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Is It Ok To Train Trceps The Day After Chest???

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I think My routine hits everybody part and gives each one at least 24 hours rest it has always work well for me.

My routine is like this

Quads and thighs

Chest, Shoulders and Biceps

Wed Off

Thursday Back Traps and Triceps

Abs, Calves and Forearms

That is a whole body routine in 4 days with 3 days rest

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Thanks For The Help

Anyone Have Exercises To Strengthen The Wrist And Hands

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There is a grip device called the eagle catcher. There are many grip devices out there. Basically you need to flex the forearm muscles and hand muscles. The forearm muscles are the brachioradialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris longus, etc. As for the hand, it's mainly the thenar muscles of the thumb. Strengthening your forearm could be done by the grip devices and wrist curls. The grip devices would really help all the muscles in the hands.

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Is There A Website For The Eaglecatcher?????

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To be honest, no I don't. I will look around the internet and try to find a place for you.

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look just keep it simple guy there are 3 major work outs that hit the overall body squats bench and dead lifts screw the fancy shit here .from my years of traing and if u were to ask a pro he would agree that u dont ever hit tries and chest at the same time or the next day its only common sence.u should give those tries at least 2 day before hitting chest .i hit my arm bies and tries together they are small groups and u can hit them hard and git one hell of a pump 30 mins super set them heres my schedule 1 bies and tries 2shoulders and traps 3 rest 4legs 5back day 6rest day 7 rest add carido in 5 days a week u choose abs can be hit every day and those calfs to eat right and add supps if u r having trouble recovering creatine is good and whey just find a old school like arnold and the guys in the old days and use that to get and idea u can intell in ur work out .and u will start seing good muscle growth .u can e mail me with any questions hope this helps answer your questions good luck .big iron

Bump this up,this is the real deal here,stop fucking around with that little bullshit,if your after mass then this is it in a nutshell....1)Bench 2)Deads 3)Squats and more squats,....their called compound exercises as some of us know already,this works all your major muscle groups as well as your secondarys...ex..forearms!!And try not to use any straps,this way there is no choice your grip as to stay strong in order to lift your weight.

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I train bi's and tri's on the same day, which is the last workout of the week. I have to have 2 days rest afterwards. There's no way I would get a decent workout for any other bodypart if I didn't.

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thats all fine bro to do that eaglecatcher stuff in your off time,help build up your wrists and forearms and hands definitely is a plus if you can shake off using straps and toughin up your hands.But I would definitely put one day off during the week in the middle of your routine to heal.
Healing is just as important if not more as working out and eating right and enough.

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I do wrist curls and fore arm curls every other day I also work my caves 2-3 times a week almost an every other day. I cant grip heavy weight any more because i have no muscle in my right hand at all, so I have to do wrist curls and forearm curls. I love them...

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If you do a search on eagle claw kung fu you will find a eagle catcher.

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Is There A Website For The Eaglecatcher?????

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Thanks For The Link To The Eagle Catcher

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Yeah that thing is cool; you know what works good too. Is getting a dowel drill a hole in it, and tie a strong rope to it, place weight on the other end and stand over a balcony or stair case and roll it up and easy it back down, this will kill your forearms and wrists. I got my arms huge from working on oil tankers in dry dock when I was 20. I used to pull up buckets of bolts and discarded metal fragments from the welders; I had to pull them up 50 feet, with a rope and bucket leaning over the edge of the railing. Also had to lug fire hoses around the ship, full of water and man let me tell you them things are heavier than hell...

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sounds like hard work i did the routine you said it works great i'm gonna use it and i have a have a bar wrapped a roped around it and i usually connect a 25-35lb. plate to it and roll it up 2-4 sets.

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