QOD, help me out wi...
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QOD, help me out with this girls routine

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iroc swole
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i have a friend who is thick, but wants to loose the wieght. she works 8-9 monday through saturday so she is pretty beat by the time she gets home. i was thinking something along the lines of some clen and cardio? i dont know her wieght (wont tell me, like most chicks)

iroc swole
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😉 also shes not wanting to bulk up, just get her size down. so no Anadrol!

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😉 also shes not wanting to bulk up, just get her size down. so no anadrol!

oh come on.....just a few A-bombers;)


she just wants to lose weight, she's got to clean up her diet.

im not sure of her weight, this is VERY important when setting up a diet but i would follow somewhere along these lines;

~1.5-2gms of protein per lb. of "lean body mass" (what she figures she wants to weigh)
~flax seed oil, VERY important. besides other things, it will "trick" your body into utilizing stored body fat, your body will NOT store EFA's as fat, it will utilize them for energy.
~drop the carbs right out of her diet. except post cardio(i will get into that in a minute) post cardio, give her 1/3 cup of oatmeal, that's it for carbs for the day, she can have salad all day long, but no dressing.

the way you figure out her caloric intake is simple;
~you NEED to have some kind of idea how much you think her ideal weight will be.
~mulitiply that by 11
~add 200 to that total
~this will give you here caloric intake for the day.

~flax seed oil has 14gms of fat per tablespoon (126 calories) three times a day.


if she can, hit her cardio either first thing in the morning OR before she goes to bed. high intensity interval cardio, start her at 20minutes in the am, 10 minutes in the pm....give her the oatmeal post (the 20 minute) cardio session.

as far as clen goes, im not a big fan of it. an ECA stack is much more effecient, it's targets many more receptor sites than clenbuterol and your body doesn't adapt to it (it adapts to the sides, not the actual compound)

so i would give her an ECA stack, three times a day, this will also give her energy for those long shifts she's working.

hope this helps, if i have left anything out, please let me know, i just woke up and haven't had NEARLY enough coffee;)

iroc swole
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just the info i was looking for, your a sweetheart. thanks.

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i forgot one thing (see? i didn't have enough coffee this morning:) )

when dieting low carbs, once a week a junk day is absolutely nessicary!!! i can't stress this enough.

among other things, it keeps your thyroid functioning properly, and gives her something to look forward to. (she doesn't work 7 days a week, so give her a junk day on her day off:) )

tell her to eat TONS on her junk day (but still do her cardio) loads of "calorie dense" foods;

she will love you for it;)

and tell her not to worry about "gaining weight" on her junk day. when dieting low carbs like this, your body is NEVER aware of what you are doing to it, it keeps the body "guessing" and allows less of a chance of adapting to the diet. calories taken in on your junk day are utilized as energy as soon as they are digested, the body goes into overdrive and the furnace starts smoking;)

keep me updated;)

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After being pregnant 3 times back to back and never working out my wife has gained a good bit of weight. She is constantly beggin me for clen. I tell her no. It will not do her any good to take clen and not workout. I told her if she wanted to she could start lifting in the gym with me. But see to her that is not an easy way out, which is what most women are looking for that are overweight. I tried to explain to my wife that just by her working out alone and being new to weight training her body would respond dramatically without the use of drugs. I also told her that she wouldn't even need to really adjust her diet quite yet until she has a few weeks of weight training under her belt.

I feel like if she introduced her body to weights it would be such a shock for the fist time, mentally and physically that she would tire and get bored of it. So I would want to start her off with lifting only and learning the exercises. Not changing her diet. She can still eat what she wants. Once she is accustomed to the soreness and has everything down pat, 3 months later, then is when I would step her program up and tinker with her diet.

You cannot start an overweight person on a drastic routine. It is best to take the weight off slow. Many women don't want to hear this but it is the truth.

I told my wife if she could diet and workout for a year straight she would make much better improvements then me giving her a bunch of drugs to yank the weight off of her slow. Most women don't realize that a huge drop in weight can produce some serious drooping loose skin. I like to peel the weight off slow and let the skin go with it. I mean if a woman is just simply wanting to get in good shape then she needs to understand it will take time. No one wants to hear that. If you can explain it to her properly then she will understand better and work with you more and in the long run be more impressed with her results.

Whats going to happen if you feed her clen like she wants and it may take some weight off, just for her to gain it back when she stops. Then she blaims you.

Here is the program I set up for my wifes first 3 months introduction to bodybuilding:


3 sets eachk, 15 reps, 3 exercises 20 minutes of cardio

Ab training

a 10 minute "easy" circuit, mainly machine exercises that wouldn't tax her to much


once again 3 sets, 15 reps, 3 exercises



Same as above.

