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Natural or unatural youve gotta reap the benefits of using CLA. I started using it when I purchased SAN infusion. I ingest about 10 grams a day between caps and Infusion. With no change in diet I actually lost 7lb's after 10 weeks while gaining 14lb's of overall mass. I wasnt even on a cycle. I was simply using SAN V-12 and infusion along with extra CLA caps......This was actually the first time ive used CLA after reading a study showing that it's show to reduce body fat by 20% in a 12 week span. Certainly I consider it one of the essentials in my arsenal. Not to mention it's many health benefits such as insulin control, cancer preventative and antioxidant.

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Nice results Cyphon. I have heard and read on CLA as of late and will add it to my daily supps as well.

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CLA-Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a natural fatty acid found in beef, lamb, and cheese, especially from grass-fed animals. A potent antioxidant, immune stimulant, and cancer-preventive agent in all species of animals tested, it also repartitioned their bodies, decreasing fat and fat cell size, while increasing lean body mass. A human study showed 20% reduced bodyfat over a 12 week period without change in diet or exercise. Recent studies showed CLA caused a 30-80% reduction in fat-pads on even relatively lean rats, and breast cancer cell growth was inhibited 11-20% while preventing metastasis to lungs & bone marrow. CLA decreases allergic & joint inflammation, improves fat transport across cell membranes, and lowers blood glucose and insulin levels while improving insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure.

Quoted from B-A-C

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I believe the CLA is extracted from the safflower oil. No I dont work for SAN....Just the best products ive used in quite some time and ive used just about everything out there since the megamass 2000 days of guess I got excited about the stuff after the great gains ive made naturally using the stuff. But if they are taking applications I sure wouldnt mind working there


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Usually, the CLA that you purchase is a racemic mixture of the 9,11 and 10,12 isomers. The one which activates lipoprotein lipase for beta-oxidation of fatty acids is the 9,11 isomer.

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I agree CLA is some good stuff if you take enough of it. I use Twinlab brand and use it precontest to help shed off the bodyfat. I stack it with liquid carnitine to really kick it up a notch!:)

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So since Im a broke student where is the cheapest place or brand to pick it up. Is it possible to just buy the safflower oil like M$$ suggested?

oh ya, cyphon, how much are you taking a day and when?

Im still quite lean but anything that helps me stay that way while bulking is a welcome addition to my arsenal.
