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What really works for you?

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2 sets pull ups just as warm up,latpulldowns3x8,bent over row3-4x6-8..i do barbell for about 4wks then go to d/b's,every other workout i do deads reps go no higher than 5 for working sets,sometimes these exercises change..if i start one and i'm not getting the feel i ghange right there..........

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my Bro
you hiding out here!

nice workout, why didn't you tell me all that 🙂

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i did!!!!!...........where the hell have you been big man???

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This si my back routine right now, and Im loving it!

4 sets of deadlifts
4 sets of weighted pullups
4 sets bent rows
3 sets of low pulley rows- lightweight to get a great pump

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just stick with the basic 3 pricipal. one exercise with hands wide, one with shoulder width apart, one with hands close and pull ups, can't go wrong with them.

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Therefore, I think it needs to be treated as such. The back has numerous muscle groups, is 1/2 your upper body mass, and needs to be hit from multiple angles. I don't think you can do 3 excercises and get full benefit, like you could for say, chest.

I'd recommend: Deadlifts, Wide Grip Pullups, or Wide Grip Pull downs, Close Grip pulldowns, Low Rows, Shrugs, Bend over Dumbell Rows in place of low rows, Hyper-extensions.

NEVER neglect your low back! Don't walk around with a weight belt on all day. Use only with heavy lifts as a precaution. Otherwise, you are weekening your trunk and will at some point end up injured, because your stabilizer muscles won't be able to support the weight, because they didn't grow with the rest of you. Also get plenty of ab work in, because you abs can take pressure off your spine...

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good call titanium. all you guys who wear those weight belts 24/7 ................take e'm off man. they're only good for you when you need em. if you don't need e'm then your body gets used to having it and does you damage. finally some one else states my thoughts.

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I start off with some machine exercsies..I do one set of warm-ups on machine rows..tehn three wroking of no more then 8or 9 reps. Then I hop into the pulldowns with heavy weight and do two sets to the front and two behind the neck staying about 6 but below 10. Then I jump into dumbell rows for three sets of 10 reps concentrating on strictly slow form. Then I do reverse flys but pull back and up to really pinch the lower traps and rhomboids. i ussually like to do four sets of those ..two heavy and two super light with high reps. and lastly I do back exdtensions with a 45 pound plate for limited reps but not to fatigue to keep from injuring the lower back.
