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An perfect example of getting big and strong and than getting lean

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Quote: Originally Posted by Big Jay Now thats what i am fucking talking about!!!!

I live in probably the most superficial region in the united states. All the guys here just NEED abs year round. And thats why they will forever be stuck at 175 lbs. for the rest of their life.

You need to eat big, lift big, and think big to actually friggin BE BIG.

When you start caring what other people think, thats when its time to rethink whether or not you should be in this sport. Especially girls. You don't like that i don't have abs? Well then fine, hit the road. Don't come crawling back either when i am 205 lbs. at 6% BF either.

I can't count how many girls won't even look at me in the offseason when i am 230-240 then i come back comp time in the spring summer shredded, and now all of a sudden they want to talk and mingle. i do better when i'm fatter, or maybe its because i become more of a jovial character.

when i'm shredded its "too much" --more of a shock value thing i guess

girls like you to be a little less than perfect to maintain the balance of the relationship. if your in too good shape--you're in more demand to the opposite sex, therefore more competition for the girl to deal with = turnoff for girls with low-mid self esteem

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Quote: Originally Posted by sniffy54 i do better when i'm fatter, or maybe its because i become more of a jovial character.

when i'm shredded its "too much" --more of a shock value thing i guess

girls like you to be a little less than perfect to maintain the balance of the relationship. if your in too good shape--you're in more demand to the opposite sex, therefore more competition for the girl to deal with = turnoff for girls with low-mid self esteem He said Jovial. LMAO!!!

perfect smerfect....just club them and drag them out by their hair.

Lets hit crobar this weekend bro....i hear Joe is making an appearance.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Big Jay
Lets hit crobar this weekend bro....i hear Joe is making an appearance. will joey be walking straight or on his famous 45 degree angle struggle to maintain balance with gravity

in his case the swiss ball training might be a good idea

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at this point i gave up on girls down in the valley if you cant drive doesnt matter if you have six pack or not no way they will be with me lol so now i can eat and carb as much as i want until i reach my goals... and dreams... props for dave for dwarfing a ton of people

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enough game and you can be big gnarly, smooth lookin, n still pull cute young ladies...looks might help get you in the door, but a good lookin man w/ the personality of a potatoe isn't gonna see much booty.

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Quote: Originally Posted by rockdaddy how about my man marious?? he's a MONSTER. he's shorter and leaner than most of the guys in the world's strongest man comp's yet he is still the favorite in each comp. he does. i heard he USED to be a bodybuilder, but went to strongman.

edit- oh and in the pic with him in my avatar he must have been offseason, he was relatively small compared to when he competes (but still dwarfs me lol). u mean MARIUSZ PUDZIANOWSKI?? haha POLISH POWER MAN 😀
power to all of ya

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Was doing a bit of back searching on nutrition for kicks and I found this thread. I remember reading this the first time and was really impressed and inspired by Big Dave's changes. So thought others may like to read and be inspired too. Plus its classic case of the perfect way to grow.

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Welcome and thanks for the interview.

Dave Gulledge is like a model of what bodybuilding and powerlifting should be. You have to get strong as hell and eat a hell of alot of food. I mean the guy seriously pounded down the food intake to get big. Gallon of milk everyday lol.

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i didn't get past the pics yet, but i can tell this will be a good read - thanks for the link

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thought i would bump this again - good inspiration before the IM contest

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very inspirational for health and physique goals in general

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Maybe some of the BB's out there will jump all over me for saying this, but Dave isnt like a fat slob at 320. I would love to have that strength and size, maybe at 20lbs lighter, as long as I could still be athletic and healthy I dont think the guy looked bad to begin with. Of course the after result is amazing, but all I am saying is that if he dropped fast food, pizzas, and the milk and then dropped to 300lbs, I would love to be that beast one day.

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I love this thread. Thanks for bumping it.

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I think it would be hard to live in a southern state where its "shirtless" weather year round. Even though lifting weights is something you do for yourself, I bet it would be hard to have some fat on you when other BB'ers are running around lean as hell in, say, California or Florida.

Here in Minnesota, it seems like we only have 3-4 months where it is beach weather. The other 8-9 months is bulking weather

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Quote: Originally Posted by HouseOfAtlas ...I bet it would be hard to have some fat on you when other BB'ers are running around lean as hell in, say, California or Florida.

Here in Minnesota, it seems like we only have 3-4 months where it is beach weather. The other 8-9 months is bulking weather In essence then us folks in the more Northern climates should all be mass monsters! Something to think about.

I read the 'core' link. This kid was already very strong at a young age and already had serious spinal erectors at 180lbs. Reminds me of Viator; good at either BB or PL from his first workouts.

That's not to say us 'average' dudes can't do some serious damage, but some guys are just blessed from the start. Couple that with unflinching mental fortitude and you've got a champion.

Notice that at the top of his list is 'consistency'. If you can only eat and lift big for a few months then you're not consistent, you need to have the infrastructure (time, people, gym, money, willpower, etc.) to keep this baby going for years.

It all comes down to what are you willing to give up to reach the mountain top, and for how long?

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