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Cupcake's 4-Day split routine

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Day 1: chest and bis
Day 2: legs
Day 3: rest day
Day 4: shoulders and tris
Day 5: back
Day 6: rest
Day 7: rest

Incline Press 4x10 reps increasing the weight
Incline Dumbell Press 4x10 reps
Incline Dumbell Flye 4x10 reps
Cable crossover 4x10 reps

- Triceps Kickbacks 4x10 reps
- Triceps Dips 4x10 reps (usually between 2 benches)
- Cable 4x10 reps

Larry Scott 4x10 reps increasing weight
Pulley curls 4x10 reps
Concentration curls 4x10 reps
Barbell biceps curls 4x10 reps

1 arm row 4x10 reps
Seated cable row 4x10 reps increasing weight
Wide grip back pulldown 4x10 reps

Standing dumbell laterals 4x10 reps
Dumbell rear raises 4x10 reps
Standing dumbell front raises 4x10 reps
Shoulder shrugs 4x10 reps

Leg curls 4x10 reps
Leg extensions 4x10 reps
Hack squat 4x10 reps
Leg press 4x10 reps

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First I think your over doing it on some and under doing it on others.

shoulders you should add a pressing movement in there, and drop the dumbells to 3 sets
Back you should add a close grip pulldown
biceps I think you have one to many exercises in there
chest I think you should add a flat pressing movement and drop one of the incline movements...

This is said with out know much about you or seeing your weekness and strengths. I am just trying to make your routine more balanced. If you have taken into conciderations your stregnths and weaknesses into account then you might be ok already.

also you should add some calf work and abs along with lower back.....

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Thank you, BigJim

You are right, some things should probably be changed.

My stats are the following (don't laugh at me please)

Height: 5ft7
Weight: 140 lbs

Neck: 13.8 in
Shoulders: 41.3 in
Chest: 35.4 in
Biceps: 12.6 in
Waist: 30 in
Thighs: 20 in
Calves: 13.8 in

I don't know what my bf might be.
My goals are more volume and mostly more definition (I'd like to be ripped).

Thanks again for your help.

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I am requesting that cupcake change her screen name due to the fact that it makes me have cravings and makes me want to roll in a huge pile of hostess cup cakes and smear them across my face and chest and just be a huge glutton and ....

(snaps back to reality)

Damn I hate cutting diets 🙂

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Where does sex fit into the equation you gotta getcha some too!!!


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i think that your routine is a good start. i agree with bigjim...the routine just needs a little bit of revision.

my thoughts:

for chest, you are really hitting incline. let's try putting some presses in there. one week or even two, you could do flat press, incline press, flat fly, and incline fly. next week you could do incline press, flat press, incline fly, and flat fly. then to vary the workout even more, one week you could do barbell presses, and then next you would go to dumbbell. as for the flies, you could do the same.

for triceps, try getting a press in there. dumbbell overhead presses, french presses, skull-crushers, etc.

biceps, yours is fine

back, i would put the seated rows first, pulldowns second, then the one arm rows closer to the end. where are the chins?

shoulders, like bigjim said, you need presses. you could do presses, shrugs, side lat raises, then fronts.

legs, move the presses first, then hack, then curls and extensions.

overall, you need to understand the concept of working out compound exercises first. then, you work isolation exercises. you also cannot have the same routine exercises every workout. you have to get the principle of your workout. then, using the principle, you change the exercises to get the same thing, but working it in a different style. for example, on chest, you're going to do the presses first and flies last. ok...well, you are changing it from switching flat first one week to incline the next. another example would be for need to workout the front delt. one week you do front lat raises with the wrist parallel and bent towards the ground. next week you do the lat raises with the wrist perpindicular to the ground. next week you do overhead dumbbell flies. next week you do front lat raises with the back of the wrist parallel and facing the ground. with these four different types of lat raises, you are working the front delt. although, your working the front delt in different ways. these different ways will help stimulate more muscle fibers. it will also keep them from adapting.

an analogy of your workouts would be a straight path. this is the set idea of your workout. well, you need to find an alternate route. this alternate route will keep your muscles from adapting to your workouts. this alternate route must be similar to the straight road. so, what do you do? you find a different, but parallel street. i hope you understand that.

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Yes there are some discrepencies which need to be addressed like volume.

Too much on biceps, you could cut back on chest, on shoulders, and I would change the entire leg routine.

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If someone here wants to help me with a new routine, I'm all ears!

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If someone here wants to help me with a new routine, I'm all ears!
what happened to the training routine Team Nuge made for you??? He has won numerous shows and takes guys/gals to competitions, under his training routine, on a weekly basis!!!

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CC has tendonitis in your elbow as well as a bad knee i believe, she mentioned this on another board

Incline Dumbell Press
Incline Dumbell Flye
Cable crossover

Triceps Kickbacks
Triceps Dips

Barbell biceps curls
Incline Curl

1 arm row
Seated cable row
WideGrip Pulldown

Shoulder Press
Standing dumbell laterals
Dumbell rear raises

Hack Squat
Lunges (this may aggravate your knee)
Leg Extensions

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well with tendonitis in her elbow, all those shoulder exercises are gonna kill it and maybe casue another injury, well, depending on how much pain it causes. I only know from experience mine caused my shoulder injury

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what happened to the training routine Team Nuge made for you??? He has won numerous shows and takes guys/gals to competitions, under his training routine, on a weekly basis!!!

I'll start it in a few weeks. It seems quite hard and I wanted a friend of mine to come and do it with me first.

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well with tendonitis in her elbow, all those shoulder exercises are gonna kill it and maybe casue another injury, well, depending on how much pain it causes. I only know from experience mine caused my shoulder injury
Did you try alflutop for your shoulder, wheel?

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Did you try alflutop for your shoulder, wheel?
no, I tired the knife first, probably should have went with the alflutop though
