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Tri Phase Progressive Training

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Well, on to my update from friday. Yeah, I know I"m bad about stalling, but I had to work at 6 am both days this weekend, so that's my (lame) excuse.

Anyway, last day of volume loading, and I"m glad to see it go to be honest with everyone who may read this log.

Without delay, on to the festivities:

1. Squats

8 x 145
8 x 145
8 x 145
7 x 145
7 x 145
7 x 145
6 x 145
6 x 145

2. Leg Extensions

9 x 125
8 x 125
9 x 125
9 x 135
9 x 140
8 x 145
8 x 155
9 x 165

3. Incline Bench

9 x 125
8 x 125
6 x 125
9 x 115
8 x 115
7 x 115
8 x 115
9 x 115

4. Cable Crossovers

9 x 35s<-Incline DB Flyes due to machine being used
7 x 35s<-Same as Above
9 x 100
8 x 100
8 x 100
8 x 100
9 x 100
8 x 100

5. DB Military Press

9 x 40s
8 x 40s
9 x 40s
9 x 40s
9 x 40s
8 x 40s
8 x 40s
6 x 40s

6. Close Grip Bench Press

8 x 115
7 x 115
7 x 115
7 x 115
7 x 115
6 x 115
6 x 115
6 x 115

7. V Bar Tri Pressdowns

9 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 90
7 x 100
7 x 90
7 x 90
6 x 90
6 x 90

So, for my 4 week summary: It killed me, I have finally accepted the fact that why I've been feeling kinda run down is due to the fact that I've been horrilby overtrained. The workouts are painful, particularly at the 3 1/2 week+ mark, so those last 6 workouts or so. Additionally, according to my bf measuring, I've actually maintained weight, but dropped serious fatty mass and put on solid lbm, which isnt what I expected at all, I"m hoping this will continue over the next 8 weeks, as that'll help me hit my bf goal at a higher weight, which would be preferred by me. Anyway, looking forward to next week, where i can hit each body part harder with more sets and getting to spend 5 days in the gym instead of 4, which is how I prefer to lift myself. Anyway, sorry for doubting you earlier TP, I am humbled.

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Week 4, day 1:


1. Incline DB Press

7 x 65s
6 x 65s
8 x 60s

2. Flat Bench Press

6 x 185
7 x 155
7 x 155

3. Dips-Did in substitute of low cable crossovers, cause my crossover machine at my gym is a piece of shit and the pulley kept coming off the tract, so I eventually gave up trying to get it to work after fixing it 3 times.

7 x BW
6 x BW
6 x BW

4. Standing Calf Raises

8 x 285
7 x 355
9 x 405

5. Seated Calf Raises

8 x 180
8 x 180
9 x 180

Twin Peak
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Posted by: @Burton
So, for my 4 week summary:  It killed me, I have finally accepted the fact that why I've been feeling kinda run down is due to the fact that I've been horrilby overtrained.  The workouts are painful, particularly at the 3 1/2 week+ mark, so those last 6 workouts or so.  Additionally, according to my bf measuring, I've actually maintained weight, but dropped serious fatty mass and put on solid lbm, which isnt what I expected at all, I"m hoping this will continue over the next 8 weeks, as that'll help me hit my bf goal at a higher weight, which would be preferred by me.  Anyway, looking forward to next week, where i can hit each body part harder with more sets and getting to spend 5 days in the gym instead of 4, which is how I prefer to lift myself.  Anyway, sorry for doubting you earlier TP, I am humbled.

I hate to say I told ya so, but....

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Tp, yes I admit, your workout has made me its bitch. But anyway, time for yesterday's update:


1. Pulldowns-Had to sub wide grip pulldowns for Pullups cause I"m a pussy and cant do BW, and we have no weight assisted machine at my gym. It's a shame too cause all I need assistance wise is 30 to 40 pounds, fucking loser ass town I live in.

6 x 140
6 x 140
6 x 140

2. Close Grip Pulldowns

8 x 110
7 x 110
8 x 110

3. Deadlifts

8 x 225
6 x 275
6 x 275

4. One Arm DB Rows

8 x 65s
7 x 65s
7 x 65s

Good workout today, everything was solid form with slow reps, felt better than after most days.

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1. Barbell Front Squats

6 x 135
7 x 135
7 x 135

2. Leg Press

7 x 380
8 x 380
7 x 380

3. Leg Extensions

9 x 135
9 x 180
7 x 250

4. Stiff Legged Deadlifts

8 x 185
7 x 205
6 x 225

5. Leg Curls

8 x 70
7 x 75
7 x 75

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Delts and Traps today, Good times, my favorite body parts

1. Seated Military Press

8 x 95
8 x 115
6 x 135

2. Upright Rows

6 x 105
6 x 105
6 x 105

3. Side Lat Raises

9 x 25s
6 x 25s
7 x 20s

4. Rear Lat Raises

9 x 15s
9 x 15s
7 x 20s

5. Barbell Shrugs

9 x 275
8 x 275
6 x 275

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Posted by: @Burton
On to my excuse:  I got a call from a feamle friend I used to go to school with who was in my area for a work related function and she wanted to "see me".  So I met up with her after the gym and needless to say, all went well.  Now, I love this site, but you guys cant be expecting me to update my journal as opposed to getting my fuck on, particularly cause I have no game and it's rare that I get the opportunity.

