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calorie surplus + defiect questions

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A couple of questions about cutting that have been on my mind.

1. -500 a day = 3500 cals a week, does 3500 cals = 1lbs fat right? I think it does?

2. Do you take into consideration that your cardio burns cals, for example say you were eating 500 less on monday, but you performed cardio and burnt 300 calories, you would now be in a -800 calorie defiecet, now would you consume extra pre workout + post workout nutrition to make up for those 300 calories that have been burnt? Im pretty sure you would right? otherwise you would loose more weight each week then intended to and thats not what one is trying to aim for if for example he wanted to be very strict on his diet and only loose 1lbs a week in order to prevent as much muscle loss as possible.

I mean the same applys for bulking, your weight training sessions + your cardio (to stay healthy not burn fat) would also burn calories so isnt it wise to make up for these by consuming extra food pre OR/AND post exercise.

For example my maintainance is around 3000 cals, so I am for 3500 cals when bulking, but when I do a weight training session I burn (lets say for arguments sake) 500 calories, so I make sure I consume an extra shake that day (the PWO shake) which is basically 75g dextrose + 50g whey thus equating to 500 calories, so basically on that training day when Im burning an extra 500 calories but im making up for it by consuming an extra 500 thus I my total cals for that day is increased from 3500 - 3800 cals

So basically my diet thing starts to look like this:

3500 calories on OFF days
4000 calories on TRAINING days

Is this the right plan of attack for both cutting and bulking? A lot of people say eat 500 above/below maintainance and they follow this regiliously but a lot of people dont take into consideration that they are burning calories when doing weights/cardio and they are not making up for this. So we then have to workout how many calories we burn during exercise, now figuring out how many are burnt during cardio isnt that hard, but figuring out how many are burnt during a 1 hour weight sessions is quite tough?

Im thinking roughly you would burn about 300 calories during a 1hour weight session? when I say roughly I really do mean this loosely, as I know that it depends on many things, ie how many sets, reps, how heavy, what exercises, how many exercises etc but do you think 300 calories is a good rule of thumb for a 1 hour weight session?

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1. yes
2. yes you take that into account, but also remember that you are refeeding so some days your deficit will be much less.

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thanks for the fast reply Layne
