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Traditional Carb Loading vs Shitloading vs ..

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Hi there guys.

Before i start, just wanted to say it was a great idea to have a new forum, and even a greater idea to have it spearheaded by Layne.

Anyways - i always wanted to know arguements vs and for shitloading and traditional carbloading before a contest.

plus the people over at intensemuscle all seem to strong advocate it over traditional carbloads, or anything else for that matter.

Layne follows a smaller, more controlled ''carb up'' in his article.

Thoughts, comments, etc?

This topic was modified 4 years ago by admin

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my take is shitloading is going to work very well for someone on androgens. When you are on androgens you can store much more fluid intracellularly as oppossed to not being on androgens. I remember watching a friend of mine shitload for an untested show by first eating barbeque ribs, then chicken, then about 15 zero bars. It was about the craziest thing i've ever seen. Every time he ate that crap he got fuller, harder, and more vascular. On the same note I saw a guy try it once at a tested show. He looked great for the first half hour doing it, but by the middle of prejudging he was so bloated & uncomfortable that it was hard for him to hit an abdominal shot. by the night show he looked like a competely different person, he had drastically spilled over.

My thoughts on carbing up are you should err on the side of caution. It is better to be tight and a little flat, than to be full & bloated, especially in tested show which tend to place more on conditioning than size.


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I have my opinions on the two but that is neither here nor there as I have no experience to put forth aside from trying each in non-contest environment.

Nevertheless, why not include fat in the traditional carb-up especially in the morning of the show. I can see a possible arguement for not eating 3 large pizzas loaded with sodium and gut-bloating protein....

But it seems to me that the addition of fat to even the traditional carb load would only render things more optimal. Fat intake gets me vascular and hard as hell.

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Posted by: @Lgoosey
I have my opinions on the two but that is neither here nor there as I have no experience to put forth aside from trying each in non-contest environment.

Nevertheless, why not include fat in the traditional carb-up especially in the morning of the show. I can see a possible arguement for not eating 3 large pizzas loaded with sodium and gut-bloating protein....

But it seems to me that the addition of fat to even the traditional carb load would only render things more optimal. Fat intake gets me vascular and hard as hell.

indeed fat is a good idea, and I recommend incooperating it into your carb-up. I definately recommend a high fat/carb meal 2 hours pre show.


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from what ive seen of some competitors (nat'l level) shitloading is the way to go...but this is on androgens, diuretics, etc. a natty will probaly do better with a traditional approach.

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For naturals, I am very much on calculating maximal glycogen storage capacity, cheating a little to increase it a little more, and then taking things to the threshold but not pushing past it. None of the guys--save one--I've "advised" have been much into drugs, and pretty much all of them come in really solid (although I am a big proponent of diuretics, so I'm sure that also factors in there).

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Layne, what if any natural diuretics are allowed in natural competitors? Obviously lasix is out, but a 20oz coffee from 7-11 has significant diuretic action. What about herbal stuff?

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if it's allowed on GNC shelves then it's allowed in the shows. I personally don't believe in diuretics for natural competitors because they just don't retain that much water. "I'm holding water" is usually just a cover for the real reason which is "i'm holding too much fat because I didn't diet long enough/hard enough."

remember, muscles are 70% water, you drive too much water out and you look flat & stringy.


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good shitload vs carb load disc.

This post was modified 4 years ago by admin

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On that note, what about protein? I'd see an argument for dropping it down to almost nothing in order to restore intramuscular triglycerides and glycogen with minimal bloat.

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Posted by: @entic
On that note, what about protein? I'd see an argument for dropping it down to almost nothing in order to restore intramuscular triglycerides and glycogen with minimal bloat.

i wouldn't drop it down to zero for a few reasons

1) protein is anabolic and carbs are not, even if it is show day you still don't want to lose muscle

2) amino acids are also stored intracellulary, just as fat, & carbs are, and amino acids draw water into the cell, just like carbs.

Now the cell has a much greater capacity to store carbs than amino acids, but you still want both to be maxed out. So while I wouldn't eat 300g of protein on show day, I'd still eat around 1g/lb.


Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
- Mel Siff

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