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I am starting my first cycle of Clen. Does anyone have any suggestions on diet? I know about the 2 wk on and off for 12 weeks. I would like to drop about 20 pounds.

Steel Reserves
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I recommend eating 4 small meals a day evenly spaced to keep your metabolism up. High protien low carb diet. Get in like 80g or fewer of carbs and make sure to eat them in the morning or early afternoon. Make your fat intake slim to non-exsistant, like a handfull of almonds a day. IMO when it comes to dieting chicken and veg. are your new best friends. Cottage cheese is good, egg whites, brown rice, oats, and for a snack there's nothin better than sugar free jell-o:D Get in 30-45min of cardio 3-4 times a week, and when hitting the weights keep the reps in the 14 rep range give or take. A gallon of water or more a day, a good multi-vitamin and the clen you've got should make your goal acheivable. Oh yeah, don't eat anything after 7pm. Your trying to lose weight so learn to enjoy that hunger in your stomach.

Make sure not to take the clen past like 4 or 5 oclock to try to counteract insomnia. And as a precaution I wouldn't take them to soon to working out either, as they may cause respiritory problems.


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Thank you for the info. That really helps. Would taking the clen 45 min. before a workout be ok?

Steel Reserves
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Yeah 45-60min should be fine. You'll haveta just wait and see how your body reacts and use your better judgement. If you want to cut out that risk completely either do your cardio in the evening or even better in the morning before breakfrast and your first dose of clen.


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If I workout in the mornings do I still take Clen in the afternoon before 4 or 5 pm? I know not to take it after but is it still affective even if I'm not working out in the afternoon? Is it okay to also take it with a meal? Do you know much about taking Taurine with the cycle and how much? Thanks for your help.

Steel Reserves
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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 75

Yes, continue to take the clen at the normal doses throughout the day whether your working out in the morning or evening. They'll still have effect. I'm not familiar with taurine, maybe someone else can help ya there. PM a mod if you need to.

