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Question for you bodybuilding women.

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My wife is 35 5’6” and weighs 150, approximately 22% bf. She has done 4 cycles over the last 4 years one of winy then deca@ 200mg a week for 10 (2 cycles) and then 300mg for 10 weeks. She has been off for over a year and is now interested in a cycle to put on some muscle but mostly drop the BODY FAT. What kind of recommendations do you have and do any of you have experience with EQ or Dbol?

BTW- she has tried the eca stack and adipex with no success, her body is resistant to losing the fat in those troubled areas. She really liked the deca.



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ive ran EQ before, didn't care for it at all. i held water from it, and my sex drive was in the gutter....

but, if she has had good results with Deca, EQ is (for the most part) the same compound, there's only one molecule difference between the two of them.

she may get good results from it, i didn't care for it myself.

now, trying to lose weight in those "trouble" spots women has, the best fat burner is Yohimbe/Yohimbine, it targets alpha sites~ie; lower abs, ass, inner thighs. she should see results using this, but DO NOT utilize yohimbe/yohimbine and ephedrine together, it can do a number on your CNS.

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is yohimbe and yohimbine the same thing and what is the recommended dosages for woman??

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is yohimbe and yohimbine the same thing and what is the recommended dosages for woman??

generally women should take 1/2-1/3 the dose of men..

in general it depends on weight not the sex of a person...