Heh...this reminds me of a post that someone once made on Derek's forum on The kid essentially said that he once passed up the chance to get busy with a chick because it was going to screw up his nutrient timing for his post work nutrition.

Loki, god bless him, gave him a verbal slap in the face for being so dumb.

Anyhow, very good log! Keep up the good work, brother.

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Man, this was a bad weekend. I'm not gonna lie to you guys. I had my family's thanksgiving this cause this was the only time that me and all my family could get together. With that in mind, I will probalby weigh in about 240 tomorrow, instead of the 232 I would have been otherwise. Fucking holidays and my tendency to put on weight easily. But anyway, I have decided to use this to my advantage. I've been getting to the point where my body is kinda kicking and screaming the whole way, so I"m hoping this can let it relax it's death grip on fat. Plus it was a good psychological break since I've been dieting with no real cheating for almost 6 months or so, so I kinda needed this. Anyway, on to my forgotten update from friday.


1. Barbell Curls

8 x 85
8 x 90
7 x 95

2. Seated DB Curls

9 x 30s
7 x 40s
6 x 45s

3. Preacher Curls-Free Weight

9 x 75
8 x 80
7 x 90

4. V-Bar Pressdowns

9 x 90
9 x 100
8 x 130

5. Seated DB Extension-Two Arm

9 x 50
8 x 60
7 x 65

6. Cable Kickbacks-No Handle

8 x 20
8 x 20
7 x 30

P.S. Thanks for the encouragement nick. Good to hear that every now and then, keeps the motivation up.

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Yeah, I kinda forgot to do my last update. So with that in mind, I get to do two tonight. First, the one from monday, chest and calves.

1. Incline DB Press

7 x 65s, RP then 3 reps
6 x 60s RP then 2 reps
7 x 55s RP then 3 reps

2. Flat Bench Press

6 x 175 RP then 2 Reps
7 x 155 RP then 3 Reps
8 x 155 RP then 3 Reps

3. Low Cable Crossovers

7 x 80 RP then 3 Reps
7 x 80 RP then 3 Reps
6 x 80 RP then 2 Reps

4. Standing Calf Raises

8 x 285 RP then 4 Reps
8 x 375 RP then 4 Reps
6 x 515 RP then 2 Reps

5. Seated Calf Raises

8 x 180 RP then 2 Reps
7 x 180 RP then 3 Reps
6 x 180 RP then 3 Reps

*RP=Rest Pause as I have no spotter, so I just kept with the theme after the benching.

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Back Day Today, Horray Back:

1. Wide Grip Pulldowns

8 x 100 RP then 4 Reps
7 x 110 RP then 3 Reps
7 x 110 RP then 3 Reps

2. Close Grip Pulldowns

8 x 100 RP then 3 Reps
8 x 100 RP then 4 Reps
7 x 100 RP then 3 Reps

3. Deadlifts

7 x 225 RP then 3 Reps
7 x 225 RP then 2 Reps
6 x 225 RP then 2 Reps

4. One Arm DB Rows

7 x 60 RP then 3 Reps
7 x 60 RP then 3 Reps
7 x 60 RP then 3 Reps

Lower Weight today, but felt fried in every possible way. Good lift tonight, possibly due to the fact that I slowed my reps down and focused on contactions much more than I normally tend to. I've been trying to work on this, and I sometimes have to drop my weight down to make sure it feels like it should, moreso during back workouts than other body parts.

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Legs From Wednesday:

1. Squats

8 x 155, RP then 3 reps
7 x 185, RP then 2 reps
6 x 205, RP then 2 reps

2. Leg Press

9 x 230, RP then 3 reps
9 x 230, RP then 4 reps
8 x 230, RP then 4 reps

3. Leg Extensions

7 x 215, RP then 3 reps
7 x 215, RP then 3 reps
7 x 215, RP then 3 reps


8 x 185, RP then 3 reps
6 x 185, RP then 3 reps
6 x 185, RP then 3 reps

5. Leg Curl

7 x 70, RP then 4 reps
8 x 70, RP then 3 reps
7 x 70, RP then 3 reps

This was my workout, there are many like it, but this one was mine.

