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so DC how do you do this?

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dc showed me how to do it the other day at the office.

items you will need:

1 crowbar
1 2 ton car jack
3 rail road ties
1 dozen krispy cream originals
16 small 3 inch peices of black leather strapping
a 5th of jack daniels or old grand dad or rubbing alcohol
3 q-tips
1 large tub of vasoline, astroglide and/or ky (preferably a water based lubricant, for obvious reasons)
and 3 fully reclinable lazy boys, with the foot rest removed on one chair.

i will let dc fill in the blanks and describe how it is done. as you can see, this only for the hardcore, lol.


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tpc, Damn I am all ears for this one, can't wait.

Just one question though, any food involved here?...

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Im going to put the weight on Tpc's back on this one. I explained the gist of it to TPC in the office and he said "you do know your going to get alot of shit about this one dont you?"

.......Does this work? Yes. Is it painful for 3 days? Yes. What exactly is it doing? I speculate but I dont really know exactly. Will it make your lat spread 1 to 4 inches wider? Yes it will Ive seen it, have done it, and have done it to some of my trainees in person. But after TPC said this I did realize that unlike the same article on this subject I wrote a decade ago in my magazine this is the internet and I hear enough bullshit on the boards about "how extreme stretching can be dangerous", "DC's cycling", etc etc etc I really want to open up this can of worms and hear up and down on all these message boards how this is reckless and is tearing connective tissue allowing the scapula to rotate out further, and to suggest this as a trainer is irresponsible? Im so busy right now I wont be able to go to these boards and argue my Im sorry I mentioned it, at this time I think im going to keep it quiet. This isnt something I can write about in a few sentences and youll get it. It would take me about a 3-4 hours to write it all out (so please dont PM me and say "hey teach me that lat thing")---Im going to see if I can teach TPC how to do it (he seems rather hesitant) and if you see him on here with a lat spread like a drive in movie theatre, youll know Ive been manipulating his back (im trying to stay away from the word "popping" as that word brings out a grimace on TPC's face that could melt chocolate)

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I hate posting pics of myself especially offseason but oh well--just wanted you guys to see the frame difference and why I think this works--here is me at 20 years old right around 140lbs (was lifting for 3 months I think)

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from coming from a medical background in college, the word popping or tearing does not give me the warm butterfly feelings. i think biomechanically and physiologically this technique can be explained. the "tearing" for a lack of better words or super stretching conective tissue in and around the scapula area, i think if explained properly (and have all proper terms covered, for all you guys who need the proper terms), this technique could be explained.

but honestly dante, the idea and science behind this goes way above and beyond the "normal" hardcore training individual. the only reason, i said you may want to exercise caution, with posting something like this on the boards, was for the explanation you gave above. any time somebody has something new to say or something that is out of the box or the norm, you will have 95% of them as nay say-ers. and for what? you are only trying to share helpful information. and what will ultimately happen is you will have people tell you, "you are an idiot", "it can not be physically done", "i am a doctor and i know this is wrong", blah, blah blah, blah, blah. you get the point.

look what happened when you posted your theories on 6 on 2 off or the 1 set RP, you still get shit for that and you always have to correct people. these theories are not to way off from "normal" ideals to training and cycling, but your technique of widening the back, really is special. this is an ideal, you will really have to fight for, and of course you always have the idiot 16 year old 150lber who wants to take the easy route, and end up getting his leg stuck behind his head or something.

i say spend some time working out the technique and i will help you fill in the blanks with medical terms and possible researched theories to what and why something is happening. then you have all grounds covered. stay tuned.


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what do you mean, that was taken last week. you are jacked.

