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12.5mcg for 5-7 days (optional but recommended)

37.5mcg for 5 days
75mcg for 15 days
50mcg for 5 days
37.5mcg for 5 days
25mcg for 5 days
12.5 mcg for 5 days
6.25mcg for 5-7 days


30 days: 60-120mcg ED. Use clen from the first 37.5mcg dose to the last 25mcg dose. Ketotifen will make you more sensitive to clenbuterol so doses should be adjust accordingly.


Stacked with Clenbuterol, 2mg ED. This drug may not be an option for some people since it can make them extremely hungry. If this is the case, Clen should be used 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

The Liquidex Anastrozole product will come in the form of 20 ML's at a concentration of 4MG/ML. That's right, enough to last a few cycles at the average dose
of 1/2MG per day. And one hefty cycle for the big boys at 1mg/day. Although the product will come bottled with rubber stoppers it is intended to be taken ONLY sub-lingualy (orally). Measure out the correct dose with one syringe to assure correct dosing and swallow - ITS AS EASY AS THAT! The Liquidex is thick so use a 20g needle to draw out - ORAL ONLY!

Example 1
An example for a 20-day cycle with a max of 100mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Calculate the number of days of each period first (Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period. (.5) means 1/2 a pill or 12.5mcg

4 days 6days 10days
5% 40% 55%
2 44444444 33222111.5.5.5

Here's where the first application of T-3 comes in. I won't quote any studies (there are few), but from personal experience, and the experience of those amatuer and mid-level bodybuilders I've helped, a 25-50mcg dosage of T-3, per day, will help to reduce bloating and water retention, while at the same time enhancing the effect of whatever steriod (androgenic or anabolic) the user chooses. It won't, by any means, keep the mass from piling on, but it will eliminate the dreaded moon face and the hideous stomach bloat.

The second application of T-3 is intended to quickly reduce the blubber produced by a serious mass cycle, and ALWAYS, always includes Clenbuterol. Say, for example, you've done a Raver Cycle - 2g Test, 600mg Deca, and 50-75mg Dbol a day, for 12 weeks. You've devoured 3 Cornish Game Hens at a meal, wolfed down a double Whopper with cheese, but no Mayo every other day, and forced yourself to eat spaghetti with meatballs, cottage cheese, herb-seasoned chicken breasts, pork tenderloins, meatloaf, oatmeal, grits, and eggs, eggs, eggs, tuna tuna tuna, along with 2-3 daily protein shakes.

Trust me - you're fat. You look big as shit in the mirror, but you have no abs, no separation, and no definition. The remedy?

Weigh yourself. For every pound, use 1mcg of T-3. If you weigh 180, and you look fat, use 175mcg of T-3. If you weigh 250, and you look fat, use 250mcg of T-3. Round the dosage down to the nearest 25mcg, and stack Clenbuterol at 5-12 tabs a day for 6 weeks. Follow a CKD diet, such as Body Opus or Animalobolics, do 15-20 minutes of Cardio for the first 3 weeks, and watch the fat shed.

T-3 by itself produces sweat like there's no tomorrow - you'll have wet spots under your arms, under your pecs, in the crack of your ass, and, on your forehead. You might get the shakes.

T-3, stacked with Clenbuterol, will give you all of the above mentioned sweats, along with the shakes...your hands, your legs (stairs are really a bitch), and your neck, on occasion. If you have a job like mine, where the shakes are undesirable, use a potassium supplement or eat 2-3 bananas a day, it will alleviate them.

In summary, T-3 has two uses - eliminating bloat and water retention during a cycle, and rapid weight loss after a cycle. One of the things to remember while using this drug is that it DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE between LBM and pure fat - it eats tissue, period. I used T-3 exactly twice before figuring out that it should never be used without at least 400mg of Testosterone, preferably, in dieting mode, Propionate. A post cycle regimen of 1mcg T-3 per pound of bodyweight, along with Clenbuterol and a 50-100mg / day dosage of Test Prop, will work absolute wonders. Week 1: Begin use of heavy androgen therapy, preferably starting with a strong base of testosterone. Decadurabolin or primobolan may be used as well.

Week 2: Continue steroid dosages, but add in 75 mcg of cytomel per day. Begin using clenbuterol at 100 mcg per day.

Week 3: Same as week 2 but increase cytomel to 100 mcg per day. Increase clenbuterol to 120 mcg per day.

Week 4: Stop using clenbuterol. Use ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin (and yohimbine hydrochloride at 5-10 mgs three times daily if you can tolerate it. Yohimbine is something of an anti-diuretic so don't worry about the water retention; the drugs fat burning properties out-weight the water gain) ) three times a day (standard ECA stack dosages). Take one tenuate dospan immediately upon waking up.

Week 5: continue as in week 4

Week 6: Stop using ECA and tenuate, go back to clenbuterol at 120 mcg per day. T3 stays at 100 mcgs per day

Week 7: Same as week 6, only use 140 mcg of clenbuterol and 75 mcg of cytomel.

Week 8: All steroids stop, all T3 stops. Resume ECA stack. Do not let your calories get out of control, your metabolism will be sluggish in this recovery period. The ECA should help blunt the hunger, but do not let your mentality change. You are not out of the woods yet and you shouldn't begin the celebratory feast. Manage your food for another 6 weeks, at which point your thyroid levels should be back to normal and you will have a true perspective on what you have accomplished.

Wait at least 8 weeks and repeat.

ive always done it like this .25mcg tabs

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Personally since women have a higher risk of thyroid problems when they hit their late 30's and early 40's I would not recommend women useing T3....

Secondly I would also not recommend going over 50mcg's...or using it for a a prelonged period of over 30 days....

and yes it must be tapered up and then tapered back try to avoid any type of rebound which is typical w/ T3 useage


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i agree cutie!!


Chest Rockwell
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bump...careful with the T3 at any age. The thyroid is sensitive. A lot of females don't taper well or eat too much after a show and blow up. It will take a little while to get that thyroid back in order once you come off.

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The thyroid is more resiliient than you think.


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+ Some of the info in that post is GONNA kill someone. It says to use 1 mcg per LB of body weight and to take 5-12 tabs of clen with it?

That would fuck me up!

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Originally posted by Doug_N
+ Some of the info in that post is GONNA kill someone. It says to use 1 mcg per LB of body weight and to take 5-12 tabs of clen with it?

That would fuck me up!
Not only that but I wouldn't stay on it more then 30 days at a clip.....

I think that some people tout things as the be all to fat lose....then you have those that don't research and will read how T3/clen cycle will drop fat like's all in the diet/training

not the drugs


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you can stay on t3 for a while if you run it at low doses. The idea is to stimulate your own thyroid, not shut it down. Massive doses(anything closer to 100mcg) will shut a normal thryroid down at which point you should keep it short, like 21 days.
If you took 25mcg/day for men and 12.5 for women, you could effectively increase your own thyroid production without shutting it down and stay on it for a longer duration. Then there is no need to taper and no dramatice rebound effect, like Chesty mentioned.
