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PCT for woman

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This is for a female "friend" of mine. For any type of cycle for woman is there any type of pct that should be done. She is a very hard core lifter and bodybuilder. She has competed in shows before. She has been pretty much drug free till she met me. She has use some stuff she should not have in the past that some dumb ass x-boyfriend put her on. We wont get into how dumb some people are. Anyway looking to put her on 100mg primo a/wk and 10-20mg Anavar ed. Is there anything she should use as pct. I am new at helping girls and not sure what needs to be done. She came to me for help in this area and what to use so I want to do it right. After reading and looking at your girls post I thought the above cycle would be best.


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she doesn't need PCT. what she NEEDS to do, is make sure she takes about 2 weeks to "taper" off.....this allows for the female body to start producing Testosterone again, and also allows estrogen levels to drop down a bit (this is where women who just "stop" run into problems.

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Women don't need PCT....however I've always found that when I end my cycles just prior to getting my period helps me a great addition to that....sometimes women suffer from a rebound effect w/ their estrogen levels.....there is an OTC product...estroven which is beneficial as well.....

not much one can really do...some women are affected more then others....when your'e playing w/ your's almost like a crap shoot....


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Women don't need PCT....however I've always found that when I end my cycles just prior to getting my period helps me a great addition to that....sometimes women suffer from a rebound effect w/ their estrogen levels.....there is an OTC product...estroven which is beneficial as well.....

not much one can really do...some women are affected more then others....when your'e playing w/ your's almost like a crap shoot....


when a woman does a cycle, her natural estrogen levels are heightened, natural testosterone supressed. this is why it is of MAJOR importance that a woman TAPER off any cycle she uses. as i mentioned above, it gives the endrocrine system a chance to realize that test levels are dropping and gives it a chance to balance out a little.

no tapering = pms from hell
tapering = all is well

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Nice reply QOD, great advice, as usual.

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bump to the ladies of AZ

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Women don't need PCT....however I've always found that when I end my cycles just prior to getting my period helps me a great addition to that....sometimes women suffer from a rebound effect w/ their estrogen levels.....there is an OTC product...estroven which is beneficial as well.....

not much one can really do...some women are affected more then others....when your'e playing w/ your's almost like a crap shoot....


just curious how you feel an "estogen" product will help with PCT? this is the ingredients in "Estoven"

B-vitamins: Clinical studies have shown vitamin B-6 to be helpful in addressing the emotional symptoms of PMS. Estroven PMS contains B-complex vitamins which work synergistically reduce stress and provide other health benefits.*

Calcium and Magnesium:
Both help play a calming role.* Calcium has a very soothing effect on the stomach and intestinal tract, reducing nausea and cramping.*

Anti-bloating herbal diuretic blend, feverfew and cramp bark: A unique combination of all-natural herbs to help relieve such symptoms as bloating, water retention, cramping and minor menstrual discomfort.*

Estroven Calming Herbal Blend: A proprietary blend of traditional herbs used to reduce irritability, moodiness and tension.*

Ginger: Gently and effectively helps calm the stomach and decrease the feeling of nausea sometimes associated with PMS.*

Isoflavones and chasteberry: Naturally occurring plant estrogens from soy and other plants help support hormonal balance.*


when a woman uses AAS her natural test levels are surpressed while her natural estrogen levels "rise up" to meet newly aquired testosterone levels in her body....i don't understand how giving a woman "naturally occuring plant estrogens" will help surpress estrogen levels (which is the problem)

tapering is what helps. as i have mentioned before, it allow the endocrine system a chance to realize the hormone fluctuations in your body, therefore, giving it a "kick start" to start producing testosterone again and "supressing" her considerably high estrogen don't taper and just "come off" your body will be in a constant state of pms until your hormone levels even off.

your body STRIVES for homeostatis and will do anything to stay in homeostatus.....

