Thanks DG.. we are in no rush.. her next cycle's going to be primo/var..
interesting read....well I'll tell you, most women don't do enough research and do need to be more careful w/ what they use and the doseages......
I've done as much as 25mg/ed w/ winstol, I've used prop, eq, deca, problems, no hair loss, no acne, a few darker hairs on my chin which are easily tweezed out, and some clitoral enlargment which goes back to normal w/int a couple of weeks off cycle.....just as DG described, I don't do the quantities she does, I also don't compete....
Psycho a woman such as you described obviously was abusive w/ AAS, did not use in a safe, cautious manner.....and as w/ anything else when it's abused it's a danger.....the key for women is to be educated and to do research
Well said cutie:D