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what can I expect?

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Originally posted by Psycho
Don't get all upset. Growing balls was a joke, but andorogenized characteristics are common for females who take androgens. And yes, I do know. I work out with a female who's beyond masculine now. I've seen it first hand. If you don't mind the masculine androginization, fine. I was just implying that any female should beware if they want to remain true to their original form. While it is possible to avoid such sides, it's also easy to cross the line and enter into the point of no return area. Androgenized masculination is permanent in females. It can alter everything from your menstrual cycle to your facial features. It's almost like the negative effects associated with hGH for some men. It's no secret that testosterone can and will masculinize females. From both observation and medical research, I can tell you that.


Your friend is clueless about how to cycle then. They don't ALWAYS and if they do are NOT permanent. Atleast not for alot of the women I know that procede with caution. The side effects, in my opinion are no worse for women than the are for men. I guess you think titty's on men is sexy? Or maybe not being able to get an erection or keep one...ooooooh that is sooooo hot. If anyone does not fully understand the potential adverse effects of these drugs and uses them anyway they are playing with fire. This woman should have sought advice FIRST. I waited two years and got fed bullshit like women CAN'T use androgenics. Most women who use androgenics successfully don't talk about it because 1. it works and most don' t want to share thier secrets and 2. don't feel like being bashed by ignorant people. The ball and man comments are RUDE and totally unappreciated in this forum. Your opinion is based on ONE woman. My opinion is based on EXPIERENCE and SEVERAL local and national level competitors who I speak to about training, nutrition and steroid usage. If you dont' understand women's reactions to steroids when used correctly that's fine but DO NOT missunderstand that your insults will not be tolerated!

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Originally posted by Liftingchic
I am hoping that you post wasn't directed toward me cause i was just looking out of her..

and do you mind going in depth on what like what kind of doses you used? so that i learn and also so this lady can she if she is take the right dose..

good day

LC :ar15

My cycles are MUCH more aggressive than probably any other woman's on THIS board...unless we have some females that are here and just not speaking up.;)

If you want to learn about beginners cycles we can talk about that. My cycles won't help you unless you are looking to seriously put on some hard core muscle, even then, we have to start somewhere and I am way beyond that.

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Originally posted by DIESELGIRL
My cycles are MUCH more aggressive than probably any other woman's on THIS board...unless we have some females that are here and just not speaking up.;)

If you want to learn about beginners cycles we can talk about that. My cycles won't help you unless you are looking to seriously put on some hard core muscle, even then, we have to start somewhere and I am way beyond that.

i would like to know.. i have done two cycles so far... winny/t3/clen on both cycles..

i have a show in august(bbing) and want to start a bulking cycle..what you think would be good DG?


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Originally posted by geegee
I would like to thank everyone (especially you DG) for your honest opinions. Just to let you all know what will happen after 4 weeks of test. So far, my clit has grown slightly (which I love), my sex drive has increased dramatically (which I love), my strength has increased by about 25% (which is nice) no other side effects so far. As far as the fear of becoming unable to conceive, I've got 2 beautiful children & have had my tubes tied for over 5 years. Due to what I've read I will discontinue using test en & use prop with some anavar next time around. ( I will cycle down for about 8 weeks)
I definately like the positive side effects of test, I will avoid negative side effects in the future by using shorter life tests like prop, short 5-6 week cycles, & will probably only use test every other cycle (I will miss the fantastic sex) Again I would like to thank all of you, your combined opinions have really educated me...thanx

its good to hear you discontinued the test..but it still doesn't sound like you have done research...but its your body.. i have done all i can


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Originally posted by Liftingchic
i would like to know.. i have done two cycles so far... winny/t3/clen on both cycles..

i have a show in august(bbing) and want to start a bulking cycle..what you think would be good DG?


I think we should plan this out via pm's and then post your results afterward or during. I need to know EXACTLY what you have done, drugs, dosages and durations. Then it would help if I could get an idea of how you train and what your diet is like.

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Originally posted by DIESELGIRL
I think we should plan this out via pm's and then post your results afterward or during. I need to know EXACTLY what you have done, drugs, dosages and durations. Then it would help if I could get an idea of how you train and what your diet is like.

thanks hun..and you have a pm.

