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Posted by: @Par Deus
Do not need to count the carbs from greens (IOW just eat as much as you want) -- you DO need to count dressing and bacon bits and anything else you may have with them.

The micronutrients thing is complicated and secret.

Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it..............and what would one need to do to find out this secret?????

Par Deus
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Wait a bit -- is part of products in development -- will do a write-up around the time of their release.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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Posted by: @Par Deus
Wait a bit -- is part of products in development -- will do a write-up around the time of their release.

Thanks Par Deus...........

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Posted by: @katie64
Hi, I have read through alot of your post here and could continue to probably find all my answers but it is simply easier for me to just ask..........I just want to know what supps you would recommend a woman, with just over 30%BF, I do a low carb diet(under20g), I have a weight routine with some cardio, I have a strong body and would like to start a steady decline of body fat ie:weight, I've been doing this diet for a month, have had 1 carb up day each week(usually sunday), with no w8 loss, and I'm 39.............any suggestions or direction to threads I should read would be great, and thank you in advance for your time..........BTW, I was a chronic undereater, I am now up to 1500 to 1600 cals a day, I went up from about 600 cals a day...............thanks


Eating a diet that contains only 600 calories/day is considered a 'starvation diet.' I don't know how long you have maintained that caloric intake, but it may have reset your 'thermostat' (putting it very simply). In other words, at that low of a caloric intake, your body perceives that it is starving and it readjusts several systems to conserve what energy it can. Physicians put morbidly obese patients on starvation diets for a period of time to reduce a degree of bodyfat, but eventually that loss stalls. Sometimes they find that these individuals have to continue eating at such a large calorie deficit to either maintain that weight loss or to lose more weight. And they are forever fighting hunger. To be blunt, it basically screws up the 'central command center' in the brain.

You mention that you have been on a lowcarb diet for only 4 weeks. It takes several weeks for the body to adjust, basically shifting its chemistry to function with a chronically lower intake of glucose and supply of insulin. For many people, that adjustment period can be sheer hell, with fatigue, weakness, loss of concentration, etc. For others, it may mean more energy and sharper mental focus. It takes a few weeks for enzymes to build up to levels where they can establish a change in metabolism, so bear with it a while longer.

You have increased your caloric intake, which is good, but you do not state how much you weigh. If you are truly at 30% bodyfat, you could typically affort a lower caloric intake than the recommending 10 cal/lb of total body weight (TBW). Considering your history of severe caloric restriction, you might increase it to 12 cal/TBW for a week or 2 just to see if you can return your metabolic systems to normal. If not, you are in for a long hard ride.

As far as supplements are concerned (Caleb may kill me for this), I recommend to most women that all they really need are supplements to adjust their mineral, vitamin and protein deficiencies. In other words, if you cannot provide your RDA with your diet, you should consider using vitamin/mineral supplementation. The studies with women dieters and even women athletes demonstrate that women are typically deficient in many important vits and minerals.

I once had a consult with a woman doing the Body for Life competition. She thought she had to spend the $500/month in supps that the program suggested in order to achieve any results. I spent some time discussing nutrition, physiology, and her lifestyle with her and pared it down to $50/month. She was shocked that she was spending $500 when it was unnecessary.

I find that many women do not eat adequate protein (for various reasons that I mentioned in an article on women and nutrition), except for bbs because most bbs are more anal about their diet than the general populace. If you cannot provide enough daily protein in your food, than use protein supps to make up the deficit. However, if you have educated yourself about lowcarb diets, you probably are aware that the foods are mostly protein with fat. How else can you eat enough calories?

Also be sure you drink enough water. Lowcarb diets induce dehydration which is not an issue if you drink plenty of water and be sure you are getting enough minerals to replace what you excrete. This is where the kidney and protein intake issues do have truth. And you can eat leafy and most green vegetables (but not legumes; too many carbs and they may make you bloat and fart).

You may find that hunger is suppressed or decreased using a lowcarb diet. Many use this diet just for that effect. If not, there are herbal appetite suppressants, some work better than others, some have more side effects than others.

Other than those mentioned, other supps shouldn't be considered until you really stall. That is, until all your manipulations with diet and exercise have failed.

Also, a terrific resource you may find helpful is an electronic list that specifically addresses lowcarb diets and exercise. Many of the particpants have been residents there for too many years and we have tried many versions of the diet and exercise routines, and even competitive sports. If you are interested, send me an email and I will instruct you how to subscribe to the list. Another source of info is my archived columns Body Talk and Female Muscle on I address alot of diet and exercise issues specific to women.

Good luck.

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Labrat................I'd first like to say thank you, you've given me alot of info.............

I'm currently 34.8%BF, 90lbs over w8, this is a current list of my caloric intake weekly: more or less some days, but fairly consistent, @ 10cal TBW I should have 2150 cals per day, I'm working towards that, I'm refiguring my menu now, I hate protein shakes, ugh, but I drink them...........still looking for something better(Protein Powder), I would upload my menu, but I don't see where I can do that, and my workout routine.....
Cal. 1490 F74 C40 P165
Cal. 1530 F79 C36 P166
Cal. 1490 F74 C40 P165
Cal. 1529 F70 C85 P140 (carb up)
Cal. 1490 F74 C40 P165
Cal. 1530 F79 C36 P166
Cal. 1540 F72 C84 P139 (carb up)

A little history........I was always confidently slender and healthy, w/a medium boned athletic body, very strong, after 2nd preg. c-sec, stomach muscles never rebuilt the mucscle they cut through, 3rd preg, a quick 40 lb w8 loss, husband leaves, depressed, anti-depressants, for a couple yrs, major w8 gain, and I've been at a standstill since then, 5yrs. Oh and I'm 5'6".......

