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Yes I always get pulled groins when eating 5 dozen Krispy Creams, oh shit, I shouldn't have said that...

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Posted by: @In-Human
Yes I always get pulled groins when eating 5 dozen Krispy Creams, oh shit, I shouldn't have said that...

Are these things that damn good, that's what a lot of people talk about? Can they be bought at a grocery store? Not that I'm going to buy them or anything..........just for a friend, yeah a friend.


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Perhaps i am onto something?

C'mon, someone throw me a bone here. I am trying to do research on this. LOL


This post was modified 2 years ago by admin

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jay, yes you are

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I find this particular little bit interesting. You guys might want to take a look at this.

- Seated Scapular Manipulation Technique:
- scapula was manipulated by adduction inferior tip using thumb pressure & stabilizing superior aspect of the scapular w/ cephalad hand;
- dorsal displacement of the tip of the scapula was not included specifically in the description of the technique, although some
naturally occurs with medial displacement of the tip;
- seated scapular manipulation allows the pt to remain seated upright;
- unaffected shoulder is placed firmly against an immobile support such as a wall or the raised head of a stretcher;
- surgeon grasps the wrist of the patients affected side and slowly raises this to the horizontal plane;
- firm but gentle, forward traction is applied with counterbalancing provided by placing the palm of the extended free arm over the pts mid clavicular region;
- usually only mild traction is required;

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Keep the info coming Jay. Good job. This really interests me.

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I believe this is essentially what we are looking at here:

- dorsal displacement of the tip of the scapula was not included specifically in the description of the technique, although some
naturally occurs with medial displacement of the tip

I believe essentially what we are talking about here is pivoting the scapula away from the connective tissue or at least seperating it from it.

Scapula refers to the shoulder blade btw.

While the scapula maneuver mentioned above may not be the EXACT maneuver DC is talking about. I believe I am onto something.

Front traction is essentially pulling forward on the wrist. I was instructed about some stretches by someone where as there is a certain "popping" in the scapula region and a good pull in the lats. It is very similar to this front traction so to speak.

I believe what DC is talking about is rendering more rotation out of the scapula as to get a fuller lat spread.

PErhaps DC would be able to at least inform us a little bit about the outcome of this technique and the physics behind it.

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Guys my time is limited and if I open up this can of worms its going to cause me a boatload of headaches....why?

1)Its going to take me all day to write it up how to do it correctly

2)Im going to be asked 100's of questions by 100's of people over 100's of days

3)every armchair quarterback is going to come out of the woodwork and say that its dangerous, foolish, etc etc

4)everyone I personally train is going to expect me to take them thru this part also and there is no way in hell Im going to take someone step by step thru it on top of all the training and dieting etc

5)Im greedy and Ive popped mine about 3-5 times over the years and it has increased my lat spread immensely and Im selfish and want to keep this dirty little secret to myself

6)#5 is untrue and the real reason is --its so much easier to show someone how to do it in person than it is to write it up (and no im not going to show people how to do it in person--my time is so limited)

7)anyone ever detrimentally hurts themself (Ive never had anyone but who knows what lengths some people will go thru after viewing synthol pictures) and who do you think the backlash is going to come back to?

8)Im hungry

9)I have a premonition of Inhuman trying to help his training partner "pop" his scapula and with his extraordinary strength levels ripping him limb from limb by mistake

10)four words "what would gollum do?"

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gollum would spend all day typing it up.

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number 8 is my reason for not doing alot of things. Much respect DC

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Quote: Originally Posted by Doggcrapp

#5 is untrue and the real reason is --its so much easier to show someone how to do it in person than it is to write it up (and no im not going to show people how to do it in person--my time is so limited)

so i guess a scupula popping seminar at the 2006 Health and Fitness Expo is out of the question

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Anyone have any experience with this stuff?

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damnit 😛

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Word on the street is that you need;

  • 2 oak trees
  • 10 metres of thick rope
  • an Anvil
  • Crowbar
  • and a jug of green tea

As to what you do with them, well thats the million dollar question...

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I think Big Jay is on the right track.

Maybe he'll be the one to figure it out and tell us the process.

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