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WRT the stims, I always feel "happier" on the stims and my fuse is definately longer. HEAT does this a lot better than ALCAR and the like however. But its a more mellowed feeling.

WRT the BO mix I think you'd need more than 1 days worth to actually see a difference. You would get the pump on the 1st day but the full effects of the citrulline/carnosine boosters would take ~5 days.

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I'm the opposite. I get very irritable on stims sometimes. If i'm pissed I snap easily. I got into a few fights this year in school and one was after I snorted some Alcar and the other was after taking some Adderall. I punched some faggot in the face and I threw a basketball at this kids head.

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Snotring ALCAR I bet that was uncomfortable.

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Sorry to interupt your log meathead, because I find it to be a good one but...

Posted by: @Sweft
I'm the opposite.  I get very irritable on stims sometimes.  If i'm pissed I snap easily.  I got into a few fights this year in school and one was after I snorted some Alcar and the other was after taking some Adderall.  I punched some faggot in the face and I threw a basketball at this kids head.

You sir obviously have issues beyond sensitivity to stimulants!

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Posted by: @playthegame
I'm the opposite.  I get very irritable on stims sometimes.  If i'm pissed I snap easily.  I got into a few fights this year in school and one was after I snorted some Alcar and the other was after taking some Adderall.  I punched some faggot in the face and I threw a basketball at this kids head.

You sir obviously have issues beyond sensitivity to stimulants!

NW, I agree.

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I think Sweft is a troll.

NW about the BO. I'm enjoying fucking around with the stims just now, it'll be a bit before I want to play with a new toy. 2 questions today:

1. You said that you sometimes take your ALA dosage up to 1200 mg when do you take your last 600, I know that you're supposed to take "a dose" in the meal before your bedtime meal but do you take 600 then or do you take 300 then and if so when do you take the other 300.

2. I got a bit of Taurine from MP and wondered if you thought it was worth me shoving 5g into my mastermix I outlined yesterday. Are there any conflicts I should be aware of?


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Posted by: @meathead1987
I think Sweft is a troll.

And I think you're... meaningless. Do I care about you? Nope. Why the fuck do you care about me?

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I love sweft!!

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If I sue 1200mg ALA it would be: post workout 600mg, 300mg with another 2 carb meals.

Taurine is fine to add. Might give you a nice pump and some vascularity.

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Yesterday was a no carb day, not too hard. Calories were ~


Okish wokout today, nohing superb, but it wasnt too shabby.

Deadlift(1st time in over 2months)
Just getting forma back down. I'll go up next time

Standing calf raise

Seated calf raise

Leg extension
9plates x10
8plates x10

Teach style leg curl
7plates x8
6plates x8

Flat Bench
These were shit. I think I was tired from the lower body stuff

Incline DB bench
50's x9
50's x9
As above

hammer grip pullup
-20 x5
-20 x4

BB row
88 x10
66x12 absolutely crap, couldnt get form down. Ah well.

Seated arnold
27's x10
27's x10

DB curl
27's x8
27's x8

Tri pushdown
5from stack x12
5 from stack x9

Cable crossover
a set of 30

No cardio as I'm short on time.


Going to be a bit tame as its only week 1 of the diet and I have plenty of anticatabolic shit in me. ~300g carbs altogether.

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Posted by: @Sweft
I think Sweft is a troll.

And I think you're... meaningless. Do I care about you? Nope. Why the fuck do you care about me?

I was under the impression you were a troll. It seems I was belabouring an illusion, what, with you snorting ALCAR and all? I don't think it's an undue allegation.

You may now lick my proverbial balls.

600mg PW? The idea I got from the ALA artice in M&M was 300 before and 300 after, where to take the other 600 was unclear. On a rest day I should take 300mg with my biggest carb meals (even though they are all about the same macros) correct?


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I tried the whole 300pre workout thning and hated it. Strength and energy was down and I felt out of breath all the time. I tried it again, same thing happened so I gave up.

As far as you are concerned, I would just use 300mg ED, on workout days make it post workout. The only reason I use it at othertimes its because I also use quercetin, which supposedly shuttles the carbs more towards muscle as opposed to fat. I see no reason why that would happen with ALA alone.

It seems I will be going out for a cheat meal with my girlfriend saturday. Probably an italian place. Tomorrow and sunday will therefore be no carb days with saturday being a high carb+.

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Jolly good, I haven't gone up to 1200 anyway, it didn't seem to show a huge difference over 600. I'll try taking the 600 after workout and not taking the pre dose and then see if I notice anything different with just 300.

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Hit up some fasted state low intensity cardio thismorning. 25mins fast pace(2steps/sec) walking. Had a small amount(10g) carbs with my breakfast after this. mainly so my pancake wouldnt fall apart. thats al the proper carbs I wil have today, save a few greens with each meal.

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Solid no carb day today. I did overeat on protein a little, but ceerbs were pretty damn low. Fat was moderate.


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