I've been upping my cals since the end of March, no w8 loss or gain, with my workouts I do feel some changes in my body, slimming down some, I know it's a long process, but I want it now, damn it, LOL
I am actually building an appetite now, b4 I was never hungry, I drink 3 to 5 ltrs of H2O a day, I take a women's multi and coral calcium(when I remember), and I am very tired all the time.

You mentioned Protein supps, what are they, and can they be in place of the shakes??? Where is your article on women & nutrition??? I will check out MuscleMonthly and email you for the electronic list..........thanks again........K

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Where is your article on women & nutrition???

I was Women's Editor for several years ago. It used to be on website, but I can't find it (it has a terrible search engine). I'll look and see if I still have the article archived somewhere.

I will send you the website to subscribe to the lowcarb/exercise list later. I need sleep.

Buona notte.

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I printed this out and will read through it, if I have any ???, I'll post later, thank you so much for all the information...........I appreciate it..............K

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Firstly, I bet you have some core strength/imbalance issues. I see this alot in women with histories of C-sections and/or abdominal-entry surgeries. A former client had several abdominal surgeries, lots of adhesions in her abdomincal muscle layers, very little voluntary recruitment of ab muscles, poor core stability and strength, back aches, poor posture. I don't mean to pull a 'Paul Chek' on you (don't ask), but there is truth to core stability being the foundation for whole body movement and strength.

I'm sure this is the case with me, I'm trying to correct my posture, it's not that bad, but large breasted women(which I am)tend to overcompensate for that........I had a bulging disc 2 years ago, and corrected itself through physical thearpy, although I don't think completely, it still seems to bother me, although when I workout it feels better, weird???

And I won't ask what a Paul Chek is???

As for your options list, I'll do #2 and #3 and #4, I would do #1 but I live on an island and I know their is no one here qualified like that and I would have to travel 2 or 3 hrs to find one, therefore it is unlikely...thanks for the web page!!!!!

And your right, most patients would not take medications if the side effects were known in advance and even if they mention them, they say it's rare of uncommon that it will affect you(the patient)..........HAH.......

The following is a day of my meals: let me know what you think, everyday is like this only changing chix to tuna or vice versa............
6am 1.5 s. protein
1tbls. Cream
1tsp. Flax
4 frz. Strawberries

9am Omelet,1& 4wht
1 sl. FF Cheese
1c. Java
1 tbls. Cream

Noon 2c. let/tom/ck
1sl. FF Cheese
½ can tuna
1tbls. Mayo

3pm 1.5 s. protein
1tbls. Cream
1tsp. Flax
4 frz. Strawberries

6pm 4oz. Chix
1c. Gr. Beans
1tsp. Flax

9pm 1.5 s. protein
1tbls. Cream
1tsp. Flax
4 frz. Strawberries

Total Cal. 1490
F74 C40 P165

Somedays I add more tune, and use a EAS Protein shake (2g. carbs).............thanks again........

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Also, Par Deus said I shouldn't count my "green" carbs, If I'm in ketosis, wouldn't it throw me out by not counting these, not so much the caloric intake but the gram count???????

Just so you know I hate the protein shakes and usually do not get the last one in, I would much rather use the EAS shake any thoughts on that??? It's nutirition facts are as follows;
Cals 110, cals from fat 35
Fat 4g
Carb 2g
Fiber 2g
Protein 15g

Thanks for your time...........K

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Katie green vegetables are very low in carbs with the exception of Peas and maybe a couple of others that I'm not aware off.

For example not including fibre per 100g broccoli only has 0.5g of carbs , green beans have 2.5g , english spinach 0.5g and lettuce has 0.5g.

Twin Peak
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Posted by: @sherrie
Katie green vegetables are very low in carbs with the exception of Peas and maybe a couple of others that I'm not aware off.

For example not including fibre per 100g broccoli only has 0.5g of carbs , green beans have 2.5g , english spinach 0.5g and lettuce has 0.5g.

Welcome sherrie.

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Posted by: @sherrie
Katie green vegetables are very low in carbs with the exception of Peas and maybe a couple of others that I'm not aware off.

For example not including fibre per 100g broccoli only has 0.5g of carbs , green beans have 2.5g , english spinach 0.5g and lettuce has 0.5g.


The only other green veggie to add to the no-no list is Lima Beans, but who in their right mind eats those anyway

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Thanks Sherrie and Tkarrde......I only have 2c. of romaine @lunch, and the only other green thing I have is green beans, and I have 2c. when I do, don't you think I should count these, where they have a higher carb count, sorry for all the questions and needing details, I'm just trying to figure out an ideal menu for myself.........and I do appreciate your help.....................

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No, you should be fine with lettuce and green beans at 2cups of each--that amounts to very little carbs (mostly fiber/water).

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  Welcome sherrie.


Katie if you like broccoli put it in your diet. Especially if you find you are hungry still, when I'm strictly counting my calories and carbs I always make sure I fill up on broccoli as it's almost no carbs and very fibrous making it filling which keeps me from being tempted with desert. Now I am at the point that I don't bother obsessing about measuring how much broccoli I have as its very negligible.

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