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And here I am trying to acquire more muscle mass at 303lbs couple months back ---after those lat manipulations many times over the years, you can see by my wrist size that I have a very small frame originally (7 inch wrists) For about 3 plus years my training partner and I (after training back) tried hanging from the widest grip possible on a chinning bar with a 130-150lb dumbell hanging from us for as long as we could (while strapped up to the bar)--this was absolutely brutal...I think my record was 2 minutes 24 seconds or something like that but I really do feel that my shoulder width increased incredibly from that as you can see between the 2 pics--my shoulder width isnt even close to what it was at 20. Ok someone go find me a treadmill--im getting winded writing this!!!! If TPC stops eating the damn food I bring in I might make a run at 310lbs

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oh by the way, dante, i am in the office right now. i have already finished half of the candy from the 'honor sytem" tray. and i still haven't put in a dime. i feel like in-human.

and by the way, jesus your back looks fucking huge. you did more than "pop" your scapula, lol.

see guys, dante usually wears colorful moo moo's to work, so you can't really see the size on the guy, except maybe the size of his mellon (dante is a huge fan of rest pausing chin, neck and jaw exercies), lol.


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That looks like Dante meets Alice in Wonderland!!!

How in the HELL do you shower in that miniscule little thing?... Sideways?...

I guess if you had the shower when you were 1-friggin-hundred and sixty-three pounds LIGHTER that maybe it mighta done the job.

Do you have a pic standing in front of (and blocking) the fridge?... LOL


P.S. Understandable r.e. the scapular manipulation, DC.

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DC, See, you need a bigger house too huh, see you reap what you sew, hehe.

No guys that is not the bathroom he is standing in, its the living room!.

Christ what a monster, and I thought one day when I got big and maybe strong enough, I would ask DC if I could train with him just one day, well now looking at this, I'm sort of scared to ask now.

Well I just thought about it, yes, I am scared, no sort of, I am...

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Posted by: @Doggcrapp
And here I am trying to acquire more muscle mass at 303lbs couple months back ---after those lat manipulations many times over the years, you can see by my wrist size that I have a very small frame originally (7 inch wrists) For about 3 plus years my training partner and I (after training back) tried hanging from the widest grip possible on a chinning bar with a 130-150lb dumbell hanging from us for as long as we could (while strapped up to the bar)--this was absolutely brutal...I think my record was 2 minutes 24 seconds or something like that but I really do feel that my shoulder width increased incredibly from that as you can see between the 2 pics--my shoulder width isnt even close to what it was at 20. Ok someone go find me a treadmill--im getting winded writing this!!!! If TPC stops eating the damn food I bring in I might make a run at 310lbs

DC I want to address this method. I also started out with VERY narrow shoulders, just as you (I will have to scan some before pics). But from my rear lat pic (over at muscle mayhem) you can see that I am fairly wide. My first 2-3 years of training, wide grip lat pulldowns were my first and primary exercise for back. I would start wide, and move my hands in with each successive set. I'm thinking that this wide pulling on the first set (I was using upwards of 250 lbs at a bodyweight of 205 back then) has done (to some degree) what you are hinting at. Granted you were hanging with bodyweight and additional weight so its not an accurate comparison, but it did make me wonder how beneficial it was that I did what I did, even though I didn't know it back then.

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Posted by: @homonunculus
How in the HELL do you shower in that miniscule little thing?... Sideways?...

Exactly what I was thinking... DC probably has a king sized bed and his poor wife has to sleep on another bed because she can't fit on the same one with that freak.

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Hey guys this is Mrs. Doggcrapp. I tried to register but for some reason the "system was down". I saw this last post over his shoulder and wanted to comment on it. We DO have a California King sized bed and I get no room on it! He takes up the whole thing and I get like a foot of room. I swear. And in the shower (that one was actually at a hotel) he has to duck his head to get under the nozzle....forget about taking a shower with him.

But its not too bad sometimes. We do do this little trick at family gatherings were I carry him piggyback for about 5 seconds....I'm 5'2" and weigh about 105 (so I like to say)'s pretty impressive.

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Good Lord, bro.... Ewe's big... *shakeshead*

Mrs. DoggCrapp: All of those animal comments were made by my wife signing on as me. So, if you thought... maybe... that I was a sicko, rest assured I am not. It is my wife that is the sicko.


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