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I have had many little logs in the past that have kinda fizzled out. The uber-specific titles I use dont really help (search for meathead does PSMF, meathead does TP-PT...) This time I am going to stick to 1 log and make it last.


Pages 1-5(posts 1-127) 7 week cut from 15% BF to around 9
Pages 5-...(posts 128....) Lean bulk, current program

At the moment I am sitting around 12-15% bodyfat (I will take pics/measurements sometime in the next few days and edit this post). I am happy with my winter bulking exploits and think I have gained around 15lbs since new years. Current stats are:

Height: 6’2
Weight: 188.2lbs
BF: ~12-15
Age: 18

Short term goals are to get to 10% bodyfat for the summer whilst maintaining/gaining strength(and muscle). Also, non bodybuilding related. I hope to get AABa in my A-Levels and go to Warwick university to study maths. So revision will be taking up a lot of my time. Juggling that, with a long term girlfriend, work and lifting leaves very little time for anything else really, but I’m happy(very) like this and plan to stay that way.

The plan of action is as follows:

Monday --- High carb --- Workout
Tuesday --- No carb --- Rest
Wednesday --- High carb --- Workout
Thursday --- Low carb --- Rest (possibly a sprint session time permitting)
Friday --- No carb --- Rest
Saturday --- High carb --- Workout
Sunday --- No carb --- Rest


A little something like this:

200g Protein every day(800cals)
70g fat per day(630cals –May seem high but I use a lot of supplemental fats)

No carb days I will have ~30-50g carbs from green veggies
Low carb days I will have 200g carbs from 2 main carb meals(80-90g each) aswell as some green veggies.
High carb days I will have 400g carbs a day

This makes the total calories:

High-3030cals. I estimate this to be around maintenance so I may increase a little if needed
Low-2230cals. 800 below maintenance
No-1630cals. 1400 below maintenance

So weekly I will have a deficit (supps and cardio aside) of 5000cals. With cardio and supps I plan to lose ~2-4lbs a week.


Each workout will be fullbody (I always revert to these while cutting, more from habit than anything else) which I suppose maximises the nutrient partitioning aspect of the high carb days. My workouts are something along the lines of:


Military press 3x4-6
Flat DB bench 3x10-12

Rev grip BB row 3x4-6
Pulldown 2x10-12

DB curl 2x10-12
Tri pushdown 2x10-12

Goodmorning 3x4-6
Squat 2x10-12
Seated calf 3x4-6
Leg curl 2x10-12

Shrugs 2x4-6


Flat BB bench 3x4-6
Incline DB bench 2x10-12

Ass pullup 2x4-6
M-bar row 2x10-12

Arnold press 2x10-12

DB hammer curl 2x10-12
Tri dip 2x10-12

Deadlift 3x4-6
Leg extension 2x10-12
Standing calf 2x4-6 2x10-12
Teach calf curl 2x10-12

Shrugs 2x10-12


Box squat 3x4-6
Leg press 2x10-12
standing calf 2x4-6

Leg curl 2x4-6
seated calf 1x10-12

Chest Dips 2x4-6
Incline DB 2x10-12

Rack dead 2x4-6
BB row 2x10-12

DB military 2x10-12

DB curl 2x10-12
Close grip bench 2x10-12

Shrugs 1x4-6, 2x10-12

That’s the general gist anyway. I will alternate whether I perform the upper or lower body stuff 1st and probably not stick to that 100%. As long as I hit each muscle every workout with 3-4 sets mixing up the rep ranges I will be happy.


I will perform 20-30minutes of low intensity cardio post workout when time permits. If I don’t have time for this I will walk back home from the gym instead of biking.


This is the interesting part

I have in my arsenal:

Clen HCL 1st week I will ramp up as normal, starting at 30mcg and going up in steps of 10mcg every day. By Thursday I should be getting 200 1mg ketoifen tabs so I will add these in @ 4pre bed and adjust the clen dosage accordingly. I will also run 5g Taurine and 500mg Magnesium a day to avoid cramps. I get plenty of potassium from low sodium salt.

Lipoderm Y. I will add 2g Evodiamine and 2g caffeine (If I find it I will add 2g tyramine and drop the caffeine to 1g). I will apply 8 squirts 2x a day. I have 10bottles so Doubt Iwill tun out any time soon.

