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What do you look for in a Personal Trainer?

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I'm doing a survey on what people look for in a personal trainer.

What do people look for/want in a personal trainer?
What would get you to hire someone for personal training?
What would turn you off?
What type of workout do you enjoy best?
What would get you motivated to get into working out seriously?

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Sorry, I can't answer any of your questions cause I would never use a personal trainer (most of them come to me for advice anyway...LOL) and the other ones I have met are all smucks who know nothing about the body and how it operates...all they know is a particular method to workout a specific kind of person they don't take the time to get to know their client and how they respond to the various ways of training

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Big tits. :boobs

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Big tits. :boobs

and a nice ass. :dlick

in all reality...i wouldn't get a trainer. most of them are dipshits.

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A certification from a reputable organization like the ACSM or NSCA.

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someone to just take the weights on and off lol

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Besides myself, I'll have to go with T-bar BH.

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bump what big jim said!! I really think they would be a waste of money.. why do you think you need a personal trainer?

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Although I still say big tits I do have to say some people do need personal trainers. If you don't know your stuff then a personal trainer is the way to go IF you get the right one. It just makes sense. Would you try to paint your own car if that wasn't your thing?

Here's what I'd look for in a personal trainer if I were you, and by the way I commend you for taking the initiative to get back into shape.

#1. I'd look at his clients. Are they improving? Do they look like they're accomplishing what you want to accomplish?

#2. Check inside your trainers shorts. Do they have a dick? (some girl trainers are so damn ugly they could pass as guys so you may have to check to be sure. Just watch what bathroom they go into if you're to chicken to try the shorts thing) If you are a guy then get a guy trainer. If you are a girl then get a female trainer. Why would I say that? Can't a guy train a girl or a girl a guy? 90% of the time the answer is no. They just haven't figured out that they need to train them differently. Play the odds and get one of the same sex.

#3. I'd look at the trainers physique. Is he/she a fat slob? Would you listen to a financial advisor if he were broke? Are they a massive muscle head, athletic looking, or skinny? Usually people only know how to train the way they themselves look. They may study and think they know how to train other types of people, but 99% of the time they don't. There's always that 1%, but again you should play the odds and assume yours isn't that special. Get one that looks the way you want to look.

#4. Do they have insurance, a business license, and certification by a MAJOR group? You want copies of all three and you need to verify them. "Can't someone be a great trainer without these?" Yes, but again you want to play the odds. Odds are they are serious about their job if they have all three of these things. If they're serious about their job then they will be serious about their reputation and about your results.

#5. Find out from they gym owner how long this trainer has been at this gym. You don't want someone who you'll have to chase from gym to gym.

#6. Watch them train. Do they sit down or work out with you? You don't want that. You want someone who is totally into you and what you're doing. Later on you can get a workout partner. In the beginning you need training, not just motivation.

#7. When you're watching them train someone see where they are looking. Are they checking themselves out in the mirror all the time? Are they watching and/or chatting with the girls or other people in they gym while training their client? Again, you want someone who is totally into you.

#8. Find out what car he owns. This way you'll know what to back in to if you haven't seen serious results after two months. Plus you'll know if your trainer is hurting for money. You don't want that. I can't tell you how many times I've heard of trainers "borrowing" money from clients never to pay them back. Or selling them supplements they don't need just to earn more money. Or talking them in to a schedule that won't work for the client but works for the trainer who needs the money. Don't train with a bum.

#9. Ask a few of his clients how long they've been training and what results they've seen. Keep in mind a lot of their results depend on their actions and not the trainers so pick people you either know or who seem as motivated as you are. Use this as a mild guideline.

#10. Would you trust this guy in your house? Only hire people you trust. Only work with people you trust. It makes like easier.

Your other question was "What would get you motivated"

My answer would be "Pictures". People react to something visual more then they do anything else. If you have pictures of what you used to look like (assuming that's your goal), or pics of someone else you want to look like, or pictures of someone you are getting into shape to impress... whatever they are get copies and place them around your house in these areas;

1. The refrigerator (inside and out)
2. The bathroom mirror. (this will allow you to visualize when you look in the mirror naked instead of getting depressed)
3. Your bedroom. (Last thing you see at night and first thing you see in the morning)
4. Car visor
5. Work
6. Wallet (You'll see it when you go to buy lunch or snacks)

Hope that helps.

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Cameol toe

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big bump to T-Bar :yeah
