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what about lower pecs

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1 of my strong areas has always been my upper chest i can build it up in no time at all, but its the lower part that tends to be one of my weaknesses whats the best way to get it in shape lots of benching?

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dips my dear;)

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Low cables.....

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What about decline???

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ty ill try em 🙂

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What about decline???

In my experience delts and tris get too invloved for this to be a good solid exercise. I can no longer do dips so I do low cable it isolates bigtime.....

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what kind of low cable work?

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In my experience delts and tris get too invloved for this to be a good solid exercise. I can no longer do dips so I do low cable it isolates bigtime.....

i agree. IMO, declines are nothing more than an "ego" movement. your "range of throw" is so short, it allows you to move large amounts of weight, but really doesn't isolate lower pecs.

upper and lower pecs tie in pretty much at the same spot. it's very hard to isolate upper OR lower pecs as both get involved in most exercises.

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i agree with decline being an ego movement especially if you use a close grip with an ezcurl bar you can put like 3 plates on there and show off big time

when i do cables i attach them as high as they will go and pull them down until my arms cross and squeeze
i learned putting the cables up high and coming down works the lower pecs more

also to work the upper chest i put the cables all the way on the bottom and cross over bringing my arms in an up motion
the bis and shoulders do get involved a little bit in this so you really have to conecntrate on form and get that hard squeeze at the end

also at the end of almost every chest set i clasp my hands together in a kind of most muscular pose and really contract the chest to get the pump

thats my :cents

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Although in the past I have used the straight bar with a wide grasp (and felt the lower pecs working), I'm glad to have been educated as the cable crossovers should be much better for isolation- likewise for the inner pecs.

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dips my dear;)

:yeah and bench press or dumbbells.

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decline bench right in the middle of your cables... decline cable flyes.. start your workout with them for a couple of sets. It is the best lower chest isolation sets I've found.. Then move on to your decline dumbells, and lots of flat bench work. I truly believe in the mind/muscle connection. Call it bullshit, but when you are concentrating on a certain area like your situation, your body will tweak what you are doing and adjust so that you are hitting the muscles at the right angle. it works

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I truly believe in the mind/muscle connection. Call it bullshit, but when you are concentrating on a certain area like your situation, your body will tweak what you are doing and adjust so that you are hitting the muscles at the right angle. it works

so very true...i personally believe this is very important 😎

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One must always use a concentrated effort when lifting, but particularly when trying to bring up a weak area. I suggest that you warmup with cable crossovers, and then move on to dips. After dips hit incline press, and then finish off with benchpress.

If you work the lagging area first when you're fresh then you'll be able to really concentrate on the feel/contraction of the muscle in question, and be able to bring it up as quickly as possible.

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So what's best? dips or decline cables

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