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Love handles and lower stomach fat

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tight booty
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I did not mean to upset you..... Like I said what ever works for you, then go ahead and stick to it. All I mean is that if you need to increase your cardio, then do so to tap into fat sources. And I have ALWAYS trained naturally. I have never taken anything. This is me at the Australian Nationals on the Gold Coast. I placed runner up for my division.

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i think it's great you have stayed natural:) for me, i have plans for the Olympia in my future...and i got sick of getting "jerked" around by women who couldn't pass their drug tests

in Canada, when someone fails a drug test, the other competitors ARE NOT bumped up, that position just stays open and the competitor is "black-listed" from competing naturally....i could never understand "cheaters"

best of luck to you and your future endevours....

tight booty
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i think it's great you have stayed natural:) for me, i have plans for the Olympia in my future...and i got sick of getting "jerked" around by women who couldn't pass their drug tests

in Canada, when someone fails a drug test, the other competitors ARE NOT bumped up, that position just stays open and the competitor is "black-listed" from competing naturally....i could never understand "cheaters"

best of luck to you and your future endevours....
Thank you and I wish you all the best with your training and future competitions as well. Yeah I know what you mean about cheaters. I compete in natural federations, but I am sure that they are all not natural.......

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Thank you and I wish you all the best with your training and future competitions as well. Yeah I know what you mean about cheaters. I compete in natural federations, but I am sure that they are all not natural.......

when i did the world's. we were given (as well as a urine test) a "voice-stress" can't beat it, but if you were "asked" the "right" questions, well you pass right

my husband competed in the pro division in that contest. THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL the winner was natural. not a chance. his voice/stress analyzer test took about 3 minutes (probably asked him if he had used ephedrine or clen ) husband goes in for his test and it in for a LONG TIME....they ask him VERY specific question, picked him apart...but he passed.

he deserved to win that show and "politics" got in the way....sigh, gotta love the "home town" guy...we were a long ways from home....:(

but he got second;)

there is so much cheating in the naturals, you have a long tough road ahead of you, if you need any help or suggestions, you know where to find me;)


tight booty
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Thank you...... I will definitely take you up on that offer one day.
And sometimes the "deserved winner" doesn't always win. Politics do get in the way and this sport is not always fair. But I wish your husband all the best with his future comps as well and I am sure that as he has paid his dues, he will get what he deserves. And he was a "winner" in many ways. The audience can see a champ almost the moment they step on stage. And he also will become more determined and stronger mentally and that is a bonus........

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as he has paid his dues, he will get what he deserves. And he was a "winner" in many ways. The audience can see a champ almost the moment they step on stage. And he also will become more determined and stronger mentally and that is a bonus........

he won the nationals last year, got (his second) pro card, this time, an IFBB;)

i was VERY proud of him, this year, it's my turn;)

tight booty
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Thats awesome news, congragulations to both of you....
Oh and let me know, when you get your pro card???? I will be very happy for you....

tight booty
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he won the nationals last year, got (his second) pro card, this time, an IFBB;)

i was VERY proud of him, this year, it's my turn;)
Hey, I just realised??? I am a member of SBI and I saw the thread there that you posted in members pics. I saw your husbands comp photos at the Nationals. I actually congragulated you both in that thread......
So I have seen them after all.......
Just thought I would let you know. And he looked amazing, a very deserving winner....

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Hey, I just realised??? I am a member of SBI and I saw the thread there that you posted in members pics. I saw your husbands comp photos at the Nationals. I actually congragulated you both in that thread......
So I have seen them after all.......
Just thought I would let you know. And he looked amazing, a very deserving winner....


i will tell him what you have said, it will make him smile:)

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wow, what a thread.

on topic: cardio and eating properly will bring down your BF nicely.

personally, I do 30 mins cardio in the morning on an empty stomach. I wouldn't say HARD, but moderate to hard. I have never tried 90 minutes of brisk walking.. simply because I don't have 90 minutes to spend walking to nowhere every day. But I can say that the 30mins cardio in the mornings has definately helped me cut the fat down. Not as lean as the ladies who posted in this thread, but it definately works for me.

My advice is to experiment with different cardio routines, track your results, and do what works best for you.

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By: Justin Palermo
If you perform this right I guarantee that you will be totally exhausted after 20 minutes of this.

HIIT will not only help your cardiovascular system, but will train the Anaerobic, ATP/CP system as well. Not only will you increase your cardiovascular endurance but improve your raw speed and explosiveness as well!


I will let the studies speak for themselves. HIIT provides a more effective workout in much less time! Everyone can benefit from HIIT cardio whether it be the person who is trying to lose weight or the professional football player training for the upcoming NFL season! Give HIIT a try and I am sure that you will not go back to the traditional way of performing cardio again!

1. Horn, Beth. "Shock Therapy" FLEX Magazine July, 2003. Page 110

since this thread got bumped to the top, i should add that i tried the HIIT cardio. i normally just do a moderate to high pace. anyways, i only did 15 minutes of this HIIT stuff. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!! it kicked my ass!! i was so friggin exhausted. i am so doing this more often!

if you have never tried HIIT, DO IT!!

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I def think HIIT has something to it. But why would you want to hit the ATP/CP pathway as a bodybuilder looking to lose fat? Absolutely no lipids are used for fuel in the ATP/CP pathway... in fact the only pathway where lipids are used as fuels are in aerobic glycolysis (Krebs cycle). It is very interesting, the key must be spikes in GH and total calories consumed, but you have to admit it does not make sense phsyiologically. BTW just because cardio is exhausting does not mean it is effective at burning fat,

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personally i am a fan of PGF2a. just watch the fat melt off before your eyes. not for the faint of heart though. ya gotta like the pain.


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I am another to agree that HIIT is the SHIT!!! Hey that rhymed......I'm funny man! :blunt

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This week I started cardio twice a day. Is this ok? Some people have said to me its "too much." I do 30 minutes on the bike right when I wake up. Then in the evening when I go do my workout I do another 30 after. Im pretty sure I read on here before someone suggesting cardio twice ( from one of the top dogs) I did a search but didnt find anything.

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