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Protein Mix

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Anyone have suggestions on a good protein mix? I am lactose intolerant and can't handle too many of them. I use a Whey Protein Mix by EAS. There is nothing wrong with it... I just need a change.

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Cytosport Complete Whey is very low in lactose. Cytosport is a very good brand, and have had no troubles with them ever since I switched over. I also am lactose intolerant, so trust me 😉 . :beerc

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I will definately have to try that. Is it easy to find? My body reacts funny to lactose... some times it bothers me and sometimes I am just fine. I wish all the protein I needed was in a pill so I wouldn't have to worry about getiing ill or not having enough.

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I buy EAS vanilla and flavor it with whatever is around, bananas, strawberrys, ice cream, sugar free jello..

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Originally posted by Lil_Tack
I will definately have to try that. Is it easy to find? My body reacts funny to lactose... some times it bothers me and sometimes I am just fine. I wish all the protein I needed was in a pill so I wouldn't have to worry about getiing ill or not having enough.

Yeah, same here. When I run out of lactose free milk, I just go ahead and drink the normal milk and hope my body doesn't react the wrong way.

If you order online, yes, it's easy. And if you're not ordering online, than you should.

Enjoy mam.

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I am gonna order that protein asap. I will have to try adding sugar free Jello to protein, that sounds good. I add bananas once in a blue moon, I love it with 'em in it.
