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I'm not super experienced in the creatine department, but I'm all natural nowadays and am looking to pack on a little extra muscle while staying lean. The last time I did a creatine cycle I wasn't running a whole lot and was hitting the weights like a madman. When I did start running towards the end of it, I felt really bloated. I'm trying to get back into my old running days without the bloat and was wondering how much doing some creatine would slow me down. Anyone have problems with creatine and cardio?

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You eont have any problems dropping the BF while running creatine. Some say that it actually can help burn fat. You are gonna hold water though, no way around it that I know of. Just dont get discuraged by the water and then when you drop the creatine..... BAM
You'll be happy with the results.

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if your worried about bloating, make sure you drink PLENTY of water. as for the creatine, use a creatine effervescent. it will not retain any water. another thing to remember it to eat your meats. steak has the most natural creatine. chicken and tuna are good as well. by the way, if you use the effervescent creatine, make sure you swirl it for about 3-5 minutes to make sure it is completely dissolved. if you don't, it will dissolve in your stomach and people say it hurts like a tiny cramp. if that happens, just drink some water because it's nothing to worry about. it's just easier to avoid it all together by taking a few minutes of swirling.

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if your worried about bloating, make sure you drink PLENTY of water. as for the creatine, use a creatine effervescent. it will not retain any water.

I'm curious on what basis you make this statement. Are you implying that the creatine monohydrate molecule is somehow used differently by the body and because it is absorbed in an effervescent delivery system? I'd be interested to see some literature on that... You aren't the first to make that comment. I've simply never seen anything that legitimizes it. The only study I've ever seen mention on Effervescent was done by Creighton University, but I've only seen part of the abstract / part of the study on various websites, some of which contradict eachother or have differing information as to the results fo that study.

All of the scientific literature I've read suggests that all of the "non-traditional" (ie. not powder, regular creatine monohydrate) are just marketing hype and are no more effective than regular, pure creatine monohydrate powder. Some studies, including a recent study conducted to compare liquid creatine and powdered creatine, actually showed the liquid creatine was actually less effective. Perhaps you are getting less bioavailable creatine in the effervescent, resulting in less water retention issues.

If anyone has any legit studies completed on any type of creatine, I'm interested in reading them. I always like to try and stay on top of what's going on in the nutrition industry.

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mark...great point bro. seriously, you even made me question myself. to be honest with you, i'm unsure. i will have to do some research and then post my answer in this thread.

the only thing that i can say, is that whenever i do take a monohydrate powder, i feel like i'm holding a lot of water. when i take the effervescent, i don't feel like i have much extra water retention. it could be the type of delivery. like i said, i don't know. for all i know, it could just be coincidence.

from putting some though into it, this is what i can come up with: most effervescent powders have sugars in it. well, your body is isotonic, or normal. well, if you have the effervescent creatine or monohydrate solution for that matter, which is a hypertonic solution, your body would hold some water trying to make your body isotonic. so, if you drink more water trying to maintain your isotonic state, wouldn't you prevent the bloating. so what difference does the delivery make? none? i don't know. now that i think about it, it does indeed sound like a marketing scheme. now, i'm going to do some more research.

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BioHazard, good points indeed. Definitely increase your water intake regardless. Knowing that NoMaD10Th was running, he was likely not taking in adequate water. As an aside, a quality creatine powder will have a positive effect on maintaining muscle mass while you run, if that is part of your goals. Just be sure to take in more H2O than you normally do, as Biohazard mentioned.

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will do fellas. Thanks

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i found out why the effervescent creatine is better, and how it works. no, i didn't go look at a 10 pg ad that we are all accustomed to. just kidding, anyways, i found out from asking my biology professors. the creatine is the same. whether the creatine is a monohydrate or a malate or whatever, it is the same. the only difference is how the creatine is bonded. this is not that important. now, as for the effervescent part, this applies to anything that is effervescent. ex-alka seltzers, effervescent glutamine, etc. since your stomach acid has such a high ph (around 2.3 i think) the effervescent ingredients will act as a base lowering the ph acidity of your stomach acid closer to a normal ph of around 7. by doing this, it makes the absorption rate much higher. since creatine is so poorly absorbed, the effervescent delivery makes the absorption rate much higher.


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i used to cramp very bad when running on creatine

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whats up you whore???!!!! Haven't seen you around these parts since Nam.
Hey if you and Derek ever wanna hang out let me know. I'd take a trip down there to tear it up. lol

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jacked ive been busy choppin broccoli

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lol, you focking dipshit!!! Tell D that I'm a single man right now looking for some tail!!! And some U of I tail would be nice!!! Me and Ben will come down whenever.
We went to Metallica/Godsmack this weekend....f'n ruled!!! PM me for my number...I'll get some shirts made out that say, "What???!!!!" on the front. lol

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this is exactly what i was gonna post... you can also just drop an alka-seltzer in ur regular creatine and it will cost less.. the purpose is to dilute the stomach acid for greater absorption (less creatine is destroyed)

i found out why the effervescent creatine is better, and how it works. no, i didn't go look at a 10 pg ad that we are all accustomed to. just kidding, anyways, i found out from asking my biology professors. the creatine is the same. whether the creatine is a monohydrate or a malate or whatever, it is the same. the only difference is how the creatine is bonded. this is not that important. now, as for the effervescent part, this applies to anything that is effervescent. ex-alka seltzers, effervescent glutamine, etc. since your stomach acid has such a high ph (around 2.3 i think) the effervescent ingredients will act as a base lowering the ph acidity of your stomach acid closer to a normal ph of around 7. by doing this, it makes the absorption rate much higher. since creatine is so poorly absorbed, the effervescent delivery makes the absorption rate much higher.

