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Need Help,Losing FAT around legs!

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my G-F wants to lose-burn fat,specially legs!
Her legs aren't really that fat,but she has alot of meat on them,esspecilly calv area and upper part,it's basically bulk

What is the best way,to lose and burn fat in leg area for a female.

I need a really good workout plan,for burning fat,plus what vitamines to take and stuff...
i was thinking for her taking Stacker 2,ephedra free (she is against ephedra)

and what kinda food should she avoid,where she wouldn't think has alo of fat and stuff.

She lost alot of weight within 12 months, she is 5'5'' or 5'6' and her weight is 148lbs...she lost over 40 lbs without working out,so now she needs to get in shape and get those fat of from her leg she couldn't get rid of.
Like i said,her legs aren't like fatty ,but bulky

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Sounds like yer GF has some serious genetics on her legs...if you say they are not fat....then what are they muscle? Train them for endurance....cardio, the high rep workouts...
As for fat, there is no such a thing as spot reduction...but muscles do burn fat.
As for the diet, just keep clean and natural she sounds like she is doing well on her own without the sups.
Hard pays off.

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Bump Aku,,, she's gonna have to break a sweat on the treadmill to lose that bodyfat. Her diet needs to be as clean as she can get it. Watch out for those carbs,,,


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So, if I know how to subtract well, your girlfriend is 108 lbs at a height of 5 feet and 5 to 6 inches.

That is not fat. Actually, for her height she is way too light. Her body mass index is like 17.5 which means she is underweight.

So, although I hate disagreeing with my fellow freaks so drastically, I do so. I think that you have picked a strategy that is based on false premises and she is doomed to fail.

Since she lost weight only through diet, I can guarantee you that she has lost at least 20 lbs of muscle. Since the legs are the body part that has the most muscles, I can again guarantee you that she has lost most of those 20 lbs from her legs since on the average women do not have significant upper body musclature.

So, now, you both (?) want her to get in shape without adding any muscle to her legs? Impossible.

Your GF is not fat! Period! Her bf percentage is high not because she has fat, but because she has no muscles!

So, even if she does all these "fat burning" exercises, she does not have the muscles to burn the fat. Instead, she is going to catabolise even more muscle tissue!

Your GF appears to have to genetics that emphasize her lower body. Have you checked out her bone structure? What is the ratio of her wrist diameter to her ankle diameter? If it is low, then that is it, there is nothing she can do about it, but live with it but do her best at the same time.

What is her best in this case?

She has to accept that her genetics have dictated her body type. Instead of wishing she looked as if she had a different body type, she should realise what her body type is, and be at her best looks and shape within that framework.

So, if she is "doomed" to have big thighs, she can choose between big, flabby thighs or big, tight, muscular thighs.

And, as her BF, you should help her be at her best and not remold her. Make her feel good about herself, appreciate what she has, give her ambitions and goals within her reach, and lead herto the best she can be according to her genetics.

I repeat and look it up at the net (BMI (body mass index)): your girlfriend is underweight.

Your girlfriend has to each well (in amount and quality) and do muscle building exercises which will help her two-fold: lower her body fat index and have some muscle so she can burn the extra fat.

Otherwise, she is going to spin into a yo-yo diet situation since the less muscle you have the easier it is to get fat WITH LESS FOOD than before!

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Great, after all this, I might know how to subtract but not know how to read!

You mean she used to be 188 lbs and now she is 148?


Then, her BMI is in the normal range, but again all my points hold except for the underweight thing.

Really, really, check the wrist to ankle ratio!

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Hey Ape,
dude your knowledge with weight, height ratio and bodymass is dead on..."if" she was at weight....but damn thats amazing on its on....

but I do have to ask though, if a person wants to loose that bulky muscle, not HBK1s girlfriend in particular, but if someone has that bulk like figure, and mind you its all muscle, can't you recommend a more endurance type of work out just to tighten up?
If I am wrong please correct me....for this was what I have always been told....

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Ape,,, that was so damn funny bro. I knew when I started reading your post I missed something or you did. I actually went back and read the first post to see if I misunderstood something. LMAO


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Originally posted by Aku
Hey Ape,
dude your knowledge with weight, height ratio and bodymass is dead on..."if" she was at weight....but damn thats amazing on its on....

but I do have to ask though, if a person wants to loose that bulky muscle, not HBK1s girlfriend in particular, but if someone has that bulk like figure, and mind you its all muscle, can't you recommend a more endurance type of work out just to tighten up?
If I am wrong please correct me....for this was what I have always been told....

I am somewhat embarassed for misreading the post, but I come from a family of bulimcs and anorexics (my mother for example), so I kind of jumped the gun. So, apologise for any unecessary roughness.


as far as your question is concerned, we have to think about the matter in a bit more detail.

Strength training deals with the fast twitch muscles while endurance training deals with the slow twitch ones. The ratio of fast twitch muscles to slow twitch is genetically predetermined.

So, the exercise that you do primarily targets the corresponding type of fiber primarily, and of course they will grow.

Exercise makes muscle grow.

The advice that you were given addresses a different problem: marbled muscles.

Have you ever seen a cut of meat where the muscle and the fat are next to the other giving it the appearance of marble. That is interstitial (inbetween) fat that can be removed through continuous motion (low intensity, endurance type.

You see, saying that spot reduction is impossible is not 100% right. If the fat is on the muscle, yes, spot reduction is a myth. But, if the fat is inbetween the muscle fibers, then that can be rid off by "spot reduction."

So, do i think that endurance type exercise can make a muscle less bulky (assuming there's no fat in the muscle)?

If the exercise is done correctly, no. If you overdo it and force the muscle in a catabolic state (pain, misery) that is overtrain the muscle, yes. But, an overtrained muscle is never tight.

So, you ovetrain the muscle, make it catabolise, then let it rest so it will look healthy at a reduced size. That is the only way I can think off.

But, my god, it sounds so against everything I believe!

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I agree bro. Goes against what I believe in too.

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Damn Ape, astounding...... is all I can say....