HEAT stack. I have 18days supply left of this. I plan to use it only when I actually start to feel hungry for extended periods of time. Hopefully I can hold out for a couple of weeks at least without it. I have 25g Evodiamine powder to play with so I may use this before I start the HEAT @ 75mg 2-3x a day. Again, if I find my Tyramine I will use 100mg a time with the evodiamine.

Homemade Neurostim:

2g Tysosine
1g Choline citrate
300mg DMAE
1 GHV cap(1fast400 gingko huperzine vinpo mix)
Caffeine if I feel the need

This will be used probably 2x a day every day until I finish my exams. On workout days 1 dose will be pre workout.

Homemade Body octane, I am just finishing a 5 week cycle of this(I have ~2days worth left max) so may off cycle or may keep using it. Most probably I will hold off and wait until I start bulking. If anyone is interested the mix is:

1g CEE
3g Citrulline
1.7g Beta alanine
0.8g Histidine
1g Betaine HCL

This works out a hella lot cheaper than body octane if you buy all the respective ingredients from 1fast400, the NStim does too actually. I think Imake neurostim for ~1/3 the price. Mine tastes like shit though  If I don’t decide to use it I will still continue with the CEE @ ~3-4g a day and 3-5g a day of betaine HCL.

Synephrine—30mg when I start the HEAT

Glucophase XR 30mins before I finish my workout so blood sugar is low for cardio.

Salvia Mitzhorria(sp?) will be dosed @ 500mg a dose, with high carb meals(2x a day low carb days and 3x a day high carb days)

Post workout:

50ml vinegar
2g citric acid
500mg Quercetin
300mg ALA

Fish oil yielding 5g EPA/DHA per day
Sesathin: 3 doses on high carb days, 2 on low carb days, 1 on no carb days
Lecithin: ~30g a day
8cups Green tea per day

Assloads of antioxidants and miscellaneous stuff:

Pine bark extract: 90mg
Co Q10: 150mg

Vit C: 3g
Vit E: 1squirt liquid 3x a day
2x B50
Inositol: 2x 3x a day
Grapeseed extract: 150mg a day
NAC: 1.5g a day
ALA 300mg a day
2g Calcium
500mg Magnesium(like I said above)
Selenium: 400mcg

I will add to this list if I can think of anything else. Other things I have and could use are:

Green tea 40% EGCG maybe 500mg 2x a day when I cant get the real tea.
Yohimbine HCL: maybe 20mg pre cardio. I have heard it can also help with Beta receptor down regulation caused by clen.

I think that’s about it. I’d better get off my ass and find my Tyramine now(and my inositol come to think of it) then get back to revision.

Feel free to pick at stuff that doesn’t make sense or stupid things that I have overlooked.

And Yes I do know I use too many supps, but I practically get them all for free(I sell them at a ridiculous markup over here in the UK), so I don’t really care.

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I have had many little logs in the past that have kinda fizzled out. The uber-specific titles I use dont really help (search for meathead does PSMF, meathead does TP-PT...) This time I am going to stick to 1 log and make it last.

I have the same problem, and I need to do the same thing.

Your home brew Neurostim looks a lot like the one I was planning on using. How's your home brew Body Octane working? 'Course I'm all for supporting Scivation and MAN, but you have to do what you have to do when the budget gets tight...

Plan looks good.

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The homebrew Neurostim rocks, especialyl at 1fast400's powder prices. I cant justify $15 a month just for a nice taste

The Bodyoctane(I use that term very loosely as BO has no CEE/Betaine) works exceedingly well. Since using it I think my squat has risen by about 20lbs, my box squat by ove 50lbs(I had never done these before starting the BO tho). Endurance is through the roof and pumps and vascularity are unreal. After I hit a 20rep superset of Flat bench/BB row last workout I looked insanely pumped and vascular despite the level of my bodyfat. If you were going for a similar formula, I would go for what I mentioned with an added 1-2g CEE and 1-2g betaine pre workout.

If you do make the neurostim mix make sure you get some quercetin powder too. It really does make a difference and prolongs the effects. I picked up 150g for $15 from 1fast. Dont use it pre workout though, it really made my workout suck when I did.

