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Things I need to do

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Guys sorry bout the lag time with my posting, but Ive just been getting bombarded of late with emails and people who want me to train them. 76 emails in my mailbox this morning!!!! I had a 65 and a 63 email day the other day. This doesnt mean that my trainees shouldnt email me. I want them to, thats what they pay me for and I do my best to answer emails 2x a day. Its the people that ask me questions (that Im not training) that Im going to have to skip over for a couple days--my trainees get answered first. Anyway some things Ive been meaning to post over here and will do it hopefully within the next week

a)Ive cured about 8 guys now with shoulder and rotator cuff probs and ill show you guys this simple trick

b)structural adaption--this will be controversial but I know it holds true especially when someone is younger (below 26 years of age) and tissue/cartilage in the shoulder girdle, ribcage, and near the scapula is still pliable and can be changed. Ive "popped" about 7 guys scapula's over the years (including myself) and it hurts like hell, goes away in about 3 days and youll have a lat spread that is 1-3 inches wider. Trust me on this. I "popped" (for lack of a better word) one of my trainees scapulas on his right side and we couldnt get his left one to pop until 3 months later--during that time his right lat could rotate out about 2 inches farther than his left one

c)rare exercises Ive designed that you guys might want to use

d)Im going to go back and cut and paste the pertinent info from cycles for pennies and clean up the crap in it

e)naked pics of a drunk homonucleus and skip with various farm animals

f)how TPC had been shooting synthol for 6 months thinking it was inj prohormones and now has a gigantic right glute

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lol...i can't wait to hear about E. and F. LMAO...all though I think E. is already out of the bag!

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i am interested in F as well, lol.

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Those pics have been photoshopped!!!

I was trying to "pop" Skip's scapula for him when he grabbed me inappropriately (which he has a tendency to do).

Last time I fall for that old line, "Hey Randy, come check out the gastrocnemius on this hog!!!"



P.S. DC, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a less cluttered inbox if you could just stop replying to those "make your penis larger" and "viagra w/o a prescription" emails... ;^)

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DC, I just gota see F, I thought that is why you told tpc to soak himself in the bathtub full of Ion Exchange Whey to draw out all that oil.

Damn if this is incorrect, I have to go back to the other boards and amend some of my answers...

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homonunculus, You just have to read DC's questionare he asked all his wanna be trainees to fill out to see if he will take them on as clients, I was kinda struck at a few of them myself:

#14-How many wife beaters do you own?

#21-Do you know how to shadow box, and can you do this in front of large crowds?

#23-As a kid, were you ever kicked out of your house for eating everything in the fridge including all the pets?

And my favorite one is and always will be-
#30-Do you own plenty of neon colored outfits to wear to the gym, so you can be noticed by everyone in the gym when you are stretching and your face might be the color of your clothes?

No wonder why he only trains 4 clients a month, who could pass these riggers. I was turned down twice until I sent him a pic on me in my pink tights and yellow wife beater, thank god I'm in...

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My answers:

#14 - I keep losing track, as they're spread all over the house and some are hidden as sweaty masses in the grocery sacks I use for gym bags.

#21 - Shadow box, no, but I am a master at subtly slipping in bodybuilding poses when I know many people can see me. My best is "stomping on a bug" just slightly behind me, with a twisting motion of my foot, and then reaching back to scratch my along my hamstring and up to my (shredded) glute. This works quite well when I do it repeatedly in long grocery lines.

#23 - If they were in the fridge, they were supposed to be eaten, right?...

#30 - This is all I wear, although I must admit that my eyes have become sensitive to the fluorescence in my old age and I now am forced to wear sunglasses, too, when I train.

Do I pass?...


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Laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes.

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how do you pop the scapula

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How I missed this thread after the last couple days, I have no idea.

Randy, for all of the anatomy and human phys. classes that I am sure you have taken, you know damned well that the scapula is not in my pants.

Also, that lame line about your dog needing his daily requirement of EFAs was rediculous. I don't appreciate you bugging me to smear peanut butter on your nuts because your dog "won't eat it any other way".

I fell for it once and I will NOT fall for it again. *shakes head*


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Posted by: @Skip
Also, that lame line about your dog needing his daily requirement of EFAs was rediculous. I don't appreciate you bugging me to smear peanut butter on your nuts because your dog "won't eat it any other way".

I fell for it once and I will NOT fall for it again. *shakes head*


You say that now, but when you see how emaciated he is, the kindness in your heart wins out and you give in.

Its better than flax oil, right?... LOL <damn, that even makes me cringe...>


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I was havin a bad day till you guys came along....hilarious

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I'm really interested in point a because I had some problems last summer, it hurted really bad and I hope I will not have the same problem ever again.

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I've never heard of B. It does sound dangerous as hell and what would the effects be on benching and rows I would imagine it would be harmfull to your strength. But if DC condones it it cant be that much of a physical disturbance when it comes to performance. I'm really interested in hearing about it.

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Dont confuse the word "pop" with what its about--pop is used for lack of a better word for it--your not really popping anything--

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