QOD, help me out wi...
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QOD, help me out with this girls routine

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From what I've read of your back training strategy for my wife I think you should just keep what little you know to yourself. Judging from your back workout I'm surprised that you could develope enough muscle to make it as an underwear model.

I have no clue what your qualifications could possibly be, but judging from your posts, PMs etc I would say that they are limited at best. Therefore I suggest that before you go shooting off that "mouth" of yours that you pay attention to what and who your talking about.

Lastly if QOD wants a critique concerning her muscle developement etc she will either refer to me or Kamali, or some of the seasoned vets/competitors found on this or other boards that she is a part of.

There I think I've stated my feelings regarding this issue (for now).

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How are you? Before we get off to a bad start I just wanted to let you know that I did this on a harmless basis. The routine I provided to her was just an example of a pretty decent lat width accentuation system. It's funny because you two keep trying to bash for the choice of exercises I used, but come on, we know that is not all it takes. Your eating and supps are just as much of a part of it.

You keep telling I don't know who I am messing with, but I would like to know. Who are you? I feel like if you can't tell me then you may be a nobody, which either way is fine. I didn't want to upset your wife or you, but these persisent rude comments coming from your wife is just out of the ordinary. I was shocked to even read what she posted this morning. You and me both know she has a problem with her lat width. You can't get mad at me for saying that. Here is where I will admit were I was out of line, the butt part. I couldn't help it, I seen the scorpion tattoo and told her I thought it was cool. I think she may have taken it to were I was some kind of stalker or someone drooling over her. No that wasn't the case, and i just want to make that clear. This is the internet and when we type we can perceive things differently on here.

As far as your wife goes, dont worry about me ever trying to help her again. You may not like this, but I dont like her attitude. And if she ever goes far in the sport, she doesn't need to talk to people the way she is now and needs to learn to represent herself better. Yes, that is even starting now. If she didn't like what I suggested all she had to simply say was, "thanks, but i already have a routine". Not come on here and say I was rude, and tell me not to fuck with her. That makes her sound disrepectul to herself and like an internet tough guy. I feel like the clowns on this board and others are ones that talk like she did. That is not a way to represent herself.

I have been training for 11 yrs now, and do know my shit so to speak. I just felt like your wife needs a lot more width and she couuld go far, but I really didn't get to see any pics from her showing th front. That is why I asked for pics. No other reason. It was late last night when I pm'ed her, and really only thought I was helping, I wasn't trying to piss her off. But how she acted was like a whiny little baby about it. Rather that pisses you off or not, even though it is your wife, put yourself in my shoes and you'll see what I am talking about. Even though you won't admit it, you know deep down inside its true.

By the way how is "King Kong"?

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How are you? Before we get off to a bad start I just wanted to let you know that I did this on a harmless basis. The routine I provided to her was just an example of a pretty decent lat width accentuation system. It's funny because you two keep trying to bash for the choice of exercises I used, but come on, we know that is not all it takes. Your eating and supps are just as much of a part of it.

You keep telling I don't know who I am messing with, but I would like to know. Who are you? I feel like if you can't tell me then you may be a nobody, which either way is fine. I didn't want to upset your wife or you, but these persisent rude comments coming from your wife is just out of the ordinary. I was shocked to even read what she posted this morning. You and me both know she has a problem with her lat width. You can't get mad at me for saying that. Here is where I will admit were I was out of line, the butt part. I couldn't help it, I seen the scorpion tattoo and told her I thought it was cool. I think she may have taken it to were I was some kind of stalker or someone drooling over her. No that wasn't the case, and i just want to make that clear. This is the internet and when we type we can perceive things differently on here.

As far as your wife goes, dont worry about me ever trying to help her again. You may not like this, but I dont like her attitude. And if she ever goes far in the sport, she doesn't need to talk to people the way she is now and needs to learn to represent herself better. Yes, that is even starting now. If she didn't like what I suggested all she had to simply say was, "thanks, but i already have a routine". Not come on here and say I was rude, and tell me not to fuck with her. That makes her sound disrepectul to herself and like an internet tough guy. I feel like the clowns on this board and others are ones that talk like she did. That is not a way to represent herself.

I have been training for 11 yrs now, and do know my shit so to speak. I just felt like your wife needs a lot more width and she couuld go far, but I really didn't get to see any pics from her showing th front. That is why I asked for pics. No other reason. It was late last night when I pm'ed her, and really only thought I was helping, I wasn't trying to piss her off. But how she acted was like a whiny little baby about it. Rather that pisses you off or not, even though it is your wife, put yourself in my shoes and you'll see what I am talking about. Even though you won't admit it, you know deep down inside its true.

