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Mass Gaining

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Man i bust my ass in the gym and take protein to try to gain the mass faster. Im gettin stonger but not really gettin big like i wanted to. What would yall say is the best thing to take besides creatine?

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if youre getting stonger but not putting on weight than its a diet more food...keep eating until you start putting on weight...then keep eating

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Food does miracles.

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Overtrainign is possible. Eat more. Slow down your tempo and cut the number of reps and sets. Focus more on quality movement and not quantity. For a guy whose natural you really have to focus on quality. An example is:

Chest: warm up with 2 sets of 15 reps.
1 set with 65-75% of 1 rep max barbell flat bench. Do this for 6-8 slow reps. 3-4 seconds up and 8-12 seconds going down. Do about 3 sets increasing the weight only enough to allow 6-8 quality super slow reps.

I guarantee not only will you get stronger, but mass gains will follow and you'll cut gym time drastically and you'll have more free time to focus on diet,career and family.

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Man i bust my ass in the gym and take protein to try to gain the mass faster. Im gettin stonger but not really gettin big like i wanted to. What would yall say is the best thing to take besides creatine?
How old are you? The reason I'm asking is because before I turned 22 I couldn't put on a single pound - my metabolism was so freaking fast that it burned everything.

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thanx guys ohhh and im 16 (need that mass for football ya know gettin outweighed 100 lbs sux)