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Posted by: @meathead1987
If you do make the neurostim mix make sure you get some quercetin powder too.  It really does make a difference and prolongs the effects.  I picked up 150g for $15 from 1fast.  Dont use it pre workout though, it really made my workout suck when I did.

How did it suck exactly?

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I have never tried the crystal lite/carb solutions mix as I live in the UK, and I'll be damned if they sell it anywhere over here. I have found the best way of taking it is to spoon it onto a piece of paper, drop into the back of my mouth and wash down fast. I hardly taste it at all. My limit with this method is ~20g powder at once.

How much HMB are you using? I know Derek likes it at doses of ~6g a day. IIRC its especially useful when overreaching, like in the harder weeks of a periodized program. I was going to try it when Idid TP PT but since its illegal to sell over here I didn't.

When I took the quercetin(500mg) pre workout my strength was down on every lift. I did everything I normally do before a workout except the quercetin so I can only lay the blame on that. All lifts were down ~10-15lbs. The next week when I did not use the quercetin my workouts were back to normal.

I did get a bigger pump however, but its not worth it if I lose strength IMO.

Anyway, weighed in today at [a slightly tubby] 188.4lbs. And have 3 days of bulking left. Looks like my ketoifen may get here teusday/wednesday, so I'm not going to be without it for long.

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Posted by: @meathead1987
Anyway, weighed in today at [a slightly tubby] 188.4lbs.  And have 3 days of bulking left.  Looks like my ketoifen may get here teusday/wednesday, so I'm not going to be without it for long.

Sweet. Good luck.

If someone says something about you, and it really bothers you, it's probably because it's true.

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I'm not actually that bothered about flavouring. I'd rather have the extra cash to spend on new "exciting" bulk powders. But thanks for the idea. I'll give it a shot if I get tired of eating all this shit.

HMB I think is classed the same as marijuana over here. Go figure...

Some people love quercetin pre workout for the pumps and notice no strength loss. I find the same thing with quercetin as ALA, NAC, pretty much any antioxidant(except Co Q10) screws with my strength. Possibly something to do with glucose disposal, im not sure.

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Stuid Brits!

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Posted by: @dito
Stuid Brits!

Shut up u weak fatass

I decided to start the diet today, had my 1st no carb day in over 6weeks. Its gone pretty easy actually(with some chemical assistance).

I mixed up my lipoderm, got 2g Evo and 2g caffeine into it without much trouble. When I rub it on initially its fine, but as I rub harder it starts to flake off. Not entirely sure why. I can "feel" the Lipoderm's effects, about 1hr after I rub it on I get a wierd tingly warm feeling all over my abs that slowly dissapears over an hr or so. I am going to be using 8squirts 2x a day.

I was getting hungry by ~2PM so I decided to go buy some Nicotine gum. I will use 4-5x4mg pieces a day with my clen. I'm going to do something a little like this:

Week 1

Week 2

Walked to work and back today instead of cycling, thats ~30mins extra low intensity activity than usual.

Calories have been ~


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Posted by: @meathead1987
And Yes I do know I use too many supps, but I practically get them all for free(I sell them at a ridiculous markup over here in the UK), so I don’t really care.

Too many supplements indeed. Am I to construe the above as an admission that I was overcharged with that lipo you sold me? I thought it was a little steep.

I'm most displeased.


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I should have said people I dont like get a riduculous markup. The price you got was pretty damn good for clen spiked lipo

How is it going for you anyways? I should really get that sample out to you that I promised about a month ago. mail or PM me your address and ill do it asap.

Onwards and upwards, hit up a light workout today as a kind of deload. I was also short on time. I hit up some Quercetin + ALA + salvia + sesathin pre workout and I have to say it sucked ass. Energy and strength were scarily low.



Flat bench

BB row

set of 10 cant remember weight

Military press

Bi curl

Tri pushdown
4from stack x10

20mins cardio on stepper 322cals burned

Pretty easy workout, took about 50mins including the cardio. I have learned not to use salvia pre workout .

