Any Suggestions???
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Any Suggestions???

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Hey gals, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest anything for my girlfriend. She doesn't know much about supplements/aas/or anything else, and is interested in finding something besides ephedra and caffine based diet pills to give her energy and burn fat. She would like to gain some muscle, but she does not want to get too much bigger. She is open to any suggestions, and they are all appreciated.

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If she wants to burn fat and gain a little muscle i would let her do clenbuterol..

Let her start at 1 tab a day and increas by one tab untill she get`s the shakes them back off one tab..

she can do this 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for a total of 3 times and then stay of for about 6 weeks..

The two weeks do not include the piramyd up and should not be done the second and third 2 week run of clen..

hope this helps....

later FB

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Originally posted by The_767
Hey gals, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest anything for my girlfriend. She doesn't know much about supplements/aas/or anything else, and is interested in finding something besides ephedra and caffine based diet pills to give her energy and burn fat. She would like to gain some muscle, but she does not want to get too much bigger. She is open to any suggestions, and they are all appreciated.

Has she worked out her diet yet?

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Originally posted by Vein
Has she worked out her diet yet?

Thats the Key!
Vein is fat he knows! J/K!! LOL

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Yes, she has worked out her diet, and even lost some weight, but she seems to be at a standstill now. She has been eating well and working out 5 times a week, and she looks and weighs the same. Anyway, she just wants to know if there is anything that she could add that might help the process and make her feel a little better in the gym.

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Winny. But i not sure about the amout women should take. I'll look into it.

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Originally posted by The_767
Anyway, she just wants to know if there is anything that she could add that might help the process and make her feel a little better in the gym.

Yeah, a new pair of Spandex shorts and a sports bra! Just take her shopping! j/k LOL! 😀

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If she is not willing or wanting to go the aas route, I would recommend her taking Tight by San Nutrition, the makers of V12 and Infusion! If I hear of anything better I will let you know!

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CARDIO and DIET!! theres any idea....

you can take all the clen and t3 you want..but if your diet suck so will your results..

I think CARDIO and DIET should always be the first thing anyone does!!

i am not a fan of AAS for newbies

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Huge BUMP! That's all a girl needs. I'm not a big fan of putting girlfriends on steroids. If she doesn't wanna work out - no clen or T3 or any other shit will ever help. If she does - a clean diet and cardio is all she needs. There is no quick fix. There is no miracle drug. There are long hours spent in the gym. Nothing else.
Just my :cents

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have her check out

input everything she eats and you'll get a clearer picture of her diet...they give a great pie chart and over view of carbs/protien/fat grams and calories...great can also input your own foods....

best thing is to do early mo r ning cardio or if that's not possible then after work, before dinner on an empty stomach.....refine the diet.....and lifting....

women are too afraid of getting "big" however unless they are doing massive cycles it's not going to happen.....

to get that more toned, hard look heavy weights/lower rep sets.....higher rep sets for the lower body most women have an easier time putting muscle mass on the legs....

hope this helps a bit