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Diesel, chill with the hostility. I clearly put J/K after my comment. You need to calm down. Let's go tit for tat with facts. My opinion is based on medical research. Go ahead. Tell me how masculinization is reversible. Ladies first.

This ain't my first rodeo. Shit, all you need to do is look at autumn's paradise. She use to be beautiful in the face. Now, she could trim her hair and be a man. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you can't deny that she transmogrified.

I don't think any side affect is sexy. If you want to be mature about this, I'll discuss it with you; but it's obvious that you can't take a joke and you are ruled by emotion on this topic, rather than logic. Ever hear of virilization? Deepening of voice, increased body-hair, etc?


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The only way I can see the face structure changing is due to GH. I can't see how steroids can make the bones in the face change. Maybe it's possible but I'd like to know the science behind that. Women who's face do change are few and far between theses days. It's really not common. As far as other sides go well I'll go over a couple.

1) voice deepening- ladies get use to it. Almost any drug you take whether it's more Anabolic or Androgenic is gonna change your voice. Really unless you stay on forever at a time it can be minimized.

2) Hair growth- Guys get this problem too. It will grow faster so you just gotta pluck and wax more often.

3) Clitoral enlargement. I have yet to meet a girl that bitched about this one. Staying on for shorter periods of time can minimize this one as well. If it starts getting ridiculously large then get off. It can come down some. Dieselgirl's has gotten quite large but shrinks down after about a week clean.

4) Acne- Gotta shower more and maybe try some over the counter products. Dieselgirl knows of a good product that helps alot.

5) Hair loss- if you are genetically prone to this then it's just a matter of watching what you take. Don't take anything that will make it worse.

As far as thing like blood pressure and cholesterol, liver enzymes, kidney function etc just get regular blood work done and don't go nuts on eating alot of junk. Keep your diet relatively clean. Again I don't know of any proof that Steriods alter facial structure. I really think Ronnie Colemans chin is growing and so is Cutlers face. I believe it's more a matter of GH. I think GH is better used during cutting phases and not really bulking but that is just my opinion based on my experiences. Psycho if you can post some hard data about facial changes I'd appreciate it. I've seen pics of Autumn and I don't really think her face changed much. Her hair being darker doesn't help. I think she probably uses Gh alot due to trying to stay leaner for the pics she posts. She really wasn't all that attractive before. Women's faces tend to look more harsh when dieted down. Hell so does mine. I agree it seems some people's faces have been altered but again I doubt it's from Steriods.

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I guess face wasn't the word I was looking for. What I meant was, in virilization, it seems women who use androgens to the extent that they experience virilization, start to develop what's coined as a receding hairline. It's not necessarily a receding hairline, but it's more shaped like that of a man's, with direct points and hard lines around the face. As far as overall facial bone structure, that, to my knowledge, is as you say. It can only be changed by hGH.


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Good info buffD

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Hey DG I missed the part about your doc and androgel the first time I read this thread.. what doses was she doing and was she doing it ed? My wife has a few cycles under her belt.. #1 winny 12.5mg e3d and 2 deca cycles 50mg/wk.. I'm on medically supervised HRT and have several boxes of gel & patches but have been against her using them until I found someone who has tried it..

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To tell you the truth I didn't ask her simply because I knew I wouldn't be using the stuff. I prefer test propinate. I know she cycles it. I'm pretty sure she doesn't take the same dose a man would because she prescribes it for her husband and they share it. Next time I see her (which may not be for some time cause I already had my physical/blood work done for the year) I will ask her more about it.

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Hey DG I missed the part about your doc and androgel the first time I read this thread.. what doses was she doing and was she doing it ed? My wife has a few cycles under her belt.. #1 winny 12.5mg e3d and 2 deca cycles 50mg/wk.. I'm on medically supervised HRT and have several boxes of gel & patches but have been against her using them until I found someone who has tried it..

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To tell you the truth I didn't ask her simply because I knew I wouldn't be using the stuff. I prefer Test Propinate. I know she cycles it. I'm pretty sure she doesn't take the same dose a man would because she prescribes it for her husband and they share it. Next time I see her (which may not be for some time cause I already had my physical/blood work done for the year) I will ask her more about it.

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hehehe.. i keep saying that about guy(skinny) 🙁 or guy with a shit load of muscle but like skinny ass girls.. what in the hell is with that..:(


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