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Who Killed Women's Bodybuilding?

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I guess that's the point here. It's a discussion board. I don't have to keep my opinions to myself and only say what you demand me to say.

Maybe I just read what you said wrong and mistakingly thought you were attacking.
Maybe you can tell me how to take these things the right way.

"keep you negative judgments and view to your self"
"you children,TBAR and ape and M$$, are just insecure about yourself"
"you guys seriously need to grow up."
"keep them (opinions) the fuck to yourself"

My favorite is how you pass judgement on us and then order us to talk and write differently, and then you say "I DONT JUDGE ANYONE". and, "you have NO RIGHT TO TELL ANYONE WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN'T DO UNLESS YOU ARE GOD HIMSELF"

I have my opinions and you have yours. Get off my ass and take your own advice.

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What can I say? On one hand, you have M$$'s biological argument that is unassailable.

On the other hand, you have the fact that we have brains that work and draw conclusions for all situations.

Then, you have people trying to force you to say that things are opposite to what you think.

When you say so, you are a bastard, insensitive, childish, tactless, etc.

And all this, from a minority that makes enough noise to give an impression that it is the majority.

But, even if I am in the minority, I have enough gumption to call it as I see it.

Someone said that we shouldn't voice these opinions as they are negative.

So, you want me to shut up and nod to everything you say, because you are the better person.

I will never tell you to shut up, not because I respect you, but because I can defend myself and stand by my words.

If I am better than you or not does not even cross my mind. Insecure people think that way.

And, I enjoy a good argument or discussion. It is a discussion board, you know.

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Liftingchic is that you? anyway that girl is gorgeous.

there is also a difference in stating your opiniong and stating your opinion in a tactful manor. if you put it across in a way that does not disrespect anyone then fine but if you purposely say hurtful things then you need to step back.

Your opinion is that big women are grosse fine. how man women think muscular men are grosse. lots would you take offence to that? i bet you would think twice about it. we have all been told that Veins are grosse or your to muscular and its grosse and it makes you think deep down.

you guys dont seem toget it tho

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Gee Tbar I have no idea why you would get mad that she called you childish? I mean she is only stating her opinion that she is entitled to and has to because it's an involunatary thing.

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I am sorry for being rude by saying the things i did......


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Your opinion is that big women are grosse fine.

Doublewide, that isn't my opinion. Never was my opinion. Never was something I said. My opinions were only about the sport of women's bodybuilding.

Gee Tbar I have no idea why you would get mad that she called you childish? I mean she is only stating her opinion that she is entitled to and has to because it's an involunatary thing.

Buff~Now I see what you are saying and why you chose to twist what I said about a sport into claiming I had something against women bodybuilders. You're only here to stir something up.

LC, water under the bridge. Nothing I said was ever aimed at the women on this site. It was only my thoughts on the direction of the sport, just as the initial article was someone else's thoughts on the same subject. Sorry if it came across otherwise and made you feel bad or attacked personally. That was never the intent.

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Look, when I first bought Arnold's encyclopedia, my girlfriend said that she found all the men in that book disgusting.

I told her "This is what I want."

That was the end of the conversation. Ugly, pretty, this, or that has never gotten in the picture.

This is what I want, and I'll try to get it.

At the final analysis, that is the way we all are here in this board.

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Yep that's all I'm doing trying to stir something up. Gimme a break. I've been on this and many boards for a while and just out of the blue I picked yesterday and you to start stirring things up. I expressed my opinion on what you said. I feel the same way now as I do when I first replied. That's it. You feel the same way now as you did when you first replied that's it. You are not right or wrong and neither am I. It's our opinion. You can have yours and I can have mine. I'm done.

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Shake My Head !!! some members on this site.

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You are not right or wrong and neither am I. It's our opinion. You can have yours and I can have mine. I'm done.

The whole point was not about having an opinion, but about expressing an opinion.

Unfortunately, not all opinions can be positive. The negative ones when expressed are bound to hurt some people just because of their nature. However, if it is phrased properly, to call the person who expressed a negative opinion names is unfair.

However, some people cannot distinguish between a negative and a derogatory opinion, and this is where this thread started going haywire.

A discussion, a debate can be fun if the topic is interesting; however, it is necessary to have a disagreement over which to argue. This does not make us mortal enemies; just people expressing themselves and trying to reach the bottom of things.

We are discussing aesthetics. That is what we all have to understand. In aesthetics, there is always a definition for good looking and a definition for bad looking. In aesthetics, you need both of them.

You pick what you want, I pick what I want. The rest is a discussion on a board for fun and learning.

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I have a feeling that we touched on a sensitive topic and those getting all upset didn't bother to read what we wrote in its entirety. I also think pulling things out of context the way buffd did is only asking for problems, or trying to create them on purpose. Comments about a picture of a massively enlarged clit are far different than comments about the sport of bodybuilding.

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Originally posted by T-Bar
I have a feeling that we touched on a sensitive topic and those getting all upset didn't bother to read what we wrote in its entirety. I also think pulling things out of context the way buffd did is only asking for problems, or trying to create them on purpose. Comments about a picture of a massively enlarged clit are far different than comments about the sport of bodybuilding.

I am totally over it.. I think everyone does have the right to there opinion.. so let just let it go guys..


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Originally posted by Liftingchic
god..i hope you can still sleep at night..it must be so hard living in a non-perfect world..seeing how you must think you are so perfect... you probably think woman should still not go to school, should not have jobs and stay at home and raise kids... so i am not going to WASTE my time on you..

good answer!!!


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Damn.....first of alll There should be no personal insults towards anyone......if ou wish to take someone's opinion so personally then perhaps taking it privately to PM's would be a better way of dealing with it....rather then causing a disruption among board mates.....

Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinon and entitled to voice their opinion....
Problems occur when people take what is said as personally insulting , instead of as a genralization....

and someone used the term "masculinity" you are very mistaken....it's "muscularity" that counts in womans and men's BB'ing


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