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what to take? ? ? need advises

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Hi Everyone,
firts of all,i am a abrand new member and wanted to say HI to everyone....
i have a question and hope i could get some good answers/advises and opinions.
I worked out for a while and have a good body - i am 5'9'' weight is 185 - i am in a great shape,i would like however , get more push and gain few more size.I have never taken steroids or anything,but i am thinking about getting some pro hormones.
Can anyone give me few names and tips,which are the best working Pro Hormones i could take to see GOOD results,which has no harm against the liver and stuff,i know there is alot in the market,and any of them claim on their label they are the best and all that crap.
The once i have heard are , "Andro" and the one called "1 AD" ....

Thank You

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welcome, get ready to hear the "all prohormones are crap" replies...
by the way-i've had no luck with them:cents

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prohormones suck. i got more side effects from prohormones then steroids, and got no results. the toxicity of steroids on your liver is highly exaggerated, and when you discontinue the steroid, your liver values return to normal anyways. if i were you, i would juice instead of using prohorones

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Bumpin mighty... Everyone on this site will tell you prohormones suck. I've gotten worse acne from andro than any cycle I've ever done. All claims about working like steroids are bullshit. If it really worked like roids, it would be illegal, too. Read all you can here. You'll learn a lot of quality info on roids, nutrition and lifting. Before you cycle, make sure your diet is in check.

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As the others I say that pro-hormones are a waste of money. If you want to stay natural and that is great I would prefer to use protein powders and creatine, along with the other OTC supplements. Vit C,glutemine, multi vitamine, multi mineral, fat burners,ect.

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Wow :cardio: ,man,then how do i get steroids 😀
if i think of taking steroids,then only i guess as pills....i have seen people selling steroids on e bay as a few hour auction,before they get cancelled....

can you guys tell me what streoids are good for someone who never took steroids before,as pills.Cause i do not think i could ever put a shot on myself......thanks

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Amost everyone is gonna tell you to suck it up and inject. Injectables are much better than orals. Everyone was scared of needles at one time, but if you do it correctly it doesnt hurt. Join S. E. for good reliable sources. Don't ask out in the open cause you'll get scammed. Run test 400mg/week and EQ 300mg/week for 10-12 weeks. You could do this with minimum injects, only 1-2 a week.

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Originally posted by nextel81
Amost everyone is gonna tell you to suck it up and inject. Injectables are much better than orals. Everyone was scared of needles at one time, but if you do it correctly it doesnt hurt. Join S. E. for good reliable sources. Don't ask out in the open cause you'll get scammed. Run test 400mg/week and eq 300mg/week for 10-12 weeks. You could do this with minimum injects, only 1-2 a week.
bump that, read the scammers sticky, very interesting info on those bitches

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Read, Read, Read.

I do not recommend taking any oral by itself.

Hang loose and float around the forums for a while and you will learn alot. You will also find that the members here are very informitive and are willing to help you out any way thay can. Please, Just ask the right questions. in a right way and you may save yourself from getting banned.

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Originally posted by SupermanII
Read, Read, Read.

I do not recommend taking any oral by itself.

Hang loose and float around the forums for a while and you will learn alot. You will also find that the members here are very informitive and are willing to help you out any way thay can. Please, Just ask the right questions. in a right way and you may save yourself from getting banned.


Read bro, and experiment, apply the Arndt-Schultz principle, which say's "less is more".

Apply that with AAS and in life, and you'll go far.

I suggest that you try orals, because most of us started out with it, and see how it works for you.

You might feel great, but you might start to feel your BP rising; or you might get a little sick; or nothing will happen at all.

The point that I am making is that, you are going to have to LEARN your body. That's what AAS is all about!!

Be careful, READ, and learn!!


Ft. Knox

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Listen if your gonna do any gear dont just do orals first cycle.
Your first cycle is the most productive one you'll ever do. So you want to hit those receptors hard. I'd have ya do 400mg test 300mg Deca. This was my first cycle and I put on 27lbs.

If ya run an oral only you'll gain 10-15 lbs and keep maybe 7lbs.

So do more research and read ALOT! Dont just jump into anything.

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what i would go with on my first cycle is just a single ester test like propionate, cypionate or enanthate. or go for sustanon 250's and put em' all together. i personally have not used AS before but have researched on the topic for years now and i believe that those stated above are good for beginners, but that is just my opinion.

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alrite guys am taking it that this is an american site an that steriods in the states is buy over the counter am havin a bit of trouble getting my "gear" since an from scotland. av ben managing to get pakistan sustanon an german Deca-Durabolin all of it is Organon the problem is that am 7 weeks through a 10 week cource concisting of 20ml of deca and 10 ml of sus am not noticing any great inprovement and an tending to be a bit more edgey paranoid and aggressive than usuall. this is ma first cource of "gear" am 21 and weigh 19 stone (dont know what that is in pounds) am looking for sum advice from sum more experienced guys and a figure this is the place to look ne help is much apreciated cheers
huggy bear

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Huggy EVERYTHING is illigal here in the states. How many MG are you taking a week of each?

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What's 19 stone? And yes, everything is illegal here now.

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