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50mg deca 1x a week, 15mg winstrol tab every day

at time of writing Im on my 2nd week shot now

First week felt great in the gym! Muscles seemed full and ready to work. I dumbbell pressed 22.5kg dblls 8-10reps/3sets and still had energy to continue the sets at lower weight.

I didnt tire easily. I added more sets to my workout. Soreness not an issue.

2nd week
I felt I can push more weight, the challenge 25kg dblls! I was able to press 6 or 1 set 2 for 2nd set and after 3 sets at 17.5kg and 2 sets at 9kg
This was done with less than a minute rest in between sets.
I couldnt believe it! I had more energy and power.

YES, the power is there and Im gonna push my azzz everytime Im in the GYM. Muscles seem to be taking shape nicely.

CARDIO :cardio:
Should I be doing more than 30min 3x a week?

My weight has not gone up yet, but fat seems to be up a little. My diet has not changed. Im still on a high protein, carb diet
egg white, chick breasts, turkey, fish, rice and potataoes

At this point my voice seems to be a bit scratchy like when u wake up in the morning. I can still sing, though.

And my "little girlfriend" well not sure if she has grown yet. Still checking every week.

I asked my friend, she's a nurse to give me shot. In the delt it hurt like hell! It was hard to push through my muscle, she said! There was some bleeding afterwards. There is still a slight pain when I thouch it even after 2 weeks.

2nd SHOT was the left BUTT cheeck
AHHH lots of fat there, it didnt hurt at all just felt a prick . Didnt even know she shot me.

NEXT WEEK I will have my 3rd shot!
will give updates

Any advice appreciated :pickle

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I would shoot the deca 2x week.....not 1x (break up the dose)

personally I think that 15mg/ed of winstrol is high for a woman....have you used winstrol previously? I get a bit of water w/ it and don't go over 5mg/day and I tend to have problems w/ my joints w/ it so can't run it for more then 2 weeks at a time....but that's just me...everyone is different...

30min cardio 3-5x week is fine.....exp if you're lifting hard....

keep the diet clean, make sure you're getting enough protien....

the little girl may get swollen but it does have a tendancy of going down again when you're done w/ the cycle....winstrol turns me into some horny perv....LOL

and good luck



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winny dose seems high.. my wife did well with 12.5mg/eod.. for 4 weeks she also ran it with deca for 16 weeks.. started out at 50mg/wk but backed it off to 50mg/every 10 days to lessen sides.. her results were awesome.. her voice did get deeper and hasn't comeback 100%..

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Thanks guys 😉
I fail to mention my goals. I am a FBB hoping to be pro someday. I trained natural for 6years.

Before my cycle I did some extensive resaearch. I sought the help of Mick Hart in UK.

This March while in the US I trained with IFBB Pro Dayana Cadeau. She advised me on my diet. I have been following since April 1. But now no carbs after 3pm

Last year I started with winny tabs at 10mgtabs a day for 8 weeks. From this year I did 25mg tabs a day for 6weeks help from DG. I didnt get any bad sides and strength improved a little.

NOW 3rd week of DECA

In the right butt cheek. It Feels much better than arms!

I went singing to check my voice changes. It seems normal still. Just when I use natural voice it seems scratchy ;).

weight seems to be about the same 61kg.
I think I'm holding water too.

Its improving everytime I train. I did machine rows at 80kg! Its a first for me! I like the fact I can train for longer periods, meaning I can do more sets or heavier weight!

Next week I wont have the nurse to shoot me. I have to do it myself. Wish me luck.

I will try to post pics,

Chest Rockwell
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Just out of curiosity what made you go with the deca and winny? Why not Anavar and primo?

Watch your sides closely (as I'm sure you are)...most will subside when your use stops but you can alter some things permanently (such as your voice).

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remember that deca has a long half life and doesn't even really start to kick in until week 4-5.. your blood levels will continue to increase.. keep an eye on things.. I'd try to find some NPP (durabolin) because it will clear your sytem faster than Deca durabolin which can help eliminate long term side effects.

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remember that deca has a long half life and doesn't even really start to kick in until week 4-5.. your blood levels will continue to increase.. keep an eye on things.. I'd try to find some NPP (durabolin) because it will clear your sytem faster than Deca Durabolin which can help eliminate long term side effects.

I am taking the slower acting deca not durabolin
Im on week 4 now starting to shape up nicely

AT FIRST glance of deca
I chose deca because of the detection expectancy. Where I live now we are not tested. I wanted to try this before I return to life in US.

I had already done a cycle with only winny (tabs)
wanted growth so it was suggested to add deca.
I was ready

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i wish i could have done 15 mg of winny and not had voice changes...... i do agree that it is too high.. but its whatever you want.. i personaly now prefer the lower dose to keep my more feminine voice..
