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Reps and Sets

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Is it better to do less weight with more control and intensity with reps between 12-8 or heavy weight with less reps between 8-6?
I am 5'11" 170lbs 9.5%bf. Currently I am doing heavy weight with declining reps 4sets each exercise but my gains suck. Should I switch it to less weight (with small increases) with more control with more reps?

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What are you trying to accomplish? Goals?

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dont know what your trying to achieve but variation is a good thing so try a bit off both-change every couple of weeks or so,unless you just want strengh in which case go for lower reps

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Strength and Power are two different things. Mass is different as well. so fill us in on what you want.

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I do both in almost every workout. I start (after warm up) with heavy wieght s for 2-6 reps (to failure), and after a few different excerises, Ill go with lighter wieghts and higher reps for a great pump. I think both ways of training are very beneficial.

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There is in the realm of size building six fundamentals that are simply unchanging and unalterable. These techniques we will call the six laws of mass.
The first is that of continuous overload. You must make yourself work harder and harder over time. This means handling progressively greater and heavier loads per set.
The second law is that of distinctiveness. If you want to reach a specific goal you must understand how your muscles react to different types of exercise and apply specific exercises toward that end.
If you want STRONG muscles you must use heavy loads for lower repetitions. Repetitions of six or less require anaerobic-strength, metabolism, nervous innervation to recruit as many muscle fibers as possible and places more demand on short-term energy stores through the food you eat.
If you want muscle ENDURANCE, you must do higher repetitions. Repetitions of fifteen and over and do not rest as long between your sets. If better cardiovascular and aerobic endurance is what you desire, you should do exercises such as fast walking, swimming or jogging non-stop for at least thirty minutes.
In bodybuilding or bodyshaping you set your exercises, sets and repetitions for the goal that you have for yourself. Generally, to get the best results in bodybuilding (size, shape and muscularity), you should be doing one or two exercises per body part with two to three sets of each exercise, using at range of eight to fifteen repetitions.
The third law is that of muscle volume. This is the amount of weight used in a particular exercise to reach your goals. To develop strength, you should workout using approximately 75-95% of what you are able to lift once successfully in each exercise. For the purpose of bodybuilding (size, shape and muscularity) you must vary your weights more to do low, medium and high repetitions. Chances are you would vary your weights from 50-80% of your one repetition maximum. The important thing here is that you must use enough weight to make your muscles work harder each time and stimulate growth.
The fourth law is that of quantity. This refers to the total number of exercises, repetitions and sets that you do. As a rule of thumb, three sets of a exercise are generally better than two and two is always better than one. The number of sets you do depends on your time, energy level, sleep, nutritional status, motivation and general level of fitness. If you do too many sets you will over-train. Then the question automatically arises, “How many sets is enough?”

BEGINNERS: 1 Exercise with 1-3 sets.
INTERMEDIATES: 1-2 Exercises with 1-2 sets.
ADVANCED: 1-2 Exercises with 1-3 sets.

The fifth law is that of isolation. If you want to shape or tone a muscle or some part of your anatomy or even get a specific muscle to grow faster, you should work that area or muscle in relative isolation from all the others. Although your muscles work best in unison, you can isolate most of your larger muscles through your choice of exercises.
The sixth law and perhaps the most important of these laws, is that of frequency. This refers to how often you exercise. If you workout on the leg press once a year you would never improve. If you on the other hand, exercised once a month you might improve a bit but it would be probably negligible. If you decided to exercise once a week you would likely make some pretty good gains. Now, if you upped it to about two or three times per week, you would make some pretty substantial gains in both muscle and strength.
There are two factors that come into play with this law. One is that you must workout often enough to produce sufficient stress to facilitate muscular growth and not too often to produce over-training. The later is a syndrome that plagues most of the bodybuilding community. This is where I plan to elaborate significantly.
The entirety of the bodybuilding world seems completely under the impression that everyone needs to do more. The age-old adage, “more is better” is very evident and of course, if more is better, then “even more will be even better”.

I will, when I have more time, also include a portion of the chapter on the "Theory" of my training methods. It will serve to clarify some of the above.

