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OCB Banned substances list

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pretty typical for a tested federation so figured it might give you all a good feel for what is banned vs what is not

All competitors at OCB events are subject to drug testing. Competitors cannot have used any substances indicated as being banned for competition for a particular OCB event. Promoters have the right to request additional forms of drug testing at their discretion and expense for participants other than what is specified for their particular event. These may include, but is not limited to, blood testing, urinalysis, voice stress, or hair testing.

Banned Substances:

ANABOLIC STEROIDS. Including but not limited to bolasterone, boldenone, chioroxomesterone (dyhdrochlormethyltesterone), clostebol, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone, methandienone, methyltestosterone, nandrolone, norethandrolone, oxandrolone, oxymetholone, stanozolol, Testosterone and all other related compounds.

The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 went into effect January 20, 2005. This bill adds a number of “prohormone” and “prosteriods” to the already existing list of illegal anabolic steroids and all of these new illegal drugs (1-AD, 1-Testosterone, “M1T’, etc) are banned as of this date. For a complete list of the banned substances included in this new law, please see the following link: Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004

Note: Some “prohomones” and related compounds such as AndrosteneTRIONE, DHEA, and 7-ketoDHEA, are not currently scheduled on this new law. If at any point in time these substances get added to the list of illegal anabolic steroids, they would be considered banned substances at that time.

TESTOSTERONE/EPITESTOSTERONE RATIO; The T/E ratio is used to measure the presence of exogenous testosterone, or elicit elevation of testosterone levels. A T/E ratio in excess of 6/1 is ruled as positive, no matter what the cause. Should the use of any substance cause a T/E ratio in excess of the 6/1 limit, the testing result for the particular athlete will be ruled as positive (failure). Use of an over the counter “test” booster is not an acceptable defense for failing a T/E ratio test. Please be conscience of any over the counter supplements you are taking and their potential hormonal effects.

Growth Hormones: Pharmaceutical HGH, HCG, and any other related compound. Oral, spray, or sublingual GH supplements

Prescription antiestrogens: Nolvadex, clomid, Arimidex, Letrozole, etc

Muscle Implants and synthol

Physician prescribed diuretics within 3 weeks prior to competing.

Fen-Phen and all other prescription weight-loss substances used for bodybuilding purposes.

Psychomotor Stimulants (ex. Amphetamines)

Chemicals or drugs used for the purpose of deceiving or passing the polygraph test and anything used to attempt altering urine test results.

Clenbuterol and GHB

Any of the above substance founds in alternative forms available through 'experimental' or “for research purposes only” labeling.

Any illegal or illicit bodybuilding drug or substance

Any substance banned by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) unless otherwise indicated.

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Psychomotor Stimulants (ex. Amphetamines)

Any exceptions if you're taking a doctor-prescribed stimulant, such as Ritalin or Adderall?

Just curious...

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yes, you can. I take adderall and have taken ritalin for years. Basically my doctor wrote a note saying I take a small dose and have never used it for physical performance enhancing use, etc. Also adding that i've never refilled my prescription ahead of schedule, basically I always take UNDER the recommended dose.

Then they also detailed a few questions on the polygraph to me like "did you ever use adderall for increasing your physical performance" stuff like that

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

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It looks like ephedrine would be legal for this one or not? I was thinking about aiming for a contest maybe the winter after this one but wasn't sure how long I would have to be ephedrine clean...

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well since the FDAs ban against ephedra has at least been temp overuled, ephedra is still allowed as long as you can buy the supplement off the shelves.


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what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?
Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been banned yet?

just curious, never intending to compete

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Posted by: @Drewkowsky
what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?
Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been banned yet?

just curious, never intending to compete

yes you could, and this is something i'm currently discussing with the heads of some of the natural orgs. Most of the heads of these federations were under the impression that the bill banned all androgens which just isn't the case. These drugs were made specifically to circumvent that bill and likewise they circumvent the rules of the natural federation. I believe that if most of the administrators of these orgs actually knew what these things really were, they would ban them in 2 secs.

that should stimulate some discussion

Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

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Posted by: @str8flexed
what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?
Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been banned yet?

just curious, never intending to compete

yes you could, and this is something i'm currently discussing with the heads of some of the natural orgs. Most of the heads of these federations were under the impression that the bill banned all androgens which just isn't the case. These drugs were made specifically to circumvent that bill and likewise they circumvent the rules of the natural federation. I believe that if most of the administrators of these orgs actually knew what these things really were, they would ban them in 2 secs.

that should stimulate some discussion

I agree with your stance on this
it seems very common-sense to me

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Posted by: @Drewkowsky
what happens if someone uses a supplement before it is banned?
Could you use Superdol or even ATD, because it hasn't been banned yet?

just curious, never intending to compete

yes you could, and this is something i'm currently discussing with the heads of some of the natural orgs. Most of the heads of these federations were under the impression that the bill banned all androgens which just isn't the case. These drugs were made specifically to circumvent that bill and likewise they circumvent the rules of the natural federation. I believe that if most of the administrators of these orgs actually knew what these things really were, they would ban them in 2 secs.

that should stimulate some discussion

I agree with your stance on this
it seems very common-sense to me

thanks... btw... your sig, unbelievable song. seen them 3x live.

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Posted by: @str8flexed
There is cross-reaction between ATD and testosterone using the typical assaying methods.  Something like a 350-600% overestimation of testosterone.

It sounds like someone using ATD could get DQ'd on the basis of a high T/E ratio, even though the "Testosterone" was actually ATD.

I guess it'd be poetic justice though, as the contestant would be in violation of the spirit of the rules, if not the letter of them.

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sorry forgive my stupidity, but what does ATD stand for?

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Posted by: @str8flexed
sorry forgive my stupidity, but what does ATD stand for?


ATD is the generic e.g. Pat's giant brand of the same stuff:

found in rebound XT and whatever Kneller's version is called.

This post was modified 4 years ago by admin

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I figured it was an estrogen reducer of some sort. I've known guys who have taken it and not failed their test, but that doesn't mean some won't fail and I usually advise against it just to be safe.


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do people actually get DQ failing a polygraph - that must be the simplest test to cheat...

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Posted by: @XomicronX
do people actually get DQ failing a polygraph - that must be the simplest test to cheat...

this is what a lot of people think but it's not the case. Polygraphs are actually quite difficult to cheat if the person who is administering it knows what they are doing.


Limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them.

"Per Ferrum, ad astra"... Through iron, the stars
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