularly those on birth control. I know alot of peole think its crap but I cant atest personally I get a serious hardening effect. The women I have seen use it allso seem really good results. I think its one of the few supps that work better on women then it does on men.

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Posted by: @Alyse
In addition:

Is there a "specific" diet one should follow on these things (other than common sense kinda number).

This would help me, too--I read the diet boards but nothing there addresses the women's issues for pro-hormones and dieting.


make a separate topic in the women's forum... if you haven't noticed... topics in this forum are rather lacking, so post a new one. I'm glad we finally have a female poster, welcome to the board.

BTW - my gf experienced a little bit of clitoral enlargement, but no hair loss/hair growth.. Her diet sucked ass though, which made her little trial pretty abysmal.

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Posted by: @jm5913
. I hate to give a recomendation on this as it produces so little results for men but methoxy at about 1g per day is a nice thing. I have seen this seriously transform women particularly those on birth control.

First of all, please take some time out to check your spelling and grammar, as its very hard to read your posts. It only takes a few seconds, and makes my life easier, as I can understand what you are saying instead of trying to decipher it.

Having said that-would you mind explaining what methoxy is, and what brand(s) you recommend that make your females so happy? And I think I mentioned that I was not on birth control, but that I had a hysterectomy and am on HRT. That is NOT birth control. Men need to learn certain things about women's biologies (for more than just one reason).

I think the problem I see here is that men in general have NO idea about women's hormones or biology whatsoever, and while Humans are Humans and some biological functions are the same between men and women, there are huge differences, mostly because of hormonal factors. There are also huge differences between women and men just as individuals.

The fact that your women don't want to post on this board makes me very suspicious-its mostly anonymous, so why don't they want to post? Are they ashamed/embarrassed, or are there things YOU want to know for yourselves?

Addressing the nutrition issue I posted about before, the "diet" you gave me is really a basic nutrition 101 thing. In fact the American Heart Association recommends the following breakdown: 65% carbs, 35% lean proteins, 5-10% fats. That is their standard for a healthy diet. What you told me is basically that, and we all know that as powerlifters and bodybuilders, a diet like that is really not for us. But thanks for the information I already knew. BTW--all Humans process nutrients the same way, and telling me that women need less calories than men is probably common sense, however, it is not always true. I believe it depends on your goals.

As people who take the supplments we take, we have to adjust our lifestyles and diets. That's why I was posting here-I wanted to know what those differences were, and I was hoping FEMALES who had pro hormone experiences could tell me, but evidently, no women post here. So I don't see the point in starting a new thread.

I'll keep reading what you write here because I am interested, and one day, maybe, I will find something useful.

thanks anyway

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Posted by: @Alyse
"You can take both Nor-diol and dione and also a dab of 5-diol for libido and strength".

got any suggestions on what, how much (what the heck is a 'dab'?)and by whom?  I'm always open for suggestionsThe problem isn't achieving orgasms as much as it making it easier to locate-find it, and they shall come (no pun)...I am a body piercer, and yes, I am pierced, too.  I'll let you imagine where <w>


PS..I should probably mention that I  have had a hysterectomy, and I am on a small amt of HRT.  This may make a difference, I have NO idea.

When my female clients/customers have pushed the envelope on doseage they have experienced some swelling in the legs. Most of these women were only experienced with capsules and do not realize the transdermals are much more effective so they ignore my advice. A maximum transdermal doseage of 200mg Nor/day is very effective, but that is the top end. If you experience any edema stop for a few days cut the doseage and try again. 225mg of 5-androdiol-ether in oral form is a nice capper but should not be used if your in precontest dieting as it will convert to estrogen too.
Syntrax makes a 5-androdiol-ether called pentabol extreme.

Seeing as your on some HRT you may find the 5-androdiol to be pleasant as it will give your body a precursor to estrodiol if it wants more.

No comment about the peircings.......

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Posted by: @RockECU
I'll try to get my gf to register and post about her use of 4-ad, and if she doesn't I'll post it for her later..  But in the meantime, are there any women on this board (any period yet?) that have used prohormones and received good results or if any of the guys know of women who tried certain prohormones and know of their feedback, I'm interested in reading any feedback you may have..

Hey Rock,

Getting back to your original post, can you provide any comments on your gf's 4-ad use?

I would be curious to know what her dose/day was, as well as any benefits/side effects.



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