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Resetting my body to be lean

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No, that is the sign of rigorous science. For example, using the example of Viagra, Viagra doesn't work for men whose ED is psychologically based. In the clinical trials of Viagra these men were screened out. In the test of Intrinsa on women, likewise, psychologically-based FSD was screened. I am already doing hormone screening and omega-3 fatty acid bloodlevel screening on the participants. I want to find the group of women that respond to this, because I want to discover the mechanism.

Of course I didn't mean that I would actually do a test of DHA during the recruiting process. That certainly would be bogus science. But we do want to pick the women who would be the most likely to respond, using other markers besides DHA response, if that makes sense.

Par Deus
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Posted by: @zaneblue
I generally have at least a couple dozen vaginal orgasms a day, and the desire to have a couple dozen vaginal orgasms a day.

Damn, that is hot.

Especially for make-believe.

par deus

Juggernaut, bitch!!

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I'm not here to defend myself, I'm here to hear about women's experiences. So far three women have responded--two reporting no change in libido or orgasmic ability before and after taking high-dose fish oil. One I'm not sure, although she had excellent and useful study references. Countering that is a woman here who posted in the sexual enhancers thread that she found fish oil pro-sexual. I am very curious about the hormone levels of the two women who didn't notice a change, but don't want to be nosy.

As for whether a woman can have the ability I have, yes, some women have been documented to have this ability. It is occasionally diagnosed as a sexual dysfunction called PSAS, depending on whether the women find it bothersome, although the majority of women who have it enjoy it. Was popularized in the movie Kinsey, where a grandmotherly woman had the ability.

I am sure that in my own case it is a product of very high free Testosterone combined with high dopamine and good vaginal muscle tone. As for whether I myself am who I say I am

I know very well that no one will take me seriously until I prove what I say. The only reason I mentioned my particular orgasmic ability was to give an example to the women here of what I mean when I say very high libido and orgasmic function.

This post was modified 3 years ago by admin

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Its too bad you said you're not hot.

Jinx Me
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Just for the record - I've recently upped my fish oil (before reading this thread, I might add, and I'm now glad I did!).

I haven't responded because I don't think my fish oil consumption was high enough to warrant it, I unfortunately don't share your libido (it's perfectly healthy, but not quite that healthy!), and also, I do drink a fair bit of green tea... (you mentioned caffeine intake).

But I'm following the thread with great interest!

Kicking ass is my comfort food

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Generally women who have gone on my diet while continuing to drink coffee start to have the female equivalent of wet dreams, I assume because during the night the caffeine wears off. How much DHA are you taking now? Also you might want to take some of it at dinner; I'd be curious to see if you have this result (although of course now it would be biased because of suggestion).

I am most definitely not hot. Forty and obese.

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Come back with some scientific research on results or mechanism and we'll talk. This is just hype and snakeoil stuff.

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Posted by: @liorrh
Come back with some scientific research on results or mechanism and we'll talk. This is just hype and snakeoil stuff.

I think that was the purpose of this thread. She is trying to get some research going.

I have to admit, I find this difficult to believe, but I am certainly interested in her research, merely for science of course.

When you mentioned hormone profile, what exactly are you looking for?

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Posted by: @liorrh
Come back with some scientific research on results or mechanism and we'll talk. This is just hype and snakeoil stuff.

I am not trying to "sell" something here, I am only interested in asking the women who are already here what their experiences have been taking high-dose fish oil. Feel free to call me a crackpot, it wouldn't be the first time someone has. But can't I just ask a question? I am about to conduct scientific research, and I just want further info before I start, that's all.

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Forty and obese.. I think you need to cut down on fat sources other than fish oil.

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Posted by: @Godmode
Forty and obese.. I think you need to cut down on fat sources other than fish oil.

^^^ cool guy.

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Posted by: @zaneblue
I am not trying to "sell" something here, I am only interested in asking the women who are already here what their experiences have been taking high-dose fish oil. Feel free to call me a crackpot, it wouldn't be the first time someone has. But can't I just ask a question? I am about to conduct scientific research, and I just want further info before I start, that's all.

Why would a scientist Bias herself like so by asking for ancedotes?
I never called you anything by the way.

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Please--all scientists are biased. It's anecdotal evidence that drives the ideas for hypotheses. But my study is a double-blind placebo-controlled study so it doesn't matter if I'm biased or not. I'm looking for anecdotal evidence to make sure I should DO the study in the first place. I'm studying the effects of high-dose fish oil on female sexuality. If all the women here who are taking high dose fish oil haven't seen any change in their sexuality, then I'm going to do further research before I start the study. My ass is on the line here.

Hormone profile--Either enough body fat to menstruate, or if you have a hormone workup, levels falling in the normal ranges for women for estrogen, total and free testosterone, SHBG and thyroid.

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Here is my most recent blood work if this may help........


WBC 6.6..........4.0-11.o k/mm3
RBC 4.68..........3.70-5.40 m/mm3
Hemoglobin 15.7.....11.5 - 16.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 44.3..........35.0-48.0 %
MCV 95......................78-100 fl
MCH33.5....................27.0 - 34.0 pg
MCHC 35.4...............31.0-37.0 g/dL
RDW 12.2...............11.5 - 14.5 %
Platelet Count 364..........130-450 k/mm3
MPV 8.4...............7.5 -11.5 fL
Segmented Neutrophils 44..........40-85%
Lymphocytes 42..........10-45%
Monocytes 9................3-15%
Eosinophils 5...............0-7%
.Basophils 0................0-2%
Absolute Neutrophil 2.9...............1.6-9.3 k/uL
Absolute Lymphocyte 2.8..............0.6-5.5 k/uL
Absolute Monocyte 0.6.................0.1-1.6 k/uL
Absolute Eosinophil 0.3................0.0-0.7 k/uL
Absolute Easophil 0.0..................0.0 - 0.2 k/uL
Differential Type - Automated

Basil Metabolic Panel
Glucose 97.......................65-99 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen 19...............8-25 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.2..................0.6-1.4 mg/dL
Bun/Creat Ratio 15.8............10.0-28.0
Sodium 139......................135-145 mmol/L
Potassium 5.1...................3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride 103.....................96-110 mmol/L
Co2 25.............................19-31 mmol/L
Anion Gap 11....................4-18
Calcium 9.8.......................8.4-10.3 mg/dL

TSH 2.66...........................0.45-4.50 mU/L

Estradiol 45
.....Follicular <20-160 pg/mL
.....Follicular 2-3 days, <20-84 pg/mL
.....Periovulatory, +3 days 34-400 pg/mL
.....Luteal 27-246 pg/mL
.....Oral Contraceptives <20-102 pg/mL
.....Postmenopausal, Untreated <20-30 pg/mL
.....Postmenopausal, Treated <20-93 pg/mL

FSH 3.1
.....Follicular 2.8-11.3 mIU/mL
.....Midcycle 5.8-21.0 mIU/mL
.....Luteal 1.2-9.0 mIU/L
.....Postmenopausal, Untreated 21.7-153.0 mIU/mL
.....Postmenopausal, Treated 9.7-111.0 mIU/mL

LH 2.7
.....Follicular 1.1-11.6
.....Luteal 0.0-14.7 mIU/mL
.....Midcycle 17.0-77.0 mIU/mL
.....Postmenopausal 10.9-52.3

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I could ask my EX. she is taking 1.5 gram of EPA and DHA combined. is that enough?

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