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hey guys im a marine and hesitant to take roids i figure ill wait until im out in about a year and a half
until then i figured id take some andro around wintertime when i bulk up and put on mass
what are everyones thoughts on andro i know its not as good as roids but ive seen guys take it and asked around and ive been told if you stick to the dosage theres no side effects
ill value any reply to this
byt he way im about 5-9 185 id say around 10% body fat
i have andro plus which is 50mg of andro4 plus some other stuff in each pill
and 19 nor diol dione which is 100 mg of 19 nor diol and dione in each pill so each one of that is 200 mg

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You're better off spending the money on creatine and a good multivitamin like twinlab dual tabs

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aggree with spice. did u know me and spice were in the spice boys. CREATINE Is the best legal supp. andro really sucks, i got no results from it, and i definetly OD on it talking about a few 1000mg a day, and more. all for 6 extra pounds of weight in 12 weeks. And out of those 6+ lbs 5 were fat! so really it sucked. I get more strength and bigger pumps, jacking off........ well jack assing aside, it works for some and not for others, so give it a shot but its too expensive and the results isnt worth it.

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wait i really feel like a jackass now. srry spine, lol, i have been seeing ur name for the longest and i always thought it was spice. ohh well did i mention me and spine were in the spine boys....

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TitaniumSPICE?????? Get off the drugs.... Do you get that at fancy restaurants... they bring a peppermill for the salad, and a titanium shredder and a sheet of titanium for extra roughage? lol....

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I would've just edited that original post when I saw my mistake...

TitaniumSpice ... doesn't sound too healthy! 😀

NC // Had someone mistake my nick for NO CAREER... slap that.

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I have never had any luck with any of the andro products. I agree with Titanium, pump the money into some high quality creatine, some glutamine, and a good multivitamin. Just keep your water intake high, and crank up the intensity!

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I have to agree in the most part w/ the fellas on most andro products. I've tried almost all of them. The only one I saw some results wiht is 1-ad. My strength went up pretty good. The reason I tried most andros is because I was afraid to go to the " dark side, " but that has change...:D