I want her to follow this for at least 3 months until she learns proper form and gets over the soreness. If I think I can move her along faster at a 2 month range then of course I will step things up.

Her diet, I basically told her to leave it the same. Meaning I don't care what she eats, cupcakes, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, etc. Right now it would be way to much stress on her body to try and adapt to the training and dieting. It would be to much on her so I am moving her slow. As far as a protein issue goes for repairing her torn down muscles I am really not worried about that with her right now and that is because the majority of her meals does include some kind of meat. Even though she eats junk and drinks sodas she always has a protein source in her meal. So that is why diet manipulation will not take place yet.

After 3 months later, I am going to pretty much leave her workout the same, but then break her diet down. When I do so, it will be according to her taste. She is not going to enter a bodybuilding or fitness contest in the near future so there is no need for drastic dieting measures. I am not going to tell her she has to eat all of this bland stuff for a year or two to get small. She would quit the program after a couple of weeks like most individuals would. Now one thing I will take out of her diet is sweets to begin with. She can have her fried chicken, her mashed potatoes, etc.. but sodas, candy, and cakes and pies will be a thing of the past. Once a week she can treat herself to a small portion just to reward herself. Then its back on to the real food. Her food can be fried, baked, broiled, grilled, or whatever as long as she is getting in every meal a protein source, a carb, and a veggie.

That is my only requirement for her for now. I don't care if she eats 2-5 meals a day as long as they have those 3 food groups involved. I am just eliminating the empty calories for now.

3 months after that is when she should be fully accustomed to weights, poundages should start going up and so forth. Then I will make yet another diet change. I will break her meals into smaller portions to speed up her metabolism. Then I will also start monitoring a little heavier her carb and fat intake. Meaning the way her food is prepared from here on out will be an issue, no mor fried foods. Plus the carb will be removed from her last two meals before bedtime for now. Then I will go from there. But so far that is the plan with my wife.

Just dont start her off with anything to dramactic and please don't have her try any drugs for results at this point. Follow a simple plan and please explain to her that this is going to take time.

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QOD, The Vanilla Monkey has 6 posts and is PM'ing you and "critiquing your knowlage and body? He must really know his shit; you should listen to him and maybe learn something! BECAUSE NO ONE IS THAT STUPID!

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I will decide this. QOD send me naked pictures of your self right away. vanillagorilla send your naked pictures to Doug.

I will study QOD's naked pics long and hard. Well...fairly long, and pretty hard. Well... super hard if the pictures are good. Anyway...I will get back to you all with my decision as soon as I clean off my keyboard, I mean as soon as I receive and analyze QOD's pics.

No need to thank me. I am here to help.

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QOD, The Vanilla Monkey has 6 posts and is PM'ing you and "critiquing your knowlage and body? He must really know his shit; you should listen to him and maybe learn something! BECAUSE NO ONE IS THAT STUPID!

yes, i have NO idea WHO this guy is, but he IS sending me pm's critiquing my physique....he has no idea i train under 2 IFBB pros.....

im quite speachless over him, to be honest, he wouldn't last 5 minutes into one of my workouts.

i hate to flame, but i find it very ignorant that he comes on the board and "slams" my physique and my "methods" of training....he has it coming IMO.

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I will decide this. QOD send me naked pictures of your self right away. vanillagorilla send your naked pictures to Doug.

I will study QOD's naked pics long and hard. Well...fairly long, and pretty hard. Well... super hard if the pictures are good. Anyway...I will get back to you all with my decision as soon as I clean off my keyboard, I mean as soon as I receive and analyze QOD's pics.

No need to thank me. I am here to help.

well...im kinda ashamed to send you my pics, as my back is SO weak.....

isn't that right VG?

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I meant in no way whatsoever to insult you. I seen your pics in the pic section, where you was wanting critiszm, instead of posting it out in the open I pm'ed you.

If you can't take a little bit of constructive cristism in this business than you are not going to go far in this sport. Everyone in this sport has a flaw. How are you going to feel when you bust your ass for weeks for a competition and then have a judge come up to you and tell you your flaws.

What two ifbb pro's do you train under? Did you get mad at them when they exploited your weak points? If they didn't they should have to try and help make you a better bodybuilder. The only reason I would want two pro athletes helping me is to make my physique better and to help me with my weak points. Which in my opinion was your lat width. I just simply made some suggestions on how you could improve that area, and I did it privately so I possibly would not have embarrassed you.

Queenoddamned, this is no way at all a personal attack on you. You are a fellow bodybuilder just like me. I have nothing against you. I thought that you would have taken my message a little differently than you did.

I may be new to this board, but I am not new to this sport, so therefore the number of posts I have should not dictate my knowledge at all. I came here to simply make some friends and contribute some of my knowledge.