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Posted by: @meathead1987
I should have said people I dont like get a riduculous markup.  The price you got was pretty damn good for clen spiked lipo

How is it going for you anyways?  I should really get that sample out to you that I promised about a month ago.  mail or PM me your address and ill do it asap.

I thought that was the reason, just making sure Oh, and thanks for telling everyone that I'm going to be using Clen, too.

I'll shoot you a PM with my address, needless to say I have been expecting it! I did eventually recieve my ALCAR, Choline and L-tyro from 1 fast and have been fannying around with them. I'm currently at 2g ALCAR, 4g Cho, 4g L-tyro and 300mg caff, didn't really notice that much difference from 1g Alcar, 2g cho, 3g tyro and 250mg caff (as you recommended) so I'll probably drop it back down. I'm currently about 2 weeks off hitting 300 for 3 sets of 5 on back squats, I only started back squatting again about two weeks ago, gotta love the front squats though! My lower back FINALLY recovered from the muscle strain I got back in October and I no longer wake up feeling like I'm going to die if I move. I'm absolutely fucking delighted about that. I'm just getting ready to cut really, keeping my weight at 180, certainly not in my best condition but I can still see my abs (JUST) I want to hit my that 300 before I force myself into the annual hell.

Out of interest, why are you doing low intensity cardio as opposed to HIIT?

I'll probably be asking you lots of questions along the way, my year bereft of the internet has rendered me pretty much clueless in contemporary supplementation.

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It seems you are basically using what I was going to send you so theres not much point me sending you any

4g Tyrosine is definately overkill. I'd stick to what you were using 1st.

Ur squat is very impressive! I remember when you were back down to 220x4 a few months ago

The workout prior to the HIIT bestows all the benefits a HIIT cardio session would and increases fatty acid oxidation. So I do low intensity to burn off the oxidised FA's. Low intensity is always best post workout. I may do 1 sprint session a week, but that may be overkill since I'll be training legs 3x a week already.

I hit 310x1 on saturday. Not bad considering my ROM is about 10x yours shorty

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Today has been a good day.

Woke up @ 7 and hit up 3xHEAT 750mg Quercetin, 0.5mg biotin, 1g green tea and an ALA cap. Chewed on a little buit of nicotine gum and I felt awesome!! Basically had to force down my breakfast, which is surprising on a low carb day.

Went to school and wasnt looking forward to it(tuesdays suck ass) so I head off to double maths. This lesson is normally super hard, as I have a 3lesson a week, 12 course crammed into 1 lesson a week for 5 weeks. Sucks super balls. Today was different though, I really feel the mood boosting effects of the HEAT and nicotine. I also seemed strangely full of energy. I have never run HEAT + Nicotine before, but I am definately liking it so far.

Went into triple physics feeling pretty damn good and had a very productive lesson! Moreso even than when I have a bowlful of oats inside me. I'll try this concoction without the quercetin in a few days and report on how that goes.

No workout today, cals were~

160C(if that)
80F(including 15g from lecithin, 25g from fish oil and 2g from sesathin)

pretty good day all in all.

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Yeah, I don't know what happened to my strength a few months back, it just dropped all of a sudden and didn't move. Some of this, I think, was due to me really taking a hard look at my form, which had deteriorated due to overzealous addition of weight on the bar. I took a few weeks off to go home and then came back and started low volume and have been making crazy gains in strength and mass (well, 2 lbs in 2 weeks without a rise in bf, some of it water, but hey). Overreaching methinks. Though somewhat distracted with Uni work at the time, I am pretty peeved I didn't spot it. I had all the symptoms, irritability, shitty mood, weight stagnation etc. Stupid Jimmy.

I tried 1.5g ALCAR, 3g chol, 3g tryo and 300mg caffeine today and stormed through the workout without any hint of fatigue. I almost popped a boner at the reappearance of that blonde I pretty much tea-bagged a few months back (who I hadn’t seen since then). Doing the splits in short shorts at the front of the gym? Distracting. Very distracting. Have you experienced a better mood on the stims? I seem to be a lot less angry and my fuse is a little longer than usual.

I intend to get a video of me hitting 300 x 5 when it happens anyway.

P.S How's about sending me a sample of the bastardised Body Octane you created? I'll pay for it if req'd.

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