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anavar ?

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quick wife is at the stage in her lifting where she would like to harden up the little last bit she has to harden up...if that makes sense...haha, anyway i have told her about Anavar and let her look at the drug profile that liftingchic wrote up...(thanks lifting chick) anyway is 7.5mg a day of var for 8 weeks a good little cycle for her? Is this too much, too little, too long, or what, just need some clarification with the dosage and the how long she can do it safely...thanks for any responses

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Tell her to start off low @ 5mg per day, and see how her body would respond. Then she can go up to 10mg/day. Since anavar is only slightly toxic, it can be safely used for a prolonged period of time, up to 2 months.

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thanks demon

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Any time,bro! :beerc

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any ladies want to comment?

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Alot of this will depend on the type of Anavar you are using. IP Anavar did nothing for me and Dieselgirl. Denkall is pretty good and Spa is very good as well. Anavar is not very strong. I know alot of women that have used it and they needed a higher dose for it to do anything. Most woman bodybuilders will only use it with other drugs. 5mg a day will more than likely do nothing. We know a figure competitor that used the Spa Anavar and she got ok results from 20mg a day. No sides at all. I think slightly higher doses for a shorter period time would work better. This is the method we have used for Dieselgirl for a while now even with rougher stuff. If you are worried then start at 10mg a day. But I think 20 is fine. Again this is my opinion. I would use it for 6 weeks then take a break for 3-4 weeks and you can run it again. Also what is her diet like? What are her goals? She may be able to get where she wants without the gear.

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My wife's been anxious to run an anavar cycle.. seems that most of the ladies that I've seen posting about it are doing 15-20mg/ed with good results & no sides..

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Originally posted by BuffD
Alot of this will depend on the type of Anavar you are using. IP Anavar did nothing for me and Dieselgirl. Denkall is pretty good and Spa is very good as well. Anavar is not very strong. I know alot of women that have used it and they needed a higher dose for it to do anything. Most woman bodybuilders will only use it with other drugs. 5mg a day will more than likely do nothing. We know a figure competitor that used the Spa Anavar and she got ok results from 20mg a day. No sides at all. I think slightly higher doses for a shorter period time would work better. This is the method we have used for Dieselgirl for a while now even with rougher stuff. If you are worried then start at 10mg a day. But I think 20 is fine. Again this is my opinion. I would use it for 6 weeks then take a break for 3-4 weeks and you can run it again. Also what is her diet like? What are her goals? She may be able to get where she wants without the gear.