Queenofdamned, If I hired someone to train me and to make me the best onstage that I possibly could be the first thing I would want them to do is rip the hell out of my pyhsique and point out my worst bodypart so we could improve, not so I can get mad at them for pointing out my weaknesses.

When Dennis James went to work with Charles Glass in 2003, Charles pointed out his lat weakness. Did Dennis get pissed and say, "fuck you Charles, I am an ifbb pro and you not, so you don't know what your talking about, so blah", no that is not what Dennis did, instead Dennis listened to Charles and did as Charles instructed and completelly altered his back routine. That year Dennis came into the Olympia looking the best he ever did and placed the highest while making dramatic improvements to his back. What does that story tell you?

I only tried to help you and point out what I saw that was wrong. You dont want my help, fine. I would still like for us to get along on this board. I love it when people point out my flaws, that tells me I am not perfect. Ronnie Coleman even stated that he listens to the people way smaller then him. He said thats how you get smart and improve your physique.


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Queenofdamned, I just read my two pm's from you. You were very nice in those, why are you so angry on the open board?

If I upset you in anyway I apologize.

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Queenofdamned, I just read my two pm's from you. You were very nice in those, why are you so angry on the open board?

If I upset you in anyway I apologize.

so sorry, i WAS being SARCASTIC in my pm's back to you. as for the two IFBB pro's that train me, i don't need to drop names, it's really none of your business, BUT i am MARRIED to one of them.

i don't appreciate someone who gives me NO credentials coming on a board i moderate and telling me what my weak bodyparts are. especially pm'ing me about my "ass"

and asking me to send you pictures. as far as im concerned, you are a no one who probably wants to jerk off to my pics. no worries, youre not the first guy to pm me and ask for pictures, but at least the other guys are "straight to the point" about WHY they want my pictures....

oh, by the way....HAMMER STRENGTH?????

BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA my husband should be on the boards soon, he is a very busy man, but i forwarded him your pm's, you know, so he could see what a "guru" you are

my advice to you,

don't come on the boards and start "dictating" on how people should be training unless they ask for your help. you have NO idea who you are speaking to on the boards.


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You truly have some issues. I did start the topic off about your butt, yes, but I did want to comment on your back, and that was why I was wanting some more of your pics. I stated above that I am married. I was joking about your butt. Just because you are moderator of this board doesn't mean you know it all.

Ifbb pro? Your husband? Who is he and when did he get his pro card?

And I tell you something, you don't have any idea of who YOU are talking to.

Sorry you can't handle the fact that you have a weak bad and it apparently pisses you off. I didn't want to be rude to you and did not want to start a shit fest, but to be honest with you, you are someone with a lot of issues. I hang around of alot of bodybuilders new and old, people with REAL pro cards and some chasing them. And none of them display such a poor, nasty attitude as yourself.

Trust me, I will not ever give you advice on training ever again. I try to help someone and this is the thanks I get? But you are no big shot, like your portraying to be online. Your quite pathetic actually. Your back sucks and it hurts your feelings. So there, you pissed me off. I would love to take that post you just posted and put on some other boards that I frequent with "real" ifbb athletes and let them have a laugh fest at your sorry ass.

Don't know who I am messing with, I am buddies with Ifbb pros, BLah, blah, you only wish. If you was you wouldn't have to brag. Get a life!!

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You truly have some issues. I did start the topic off about your butt, yes, but I did want to comment on your back, and that was why I was wanting some more of your pics. I stated above that I am married. I was joking about your butt. Just because you are moderator of this board doesn't mean you know it all.

Ifbb pro? Your husband? Who is he and when did he get his pro card?

And I tell you something, you don't have any idea of who YOU are talking to.

Sorry you can't handle the fact that you have a weak bad and it apparently pisses you off. I didn't want to be rude to you and did not want to start a shit fest, but to be honest with you, you are someone with a lot of issues. I hang around of alot of bodybuilders new and old, people with REAL pro cards and some chasing them. And none of them display such a poor, nasty attitude as yourself.

Trust me, I will not ever give you advice on training ever again. I try to help someone and this is the thanks I get? But you are no big shot, like your portraying to be online. Your quite pathetic actually. Your back sucks and it hurts your feelings. So there, you pissed me off. I would love to take that post you just posted and put on some other boards that I frequent with "real" ifbb athletes and let them have a laugh fest at your sorry ass.

Don't know who I am messing with, I am buddies with Ifbb pros, BLah, blah, you only wish. If you was you wouldn't have to brag. Get a life!!

strike one. don't fuck with me.

actually you amuse me, my husband, the IFBB pro is on the board now and i CAN'T wait for him to read this.....

you are a piece of work. you are the one with issues.


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