what is the benefit of doing high reps and sets? Tonning, weightloss, and endurance?
To me, doing high reps with low weights are useless.
High reps and medium to high weights offer a great way to mix up your training and stimulate more stamina, endurance and possibly growth.
High sets?? That is really useless to me.
If a person is not able to stimulate your muscles or get a pump after 3 good sets........go back to the drawing board and learn how to lift weights.
Hi reps are also good as they help increase blood volume which aids in transport of fuel, oxygen, water, removal of toxins, etc.... Building your vascular system is an important part of bb.
Thats what I needed to know.
everyone is different. I do 3-4 sets of 12 and bench goes up like crazy. We are having a contest soon and i will prove my way works when I outlift my friends who are30 pounds heavier. I'm gonna kick their ass