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the calorie counters on cardio equipment.

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Im a trainer T.J. and half the cardio eqip> is in acurate from Heart rate moniter to cal counter,The problem is the more you weigh the more calories you burn and i have noticed that some of the machines differ too much from each other in calories burned per hour,i dunno i figure about 200 cals in 15 min or so is an average, but again if you are at heart rate,longer then 20 min, your are no longer burning fat stores,but muscle, more I cant say on that !

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true but the ones i use do ask for weight when entering time etc. so do you think they actually make adjustments based on this info, i know and dont expect the computer to give the exact amount of calories but at least within +\- 5-10 calories

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Originally posted by HDUDE
Im a trainer T.J. and half the cardio eqip> is in acurate from Heart rate moniter to cal counter,The problem is the more you weigh the more calories you burn and i have noticed that some of the machines differ too much from each other in calories burned per hour,i dunno i figure about 200 cals in 15 min or so is an average,

On what basis are you making these statements? 200 Kcal in 15 min? Doing what? walking, running, stair climber, eliptical? How fast? What resistence? How much muscle mass do you have working?

"again if you are at heart rate, longer than 20 min, you are no longer burning fat stores, but muscle....

What are you talking about? The "average" person who does cardio during the day or evening (not after a night of fasting) takes approximately 20 minutes to burn the glucose out of their blood, in order to tap fat stores. So your most beneficial fat burning comes AFTER the initial 20 min.........

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I think someone is doing too much copy and past and no research here!yeah there is tons of variables bro,but you allways gotta find somthing, we could sit all day and find somthing wrong with someones comments or spelling, but if i sit all day on the computer and post and post,gee what the hell do i do for a living,

20 min, at target heart rate is enough,the rest is a waist of energy, look at your marathone runners bro,they aint so skinney cuz they dont eat, they are cuz they hit an anerobic state and exceed there fat stores and use muscle as have a good day!

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HDUDE, cool your jets...........

1. I typed that, not copy and past.......

2. I didn't nit pick at your grammer or punctuation, which I could have if I wanted to be petty..... So don't act like I did.....

3. Besides all the studies that back the fact that you are burning the glucose in your blood for approximately the first 20min, I can tell you from personal experience, that I require well more than 20 min of cardio to be effective.

4. Marathon runners have a "runner's" body type...... to begin with.... You don't see any beefy guys turn marathon runner and waste away..... Marathon runners don't train for hypertophy....

5. Show me some studies that show that you "burn muscle" with any cardio over 20 minutes. Matter of fact, show me a pro bodybuilder that doesn't do more than 20 minutes cardio, cuz that is all they need after all. Pick any book or study on the net or in print that discusses the benefits of cardio over 20 minutes, and give me something that disproves their statements. I am more than willing to read them.

6. If you are going to post advice, be prepaired to have it question and explained if need be. You can be right or wrong, it doesn't make someone an ass for thinking differently. It really amuses me when I question someone regarding their theory or beliefs, and rather than back them up, then resort to shit slinging.... That doesn't make me re-evaluate my views. It only makes me think less of the other persons.......

Chest Rockwell
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And the drama continues...

Let's settle this with a stairmaster contest. Get your tights ladies....I mean gents.

By the way, cardio is for fatties.

Chest Rockwell
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[i]Matter of fact, show me a pro bodybuilder that doesn't do more than 20 minutes cardio, cuz that is all they need after all. [/B]

...Dexter "Blade" Jackson

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I only do 1/2 hour 6 days/week, when dieting.

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Everyone is different.... Mine is slow as shit.... So I require more cardio... I know people who eat more and don't gain weight and do less cardio..... So figure out what your body requires to meet your goals......

I thought this was of interest to some.. it's a calorie burning estimator......

And some other tools........

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Thanks TS

According to your webMD e-tools BMI Calculator i am Obese I don't understand it......maybe its too much cardio....I must be burning up all my muscle......I'm going to go kill myself now. Goodbye board....Goodbye cruel, cruel world....
