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Resetting my body to be lean

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I'm interested in women taking over a gram of DHA per day.

Quick question, not that it has anything to do with sex, but what's up with the hemocrit? It's rather unusual.

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does this include natural sources like fish?

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Ahh, good question. I eat salmon 5 days a week plus other fish that contains significant amounts of epa/dha.

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Posted by: @zaneblue
Quick question, not that it has anything to do with sex, but what's up with the hemocrit? It's rather unusual.

It means great aerobic shape doesn't it. or the use of EPO...

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Not that you asked, but I believe eating that much salmon a week is unsafe.

Jinx Me
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Posted by: @zaneblue
Not that you asked, but I believe eating that much salmon a week is unsafe.

depends on the source - farmed sucks. wild sockeye is decent but somewhat contaminated with mercury, but wild alaskan is pretty clean.

Kicking ass is my comfort food

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Wild......that's all I eat All my foods are organic, hormone free and wild

Section 8
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Posted by: @liorrh
It means great aerobic shape doesn't it. or the use of EPO...

Are you suggesting that it's normal to be in great aerobic shape and/or use EPO?

QUOTEHematocrit 44.3..........35.0-48.0 %

Section 8
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Posted by: @Godmode
Forty and obese.. I think you need to cut down on fat sources other than fish oil.

This was an asshole thing to say, but it does raise an interesting point. I.e., what constitutes a high-dose of fish oil is dependent upon body weight, lipid metabolism, overall macronutrient profile, and ratio to other fats (including what kinds), among other things.


You say you are looking for women who take 1gr combined EPA/DHA or more per day. What confuses me is that this is just about the bare minimum necessary for healthy cognitive function. So you are basically just looking for healthy individuals, not those who are taking exorbantly high doses of fish oil. What I am suggesting, I guess, is that you figure out which you are looking for prior to deciding whether to go through wiht the study (which would also factor into how much you give participants should you go through wiht it).

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No, I'm looking for women who are taking more than a gram of DHA per day. I personally am taking three and a half grams of EPA and two and a half grams of DHA per day.

We are planning on dosing by weight. Originally I had a preliminary dose response study, but the funding for that got cut. We will be doing bloodwork to monitor omega-3 fatty acid levels.

Part of the screening of course is women with typical low omega-3 fatty acid levels. If women are already taking fish oil supplements or eating lots of fish, there won't be a clear before and after. You can argue that we are simply bringing women back to optimal health. Frankly I think that's all it is, I think women have evolved to be even more sexual than men when the food supply is plentiful, and our bodies gauge plentiful food supply by omega-3 fatty acid intake (since the foods we evolved eating were high in omega-3 fatty acids). Still it's something that needs to be proven and something that women don't know about. People on this board know about omega-3 fatty acids, but the general public doesn't.

I'm waiting to hear back from my bloodwork hormone guy about the test results. I'm certainly not a doctor myself.

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Posted by: @zaneblue
You can argue that we are simply bringing women back to optimal health. Frankly I think that's all it is...

Ok, that's precisely what I wasn't clear on.

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zaneblue - are you sure you don't have persistant sexual arousal syndrome?

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Depends on your definition. Some define PSAS as genital engorgement without desire. That's not me, I also have desire. Some define it as women like me who dislike being this way. That's not me either, I work at being this way.

However you classify it, I'm doing it deliberately. I know very well what to do to make the ability go away. And also I know what causes it, in myself and other women.

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I do want to add that my definition of women's optimal health is unusual. I'm just saying that a very healthy woman (with optimal dopamine, serotonin, and hormone levels, excellent circulation and strong PC muscles) will naturally have the abilities I have. In other words optimal health = spontaneous vaginal orgasms and very high libido.

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Jodi, do you know approximately what part of your cycle the test was taken? Also, do you have testosterone results too?

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