By the way how is "King Kong"?

hmmmmm...here's just the START of the pm you sent me;

lets talk about your butt


Hey girl whats up?

I seen your pics in the pic forum and I think your looking good!

I was going to ask you though about the scorpion tattoo on your fine ass buttocks.

how am i supposed to take this? nice way to start a conversation.

as for going far in this sport, i already have gone quite far in this sport, so, if i were you (i feel like im talking to a goddamn child) i would keep my big mouth shut.

if you like, we (or i) can post the rest of the pm here, so other members can see what you suggested i do, they will find it as amusing as i did im sure.

if you don't know what you are talking about, best not to say anything, just a little advice from someone who is obviously alot more SEASONED in this sport then you are.

oh, and one more thing...you have the WORST case of "one-inch penis sydrome" i have seen in a long time...too bad humility is the only cure for it.

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That first part you posted, was the part that I thought might have pissed you off, and here is my apology, sorry. I shouldn't have started off a little different I admit.

QOD, now you have me laughing, the one inch penis syndrome. That was funny. I would prove you differently but my penis won't fit on the scanner. I even took the lid off and tried to hop up there to scan it and post it for my avatar, but still it would not show, its just that little. Excuse my one inch penis syndrome behavior but I can not help it. I can't even undress in the mens locker room at the gym. They all laugh at me. When I go to pee sometimes, I think I have it in my hand right, and then all of a sudden I feel piss running down my leg, and I'm like damnit, I was holding a pube, I thought it felt bigger today". Damn.

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Ya know after reading this I think The Vanilla Monkey has to Appoligize. And I dont mean an appoligy in one post then a flame in the next. If your on other boards and have ANY common sense you wouldnt come here stirring up shit. Even though you might have experiance in the gym; you apperiantly dont have any "people" experiance.
Your PM about our MODS ass; even if it was a joke was out of line. WHY you ask? Because your new here and dont know her. Untill you've been here for awile and have gotten friendly with everyone your NOT at liberty to talk shit.
Can you understand this?

Oh and T-Bar is a dick.

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Doug N,

The only thing I felt like I should say sorry for is the ass part. Yes that was stupid and rude of me. But I have already apologized many times for that.

As far as the shit talk goes, I am going to make myself at liberty for it now. I believe its the best way to make friends. I don't like having to be proper and fake, I want to be real. And thats what I am going to be. So rather you guys like it or not, I am the newest addition to your family and you guys are going to fuckin' love me. I am going to be on this board fucking with every one of you (only in good fun though) and make sure you all meet your bodybuilding goals. If you have a bad part, i am going to make you improve it. If you not doing something right, I am going to help you change it. We are all on this board to grow people. That is what we should be doing.

So now that it is addressed and out in the open you all should know I am just fucking with you.

Once again, QOD, sorry for my opening on the pm I sent you. I really didn't mean to piss you off.

DougN, I sent her a private message, so that frees me of trying to start shit on the boards. She brought it public, I defended myself. But I think everythign is going to be fine.

vanilla monkey is hungry for banana's

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Just so you get the whole picture you might want to do a little cruising on the board, and then you'll find out who I am. As far as time in goes 11 years that's great it's always good to see someone who is able to stick it out (so to speak), but I have been at this a whole lot longer than just 11 years.

Now as for the PM etc that you feel is so harmless. If you were a vet on this board then I'm sure QOD would not have taken such offence to what you said, but as you're a newb I feel that she has every right to be upset and angry with you.

I suggest that you keep a low profile for a while and let this blow over, and then start again, or the result could be!?!

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I think everything is cool now, ask your wife to read the last couple of pm's I sent her. I think everything has been resolved.

Pm me after you read them to let me know.


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Doug is fixated on my wiener. LOL

Did you get your pictures Doug? Baahaha you know you thought that was funny. I'm still laughing about it. Then I burst into tears because I never got my naked QOD pics. This 1973 National Geographic just isn't doing it for me any more.

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Wow !!!

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I think everything is cool now, ask your wife to read the last couple of pm's I sent her. I think everything has been resolved.

Pm me after you read them to let me know.


it's all good, really guys, everything has been discussed and all is well.

T-bar, im sorry honey, i lost your email, i hope this is sufficient:)

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Hold me Mommy!

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T-bar, im sorry honey, i lost your email, i hope this is sufficient:)

Nope it doesn't. Guess you'll have to sit on my face to make it up to me. It's great cardio so I'm sure P.S. won't mind. :cardio:

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If P.S doesnt mind I'd like to come to. Is he good at holding Cameras? LOL

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Hold me Mommy!

funny: funny: funny: funny: funny:

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