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New to powerlifting

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Hello, I am a 16 year old high school student and I saw this website and thought I would check it out. I decided to do the school powerlifting team and saturday was my first meet. My friend and I tied for first(not bad for my first time if I do say so). I am 5'10" 218 and I am in a 220 weight devision. My numbers I got last time and what I am hoping to get this satuday are as follows...dont laugh
Bench-280 Hoping for 300
Squat-480 Hoping for 550
Dead Lift-470 Hoping for 515

Obviously my squad is my best lift, and I only started doing dead lift about 2 weeks ago. My question to everyone is... What are some good lifts to do to get my bench and dead lift up? I think my dead lift will go up as I learn the proper form.

Hopefully this is the right forum and y'all won't flame me. thanks for everyone's time.
Mark Mahany

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The secret to a big bench beside strong pecs is strong triceps

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470LB deadlift with improper form would be devastating. I can't really accept that, 470LB deadlift being a two week veteran.

I don't know.

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for those who think I am lying on my numbers...hopefully this link works. My name is Mark Mahany second from the top(I tied with another teammate).
875-2274&meetFax=(830)875-2114&[email protected]&use

Yes I am doing a 1 rep max every saturday until varsity baseball starts up(my true passion).

As far as my workout goes this is an average weekly workout for me.
Sunday- Running, Agility, high reps lowe weight(for baseball training)
Monday-Bench(6,6,4,4 of 235), Squats(6,6,4,4 starting with 365 and moving up 20lbs each time), and last tricepts
Tuesday-Deadlift(4 sets of 4 @425), shoulders, bicepts, and chest
Wednesday-Quads, Hamstrings, Calfs all lower body and another set of bench
Thursday- Bench, Squats, Dead Lift and tricepts
Friday-Rest for meet
Saturday- Prove what I got, Deadlift, Squat and Bench

Any more help is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone

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try this....when i first started powerlifting i used this routine for 3 years....but then i blew out both my shoulders....torn labrum. so i lift very light these days as almost eveythging bother my shoulder....

when i first started i was 18 160 lbs and my bench was like 165lbs. when i was 20 i weighed 185 bench was 315 lbs for reps. i constantly progressed.....almost on a weekly basis the first year and a half. the system is kick ass but needs to be followed identically!!! more importantly you need a me it works!!!! it's basically an 19 week lifting program...12 weeks heavy....mandatory week off and then a 6 week light cycle....

let me know what you think


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thanks for everyones responses!
As far as the one rep max goes, my powerlifting meets are once a week so I don't have much of a choice. We have three chances to do as much weight as we can in squad, bench and, dead lift. Other than that I NEVER max out. Recently I've taken a few of y'alls advice and done quite a bit of shoulder,and tricept work. As far as dead lifts I did one day of small reps high weight(425), and one day of pretty light (335). I have been focusing more on decline bench, and close grip as to work other parts of my upper body.

On another subject. Do y'all think it is worth taking creatine or some sort of protein or such. Just about the closest thing to performance enhancements I have ever taken are powerbars. I definantly don't want to hop on the juice or andro, and I don't want to gain more weight seeing as how I weight around 215 and my weight class is 220.5. Like I said I have never taken anything, therefor I wouldn't know if there is even a product that fits this criteria. thanks again for all the responses

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for those who think I am lying on my numbers...hopefully this link works. My name is Mark Mahany second from the top(I tied with another teammate).
875-2274&meetFax=(830)875-2114&[email protected]&use

Yes I am doing a 1 rep max every saturday until varsity baseball starts up(my true passion).

As far as my workout goes this is an average weekly workout for me.
Sunday- Running, Agility, high reps lowe weight(for baseball training)
Monday-Bench(6,6,4,4 of 235), Squats(6,6,4,4 starting with 365 and moving up 20lbs each time), and last tricepts
Tuesday-Deadlift(4 sets of 4 @425), shoulders, bicepts, and chest
Wednesday-Quads, Hamstrings, Calfs all lower body and another set of bench
Thursday- Bench, Squats, Dead Lift and tricepts
Friday-Rest for meet
Saturday- Prove what I got, Deadlift, Squat and Bench

Any more help is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone

I never said you were lying, the numbers are probably right, but who knows how you guys classify a lift.

I've recently heard about the way some high schools conduct their training, and their classifications for their deadlifts and squats.

To begin training your back at a 470LB deadlift, is just - unacceptable. If you never trained with deadlifts, than you've basically never really trained your back.

Also, to see 165LB highschool juniors put up 450+ pound squats and deadlifts, it really gets you questioning - they're training 15-16 year olds, or are they training amateur gorillas?

Can you tell me what is considered a deadlift, and what is considered a squat at your school?

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squad- going down about 2-3 inches past parrallel

Deadlift- from the weight resting on the ground lifting it up without moving your feet,to a straight legged, straight backed position.

I dont know how much different things could be. At the meets there are 3 judges watching each lifter. Faults are given on squats for things such as, moving after completing a lift without a judge instructing you, lifting heels off the ground, not going past a parrallel position. The 2 former faults were ones I experience trying to get up 450, and then 515(lifted heels off, after completing lift,really gay)

Dead lift faults are give for things such as- rocking to lift the weight, an uneven stance, not locking knees and back.
Hopefully this is what you are asking about. At the meets we don't half ass stuff (to my knowledge). I don't think there are a whole lot of other things you can do to complete a "true" squad or deadlift.

Well I got a meet tommorow(saturday) hopefully I keep putting better numbers up. Wish Me luck!!!

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ok well i just got back from the meet. Didn't do as well as I thought. I got 280 on bench, 470 on deadlift(slipped out of my hands my last 2 times), but I did get 550 on squat. So far I haven't had a squad that I couldn't complete so next saturday at my next meet Ill go for 600 :pickle. I got first this time instead of getting 2nd because last meet I literally weighed 1/10th of a pound less than my friend(we both did 1230 total).

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All the training info you need is here:

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This dude is so fuckin fake!!! No 16 year old could lift that much weight, especially for just starting out. And if it is true, then post some pics of you with AZ written on something in the background. Prove yourself!
