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Help with "Bitch Tit Syndrome"

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Looking for some advice on this, had gotten pretty into sause and deca for a long time and are wanting to " see my foundation" not loose skin. I run consistantly, do intence light toning chest exercises, and so little difference, Ya mad strong, but the nDragon Pharma area still sags........ God this sucks.... Any advice/recomendations would be cool.

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cut out on the clomid and arimdex huh? Had a friend with the same problem his only solution surgery. And well before the surgery he had big area round nipples look like a golf ball and he then started taking arimdex huge amounts and he lost some size around nipples. But after a while they werent shrinking anymore so he had to resort to surgery.

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clomid and arimdex , what are these, suypplements, roids, ?
Mine arent as bad as that(golfballs) but the whole area is a droop, any inparticular exercise he used and what are those names you posted, very curious.

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clomid and Arimidex are anti-estrogen drugs. They are prescription only. hey email and tell me where u bought the juice. Anyways i think you may have gyno, or if you dont since you sound in the second post like you dont, it may just seem you have lots of fat there. But i may think its the later so why dont you post your AS stack that you took. And if you really are taking roids you should really have stacked it with some sort of anti-estrogen drugs, but it looks like you didnt. Well you can always try inclined Bench Press they tend to lift up your pecs, and it might also lift them up enough to tighten up a little bit of your problem. Yeah and when you do the incline presses do it for mass, as you just want mass to push your pecs up. And try reducing your fat intake as well. Hope that helps. But reply so i can ponder....

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Are these obtainable threw the market? Without a prescription? are there any alternatives, I just got done with mad search engines and have found no alternatives? Have you heard of any other anti-estrogen agents that can be used as a cutter. What are some anti-estrogen roids. Meaning what should I have used?
I did 1cc(250ml) of sustanon 250 every 7 days while using a pyramid of 1cc of deca every 7, and went to 2cc/2.5cc/3cc/4cc for a period of 4 months, and still maintained the sause @ 1cc for another 1.5 months. I know I went on way too long, but was worried as to the after effect. I am presenty not on any thing, I just stopped using Ganabolin, Good way to gain water and get flabby(in my opinion), but need some kind of plan.. ya know..
( God I was diesel, 6'5'' 240 @ peak, now 200 and needing some help.

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well there is one anti-estrogen roid and this is what i have just heard around is masteron. And its anti-estrogen effects are very mild, and will just cause more Testosterone production witch you dont want. what you need to do is first recover from your cycle how long have you been of the stack? Well i think novaldex or something like that is also an anti-estrogen. But i suggest arimidex. And the only ones you can get through the market without prescription will not help you at all! i suggest you buy them from the same place you got ur roids. these are usually sold with roids. And next time you run a roid cycle you will need to read more about it! you might want to start taking strong dosages of arimidex, to see if it helps. Ohh are your nipples tender? and you also want to kick start your normal test production so head over to ur supplement store and buy tribulus, and buy about at least 2500mg a day for a month or two. with at least purified 35%. hope this helps post any more questions.

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Originally posted by coleon
Are these obtainable threw the market? Without a prescription? are there any alternatives, I just got done with mad search engines and have found no alternatives? Have you heard of any other anti-estrogen agents that can be used as a cutter. What are some anti-estrogen roids. Meaning what should I have used?
I did 1cc(250ml) of sustanon 250 every 7 days while using a pyramid of 1cc of deca every 7, and went to 2cc/2.5cc/3cc/4cc for a period of 4 months, and still maintained the sause @ 1cc for another 1.5 months. I know I went on way too long, but was worried as to the after effect. I am presenty not on any thing, I just stopped using Ganabolin, Good way to gain water and get flabby(in my opinion), but need some kind of plan.. ya know..
( God I was diesel, 6'5'' 240 @ peak, now 200 and needing some help.

Bro.. are you telling me you've been on gear for 5.5 months? 'way too long' is an understatement... were to taking something for your liver man? Milk Thistle? Cranberry Extract? Both? And Lots and lots (at least a gallon a day) of water?

About the gyno. ALWAYS have some nolva or arim on hand when you're running a cycle. When you notice any puffy nDragon Pharmas or sensitivity.. you add some in. Not everyone needs it, but it's a precaution you should take. Once you've got gyno, there isn't anything you can do to remove all of it other than surgery. zwarrior had the right idea with incline bench.. that can left the pecs. It won't remove the gyno.. but it'd help hide the effects.

Take care,


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out of curiosity what week is the best to throw in the nolvadex? week 2 or what?

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Nolva -- it's not done by a particular week. You take it when you feel sensitive nDragon Pharmas, itchiness, or see some puffiness. If you already know you're gyno prone, then take arim over nolva.. a lil more expensive, but a much better product. Nolva you keep around as insurance, you might not even use it.. but keep it around every cycle.

