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coming back from injuries and need help

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I got in an accident and broke my collerbone, seperated my sholder, and broke my femur(sp). What exercises should I do first off to rehab, and how long before I really start to push it?

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Are you currently in physio therapy right now?, and are you still in any casts or slings? may seem like a bitch at first but I'd highly recommend hooking up with a good quality physiotherapist, and remember that if you push yourself too hard in the initial stages, you may wind up back at square one wondering what the hell happend, it sucks, but you gotta have patience

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bump for flex... most likely you need alot of PT, especially for a broken femur.

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Yea Im in physical thearapy right now but Im not doing any weight traning there, mostly range of motion. I am relegated to partial weight baring on my leg(no casts or slings whatsoever). I am realy interested in when the doc. releses me for full weight baring and I can actually get back into the gym to work out.

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I've had dislocations and knee surgery. You need to just relax and take it slow. The weights arnt going anywere; they will be waiting for you.
And like the guys said if ya push to hard at first you'll have to start over.

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Much like Doug_N, I've had numerous full dislocations of my RT shoulder which had to be reconstructed and I've torn my MCL in my LT knee, a complete tear the first time, partial tear the second time. So I guess you could say that I've had my fair share of physiotherapy, I'd recommend that you take (if your not already) Glucosamine, and hit the ice bags at least 3 times a day. Good luck with your rehab bro.

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First off, no one is a doctor.... SO, the common sense answer would be to start at the beginning, by addressing your question to medical professionals who know EXACTLY what your injuries are..... Explain you want to get back into weight training and ask for their advice on when, how, etc......

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I was hopeing someone on here had come back from the same injury, thats all. I know how to train but just wanted some advice on easing back into it. I was 6'2" and 265lbs before the accident, and I have lost 30 lbs already in a month. Most of which was muscle:( Cant do upper body, or lower body, this SUCKS ASS!!!

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Tiger, I myself am on the comeback from injury. I reiterate, your best resource is YOUR PT and YOUR DOCTOR.... They know the intracacies of the injury and how you are responding to therapy and can advise you on activity. You are asking for problems looking for advice here instead of with your Therapist.... You have a long haul ahead for sure. But I can't stress enough that you need to ask you Physical Therapist for his recomendations. My initial though is he or she will give you some isometric exercises to keep from losing more and get you ready for working back into the weights.... But again, these will be taylored to your specific situation......

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Thanks Ti, I apreciate your advice. I know to ask them and have discused this prior to starting PT that I was concearned with stengthing tendons and ligaments for geting back to working out sooner. I guess I will use the initial portion of coming back to do a lot of biking in the gym and sliming down. The worst part is I just got a really good source and cant even use AS for a while until Im rehabed and starting to weight train seriously again.
