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Looking in the mirror last night, even with a massive gutfull of veggies I was looking seriously lean! The bottom of my 6pack is becoming visible and my obliques are coming in. So far so good

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As cutting workouts go this was pretty damn solid. I was surprised with my strength in some lifts, but a little dissapointed in others.

Standing military
110 x5
110 x4

BB row
132 x6
121 x6
121 x5

Close grip bench
154 x5
143 x5

Palms towards pulldown(mainly for bis)
all small + 1 big x6 very impressed here. I think my best before this was all the small ones x5
all small x11
all small x9

Seated calf
209 x5
154 x11

Box squat 2" below parallel
247.5 x4 Equalled what I got at the start of a workout a week or so ago. I count that as an increase
247.5 x3 -1rep Annoyed, but I'll live.

Leg press
475 x8
440 x9

Cable crossover
3plates x11
3plates x10

Leg curl
10plates x6
10plates x4

132 x6(beast style)
132 x10 Normal style

Mbar cable row
1plate x13

Seated Db press
12.5's x13

Then I hit up 2km on the treadmill

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Last night I had ~1000cals worth of cheat foods. SOme pasta, oat cookies then a little bit of fudge . Took a double dose of sesathin and 1g Salvia with it to ofset it as much as I could. Not much harm done from the looks of things today.

No carb day today. I realised that berries actually have very little carbs in, so I have been adding them to my egg white/wheat bran pancakes. ~50g a time. Overall cals today:


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Nice workout today, went a little like this:

264 x3 -1 probably as I stopped the BO mix
242 x5 Nice

Smith calf raise
275 x8 Forgot to move weight up, got more reps so no sweat. Form was better, so I'll go for 286 again next week
220 x11

Teach Leg curl
8plates x5 This is nuts, my previous best was a whole plate less than this. Think I only got 4 aswell. My hams are gaining strength like crazy.
8plates x4

Leg extension
9plates x11 +1rep PR
9plates x10

Incline DB Bench
66's x5 Improving my form here. Felt this in my chest a lot more than usual. Decided I was letting the weight go too far out at the bottom and not close enough in the middle
66's x4

-20 x5
-30 x5

Flat bench
132 x8

Mbar cable row
3plates x12
2plates x9

Seated DB press
33's x8 too heavy
27.5's x10

Tri pushdown
4 from stack x9
5 from stack x11

EZ curl--Havent done and bar curls in forever.
20kg x10
20kg x7 I wasnt counting bar weight as I have no idea what it weighs.

EZ shrug
20kg x25

Then rowed 5000m, took 21.30 mins.

Diet has been very decent. Had a small carb breakfast(30g) a no carb meal, then a high carb pre workout meal(150g) and high carb post workout meal(80g). Probably have chicken and veggies tonight so totals for the day:


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Posted by: @meathead1987
Then rowed 5000m, took 21.30 mins.


I'm joining the University boat club next year, for a little bit of cardio and the potential for athletic ass.

Fudge? on a diet? You're clearly not psychologically strong enough to diet, I recommend a bulk immediately.

Seriously, it sounds like you're doing a bloody good job.

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I know my cardiovascular ability truly sucks. I was hitting 5000m in about 17minutes back when I was doing UD2 before christmas, and that was after a 90min depletion workout running on 1600cals a day.

And it was only a little fudge . I am going to limit cheats to once every 2-4 weeks if possible as I do tend to overeat. It happens most often due to my girlfriend wanting to go out for meals(by no means a crime) and me not being able to stop. It doesnt help that the 2 biggest food places in my town are italian(posh pizza:)) joints.

Definately holding a little water today. My guess is a little from Lipoderm Y and plenty more from the cheat. I'm sure itll be gone in a day or 2.

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Your lifts have improved a fucking ton since the last time I read any of your logs (3 months maybe?). Really good shit, James. Keep it coming.

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Posted by: @NickZander
Your lifts have improved a fucking ton since the last time I read any of your logs (3 months maybe?). Really good shit, James. Keep it coming.

That bought a smile to my carb deprived face. Do you want sex or something?

Seriously though, I'm not that impressed with my strength gains, maybe I need to reevaluate.

Low carb day today. Planning on having 3 meals with 60g carbs each then some veggies with other meals. Somewhere around:


Been walking around loads today. Must have done a good 2 miles already and will do another 2-3 miles later. More if I can get Lyn off her ass to come for a walk around the countryside with me.

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Posted by: @meathead1987
More if I can get Lyn off her ass to come for a walk around the countryside with me.

Are you going for you're "green wings" or something?

You'll be putting HER on a diet next!

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Posted by: @Jimmy_magix
More if I can get Lyn off her ass to come for a walk around the countryside with me.

Are you going for you're "green wings" or something?

You'll be putting HER on a diet next!

Suppose I should have said "walk" in the countryside.

And yes, I have put her on a diet. She is actually enjoying it. Strangely, she actually asked for my help because we are going on holiday togethert over summer and she wants to lose a little weight. :sigh:. Her favourite so far is wholemeal pancakes with mixed berries.