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Shoulders/Traps from Friday

1. Seated Barbell MP

6 x 135, RP then 2 reps
8 x 135, RP then 3 reps
6 x 135, RP then 2 reps

2. Upright Rows

7 x 103, RP then 2 reps
6 x 113, RP then 1 rep
6 x 108, RP then 2 reps

3. Side Lat Raises

8 x 20s, RP then 3 reps
6 x 25s, RP then 2 reps
7 x 20s, RP then 3 reps

4. Rear Lat Raises

7 x 15s, RP then 3 reps
8 x 15s, RP then 3 reps
7 x 15s, RP then 4 reps

5. Shrugs

8 x 225, RP then 4 reps
7 x 225, RP then 4 reps
8 x 225, RP then 3 reps

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1. Barbell Curls-EZ Bar

7 x 95, RP then 3 reps
7 x 100, RP then 2 reps
6 x 100, RP then 2 reps

2. Seated DB Curls

6 x 40s, RP then 3 reps
6 x 40s, RP then 2 reps
6 x 40s, RP then 2 reps

3. Preacher Curls

8 x 80, RP then 3 reps
8 x 85, RP then 2 reps
6 x 90, RP then 3 reps

4. V-Bar Press downs

9 x 110, RP then 4 reps
7 x 140, RP then 3 reps
5 x 150, RP then 2 reps-Pushed it a little harder than I should have this time.

5. Two arm Overhead DB Ext.

7 x 55, RP then 3 reps
8 x 55, RP then 3 reps
8 x 55, RP then 3 reps

6. One Arm Cable Kickbacks

6 x 30, RP then 3 reps
8 x 20, RP then 3 reps
9 x 20, RP then 4 reps

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Chest and Calves: It's drop set week

1. Incline DB Press

7 x 65, strip set: 5 x 45
7 x 60, strip set: 5 x 40
6x 60

2. Flat Bench

6 x 165, Strip Set: 6 x115
6 x 165, Strip set: 6 x 115
7 x 135

3. Low Cable Crossovers

8 x 60, Strip Set: 6 x 60
7 x 60, Strip Set: 4 x 60
6 x 80

4. Standing Calf Raises

7 x 375, Strip Set: 6 x 285
8 x 375, Strip Set: 7 x 285
8 x 375

5. Seated Calf Raises

8 x 210, Strip Set: 7 x 140
7 x 210, Strip Set: 4 x 140
7 x 140

Good times, good times. By the way, I saw the best pre workout meal ever today. Kid was eating a candy bar, a bag of fritos and a powerade. After he was done eating, he did 1 set of bench 95 pounds or so for 3 or 4 reps, 2 sets of dumbbell curls, 20s I recall and a set of hammer curls with something like 30 total pounds on the bar. Then he left. HA HA, why'd he even bother?

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My workout was fueled by anger today. Horray for a fucking horrible day at work. I have some ranting to do at the end of this post, so I'll go about that after the update and you can read it if you want. it involves the man, my dysfunctional psyche and some asshole I wanted to curb to death in the gym.

Back Day

1. Wide Grip Pulldowns

7 x 140, Strip Set of 6 x 90
7 x 140, Strip Set of 6 x 100
6 x 150

2. Close Grip Pulldowns

8 x 120, Strip Set of 6 x 100
8 x 120, Strip Set of 6 x 110
9 x 120

3. Deadlifts

6 x 275, Strip Set of 6 x 225
8 x 225, Strip Set of 5 x 225
4 x 275

4. One Arm DB Rows

7 x 65, Strip Set of 5 x 50
7 x 65, Strip Set of 5 x 50
6 x 65

Rant of my day:

1st: I had the worst fucking day at work I've ever had. I was in some kind of strange mood where just looking at certain people (ie all of them) pissed me off. And on top of that, I was stuck working with all these fucking assholes that I hate. THey're the one who are of a high school mentality and fucking stupid and incompetent. To top it all off, I (bullshit) fucked up some time last week, and now a fucking performance warning goes in my god damn permanant file. All because the guy I"m in training with fucked up. I know it's not me cause the kind of mistake made is the kind of shit I dont fucking do, ever. GOD DAMNIT. I will admit I do fuck up every now and then, but the kinda shit that happened is so basic that I'd never come close to doing that kinda shit.

2nd: Young people are fucking worthless. I feel strange saying this as I just turned 25, but I"ve never spoken any truer words. Honestly, I wish I could cleanse this world of any dipshits under 21 years old. Particularly, if you're still in high school and reading this, do me a favor and off yourself right fucking now. On to why I hate young people. So, two high school kids were at my gym "working out", which is also known to me as wandering around and giggling while stopping periodically to lift one fucking set in a disorganized manner on whatever equipment nearby. So anyway on to why I was pissed off: During the whole time they were there, the fat guy of the two insisted on making some kind of comedy (not really) out of every piece of equpiment. It all culminated in him simulating sex on the balance ball that women use for situps and shit. There was more stupidity, but that was all that was noteworth except for this. i was doing my deadlifts and for some reason he was amused at the idea of them for god would fucking know why. So when I was sitting there, and stood up to do my set, he walks up to my bar, grabs it and tries to stimulate a deadlift, why he does that I dont fucking know, the whole time I'm standing behind him waiting to do my lift. I only stood there hoping he'd actually really try pulling and pull his back out. So yeah, the dipshit didnt get out of my fucking way until I actually said "Hey Dipshit, can you get the fuck out of my way so i can lift this weight?"

Urge to kill still strong. Hopefully tomorrow starts to turn around as I have to work every day till next friday.

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