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Can I grow taller?

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HGH can make your growth plates open back up, but I think if it does this and its rare and only on ppl who's plates just fused. but you can have like 1 leg grow a bit the other not growing and so on for all body limbs. This was what they said 30 years ago so this could have changed by now as its a bunch of bull shit but who knows. But if i was you i would what bobby Brady did and hang and hang and hang haha:).

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I'm with you on this one bro, I'm only 6'2" and am sick of all the short jokes I've had to endure.



same here.

AK - HGH can make your growth plates open back up?.. Never heard about this.. more info please.

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I went in to the Marines when i was 18 at 5'11"...I came out at 22 and 6'2.
you CAN still grow, but the chances are slim to none. slim may be outta town.

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Bro, i think you have potential to grow. I did a cycle when I was 17 and grew 3 inches when I was 21 now I'm 6'4". I didn't use any hgh or anything jus let my body take its course. My bones didn't fuse after I took my cycles so I think there still might be hope. As long as u haven't reached ur max growth height

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What's a cycle? sorry i don't really know all the terms.

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A cycle is a completion of something that repeats itself and then starts again. Like the cycle of life. Or a steroid cycle most cycles run for a length of time, but some can be a cycle that keeps on going forever, but still has a beginning of and an end of, like they will take 500mg test per week for 3 months then 100-250mg of test for 2 months then start it again at 500mg, this is a cycle. Did I explain this well if not let me know and i will try harder to get you to understand:)...

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i think i get it, but you did a cycle of what? hgh?

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hgh IGF hex pegmgf ghrp-6 gh-rh. test decaEQ anavar winstrol and a few other things...

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wow, sounds pretty extreme, but the doctor won't let me go on hgh so there's really nothing i can do about that?

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My Dr. won't let me use gear either.:bfg

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Would simply taking estrogen blockers make you taller without adding GH?

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haha ok

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I'd try a cycle of anavar, if nothing else you'll get stronger!

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excellent thread!!!

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