Stayed over her house last night and both she and her sister commented that I looked a lot slimmer. My abs are starting to shine through. I am definately holding water around my abs though.

WRT lipoderm ultra, it seems to be working a lot better on my love handles than abs. My love handles are dissapearing seriously fast. Maybe because Iam holding more water on my abs. I will add more caffeine to the next batch of Lipo.

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Looking back at my old training logs...

In 14months I have gone from:

DB bench 3x3 with the 45's---->3x5 with the 72's. Could probably hold 3x3 with the 84's. Thats +80lbs.

Squat 2x8 with 132(with shit ass form)----->264x5 with perfect form. +~120lbs

Dead 3x8 with 205---->hit 375x5 at one point. +~150lbs.

Not too bad hey

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Todays workout completely kicked ass. Strength was up on nearly every lift. Went a little like this:

Bavarian deadlift(I stand on a 3" platform to get a larger ROM)
264 x5
264 x4 I have no idea why I can lift more on these than normal deads. They are a lot more comfortable too. I'll stick to these from now on. Maybe do some racks in another workout to get some balance in.

bench press
154 x6
154 x5 Slow reps with a little pause at the bottom to really feel it in my chest. I'll increase next week.

Leg extension
9plates x12 +1rep
9plates x11 +1rep. Will increase to 10plates next week.

Incline bench
50's x12 +2reps
50's x10 +1rep Form was spot on. These were the best sets of incline DB I have done in a long time.

Seated calf raise
209 x5
198 x5
137.5 x12 Nice sets again.

Seated arnold press
27.5's x12
27.5's x10 Nice work again. Added a rep to both sets.

Tricep pushdown
4from stack x11 +1plate
4 from stack x9 +1plate

Hammer grip pullup
-20 x6 +1rep
-20 x4

Leg curl
10plates x6
7plates x12

BB row
88 x10
88 x10Much better form.

Decline leg raise
BW x5
BW x5

Completely forgot to do bis and the 20rep set for chest. I dont think it will really matter though. Couldnt believe my Bavarian deadlift at the start. My intended 1st working set was 220 but that was so easy I used it as a warmup. Bench was dissapointing but I am getting the form down. I was happy with the rest of the workout. Strength is rising again

Pre workout I used 1serv of my neurostim mix + 700mg 40% EGCG GT extract +25mg Ephedrine. I think I'll stick to that from now on as it totally kiccked ass!

macros for today will end around:


Rest day tomorrow, may do some alpha mediated cardio if I cba. Probably not though as I need to get my ass studying.

Misc notes:
My abs are starting to shine through. I have a new action plan for the rest of this cut:

Statring next week I will use clen for 2 weeks alongside a new bottle of lipoderm( + 2g Evodiamine + 3 g caffeine + 1mg clen). That will bring the date to the 13th, 2 days before my exams(I think they would be called finals by the USA crew) begin. From there on out hopefully I am either lean enough to bulk(unlikely) or I will slow down the cut a little and have more carbs around my exams.

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Excellent, this thing got moved at last. Thanks Loki.

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Quicjk update as I am running a little late, had another great workout today!!

Standing military
121 x4 +11lbs
110 x5

BB row
132 x6
132 x5

Close grip bench
160 x6 +5lbs and 1 rep I am offically wierd, my CG is srtonger than my flat bench :s
160 x4

Close grip pulldown
all small + 2 big x6 Easy too. Never used that much weight before, I was amazed I could do it. £ bigguns next week
? x11 Had to change machine as a dumb PT was doing sets of 40.
all small + 1 big x10 Wow, never done this for high reps. Super pleased!!

Box squat
247.5 x4 Much better form
242 x4 +1rep I think. Form was perfect anyways so I'm happy

Smith calf
297x6Too hard, sloppy form. Maybe next time
286 x6 Much better
198 x12 Easy

Leg press
440 x12
440 x10 Wow, these killed me

Cable Xover
3plates x12 +1rep
3plates x 11 +1rep

Teach leg curl
8plates x6 9plates next week 😎
6plates x10 These are much harder for higher reps.

(beast) DB shrug
84's x6
60's x10

Seated DB shoulder press
11's x16(70secs)

Cable M bar row
1plate x24(90secs)

Wierd feeling in my nipples. They are very sensitive to touch and I can feel a lump behind them. This is worrying as I havent touched a PH in over 4months(and even then I only used MOHN for 1 day on a UD2 refeed). I did have some Rebound XT on hand juist in case of this so I popped 1 thismornig and the sensitiveness has subsidd a lot. Think I'll run 2caps a day for 4 days, then 1 a day for 4 days, then 1 EOD for 4 days then 1 E3D for 4 days. See if that clears things up.

Hopefully though that means my T levels are super high and I'm getting some aromatisation going on. That may explain the strength gains...

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New setup re: diet today. Going to be a cycle along the lines of:

v. low carb
v. low carb
High carb

Low days will be ~100g carbs.
High days will be ~300-400g carbs.

Workouts will be on high carb days.

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