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Overtraining - How to avoid it.

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Overtraining. Very common, yet avoidable. Inform yourself! Avoid it! Read:

Overtraining is the trainee's number one "enemy" next to training injuries. Overtraining results from an imbalance between the amount of stress applied to your body, and your ability to adapt to it. Overtraining results in losses in size and strength and actually also increases the probability of illness.

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of overtraining:

- Decreased muscle size and strength.
- Longer-than-average recovery time after a workout.
- Elevated waking pulse rate.
- Elevated morning blood pressure.
- Increased joint and muscle aches.
- Headaches
- Hand Tremors
- Tiredness
- Listlessness
- Insomnia
- Loss or decrease in appetite.
- Injury
- Illness

So what biochemical mechanism leads to this over trained state?

After the onset of high-intensity training exercise the body pumps out cortisol which breaks down protein into their constituent amino acids and routes them to the liver for conversion to glucose.

The longer the workout, the more cortisol is pumped in and the more protein is destroyed.

This causes a "catabolic state" as the largest supply of protein lies in the muscles so that is where the cortisol goes first.

Research by Costill and Nieman et al., has shown that one hour of intense strength training will increase the protein stores in our immune and skeletal systems, but that any further training will only begin to deplete these stores.

Overtraining can force the body into a weakened physical state, which, at best can produce a cold or the flu and, at worst, can tear muscles ligaments, and tendons once these body parts lose their structural integrity protein loss.

The culprit is a built-in "survival" drug hormone called cortisol. Immediately following a high intensity effort, the body pumps out this hormone whose function is simple: It carries off the proteins to the liver, where they are converted into glucose, for energy use in the body.

Why does this weaken our defense mechanisms? Because all our immune systems are based on proteins, and the influx of control in our biological mix steals the proteins that make up our immune system.

Nieman, a researcher at Loma Linda University found that athletes who train twice as intensely as normally prescribed will wind up with twice as many colds, and viruses.

Nieman investigated the athletes for cortisol. He found that astonishingly, after only ONE grueling strength training session, their bodies revealed a 60% increase in cortisol production.

Among the first proteins to go were the T-cells that make up our front line of defense against viruses. This watchdog system was depleted by more than 30 percent. However, this shortfall lasted only 6-8 hrs.

So you're probably thinking "What's the big deal? Is putting your body at risk for only 6-8 hours such a high price to pay?"

Well, Nieman and other researchers found that after a few days of such exercising, the "at risk" time became longer and longer, until the T-cells stopped rejuvenation.

In addition, the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses an antibody known as IgA, which is found in the saliva, was reduced to nearly non-protective levels.

The conclusion of the researchers was that athletes can over train themselves into illness.

Thus the logical conclusion would be that high intensity strength training should be limited to one hour or less to restrict the amount of protein destruction.

Other ways to reduce the risk of overtraining:

Emphasize carbohydrates: make them 60-70% of your total diet. Take carbohydrates two hours prior to exercising and immediately following exercise. Research has shown that your fatigued muscles seem most responsive to energy storage within the first 30 minutes following your workout. There is a lesser response for the next 10 hours. Take protein one to two hours before and immediately following exercise. Again I use regular food, but I see no problem with supplementation to save time (at the expense of more money however). Research has also shown your body to be more receptive to protein immediately following a workout. Continue eating high carbohydrate foods every 2 hours during the first 4 to 6 hours after hard training. During the first 6 hours post-exercise, simple sugars appear to replace muscle glycogen better than complex carbohydrates. Post-exercise muscle glycogen storage can be enhanced with a combination carbohydrate-protein supplement as a result of the interaction of carbohydrate and protein on insulin secretion. The addition of protein with carbohydrates can allow for a more rapid return recovery. Drink a re-hydration beverage during and after exercise, for example, Gatorade.

Take periodic layoffs

Use the best "miracle supplement" there is - WATER. You can't "overdose" on water. The worst side effect you can get as mentioned previously, is a few more trips to the washroom. Your body functions optimally when it is fully hydrated. A general recommendation is to consume at least 128 ounces (one gallon) of water a day. During hot weather you should double or triple this amount.


Give your undivided attention to your training when your in the gym. But when you're outside the gym, cast your attention to other things in life. Establish your other priorities, set goals, and keep busy. There are many athletes who fall into the trap of letting their mind continually dwell on training. Train hard when your in the gym, but try and relax more when your not. Stress has been shown to increase levels of CORTISOL in the body - the catabolic hormone, so try to find ways to manage stress in your life and relax, and your results will be improved.

- Thanks to

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I really am not trying to get on your case due the fact we have obviously very different opinions, but your workout seemed to be very low volume with some muscle groups completely missing from the schedule. I am wondering if fear of overtraining is slowing your progress. How long are you sore after a workout? Are you using H.I.T.? What are your goals?

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very good post johnny b, very good info and relevant to my situation. i swear to god i have been overtraining for a while and getting sick alot, like to the point where i was unable to do really anything. reading this post makes alot of sense to me and makes me realize maybe ive been doing some things wrong.

now if there was only a post on how to stop over-indulging in trashy women.

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Originally posted by tbiggits
now if there was only a post on how to stop over-indulging in trashy women.


Swole, what are you talking about?

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You were asking about a workout and looking for some feedback. I noticed that there were no hamstrings involved in leg day or any other day. Also, the volume was low for only hitting each bodypart once per week. I was wondering if your intensity was high enough and your recovery time slow enough to warrant that much rest. Only a very experienced BB can hit a bodypart once every seven days(with legs being the exception) and not start to atrophy in the muscle after 5 days.

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Swole, you replying to a different post?

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Yeah, he is.

The schedual I posted was one that I follow week in, week out. I add plenty of other workouts to it but didn't post them because I always switch them up and do something different each week, so I don't get stuck with one routine for months eventually leading to halting gains.

I wasn't really looking for feedback about my workout, I just was interested in seeing other member workouts.

And bro, above all, I don't fear overtraining. The only thing I fear is failure.


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I just have to. I do not understand why people just do not take the time and read/research things like these. And you're wondering why you aren't seeing gains? ...

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There are a few items that are not quite accurate in that article, such as the comment that you cannot overdose on water. Regardless, overtraining is a very important topic!

I would rather have an undertrained athlete than an overtrained athlete any day of the week! They will simply perform better within their skill level. Too many people have the "more is better" philosophy and they cheat themselves on gains. They may still make gains, but may not make as many as they could. Not only can you overtrain your muscles, but also your CNS.

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[. Only a very experienced BB can hit a bodypart once every seven days(with legs being the exception) and not start to atrophy in the muscle after 5 days. [/B]

I dont think thats true AT ALL. First of all you cant hit every body part or hell even the major ones twice a week.
I for the most part (other then calfs and abs) only work body parts once a week. And there is NO atrophy going on at all.
