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An perfect example of getting big and strong and than getting lean

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Quote: Originally Posted by LATS I WOULD BE CURIOUS TO SEE WHAT HE DOES DIFFERENT IN HIS TRAINING FROM THE POWERLIFTING DAYS COMPARED TO THE "BODYBUILDING" DAYS.. i sam sure he changed it a little but, ya never know.. Ive met Dave a few times and have talked with him about his diet. He didnt do anything differently in terms of his training while dropping 60 pounds. He still lifts in a modified Westside manner.

BTW, on Sept 17th he benched 750 in competition. He lost a little bit of strength while dieting, but most of that has returned after a month or so of less restrictive eating.

Someone asked about his height, he's about 6'0-6'1.

Here is what he said at the Total Elite forum regarding his training:

As far as training, my training looks something like this.

Saturday: Heavy shirt day or ME day and boards
Sunday: conditioning such as sled pulls, stair runs and jump rope
Monday: pulldowns, upper back and bicep.
Tuesday: Speed bench and heavy DB inclines, flat and overhead work, and some hypertrophy work for delts and triceps.
Wed: Squat- because of my back injury I can't squat heavy right now. Just using 315 for now. I've been doing a bunch of olympic style paused squats with an explosive concentric. Then I'll end with something stupid like a set of 30 olympic squats. some calf work and abs.
Thursday Heavy chest supported rows, pullups, biceps, and rear delts.
Fri: off, or maybe some conditioning work.

During my two week diet phases, I'd be doing a lot more cardio than this. Sometimes 45 minutes a day sometimes just 30, but maybe 4-5 times a week. This would be sled pulls, stair runs, jump ropes, stairclimbers and even the elliptical machine.

my strength isn't what it once was but not way off. I did 635 the other day in my new shirt and 650 should go this weekend. I dont' feel great in my shirt so, I think I'm giving up some weight on technique right now compared to when I hit 700. I'd like to get back to 700 in my Sept meet at 275. My gym only has 120lb DB's but i'm still able to OHP those for sets of 12-13. Not sure how to report my back strength as I do lots of machines, but I think I just did sets of 5 on pullups with about 65 extra lbs. Kyle [his younger brother] pulls 830 and we use the same weight on our machine rows, so I know my back strength isn't too bad.

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I love to see powerlifters dieted down.. They loook so real dense and hard.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Doggcrapp I have no idea maybe prolangtum knows but I would venture to say that the 2 bottom camera phone pics he is carbed up and thats why he is so full there and he is really depleted in the 2 kitchen above ones (hence he is a lil flat there) yes, that's exactly what it says in the thread right before each set of pics.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Libertine I think this could be the difference of Myofibrillar hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Myofibrillar hypertrophy being the actual growth of the muscle fibres (80% of the muscle) and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy being the growth of other things in the muscle ( mitochondrion number and water levels) (20% of the muscle)

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Man, now I'm really confused.
Does this mean that, when doing my reverse hyperextended hanging inverted isocontractile concentration kickbacks, that I need my forearm angle to be 5.9° or 3.7° before the extended twist ???

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Quote: Originally Posted by ctgblue Man, now I'm really confused.
Does this mean that, when doing my reverse hyperextended hanging inverted isocontractile concentration kickbacks, that I need my forearm angle to be 5.9° or 3.7° before the extended twist ???
Stop acting like a clown... everybody knows that your forearm angle should be exactly 5.9°.

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Guy is thick as a brick in the offseason too

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how about my man marious?? he's a MONSTER. he's shorter and leaner than most of the guys in the world's strongest man comp's yet he is still the favorite in each comp. he does. i heard he USED to be a bodybuilder, but went to strongman.

edit- oh and in the pic with him in my avatar he must have been offseason, he was relatively small compared to when he competes (but still dwarfs me lol).

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Yeah, Marius is a fucking god.

Anyone else find the name ARNOLD COLEMAN amusing?

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You mentioned fat burning supplements, what would you recommend and would they hinder gains?

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Quote: Originally Posted by rockdaddy
edit- oh and in the pic with him in my avatar he must have been offseason, he was relatively small compared to when he competes (but still dwarfs me lol). I saw a comp the other night on ESPN. The dude is a friggin machine. Ripped, and strong as hell. WHATTA MONSTER!!

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Quote: Originally Posted by SQUATMACKS I saw a comp the other night on ESPN. The dude is a friggin machine. Ripped, and strong as hell. WHATTA MONSTER!! yeah, and his english cracks me up...but he sure does try!! he didn't talk much at the arnold expo when i saw him in that pic..i said something like "hey, how's it going marious? i'm a big fan." and he just kinda looked at me expressionless. i was like- ok, lets take this picture...this big guy scares me. nah, but he seemed nice, i just thought he could speak zero english, and by what i've seen on espn, its not much more than zero.

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This thread reminds me of what I told my training partner yesterday.
He was talking about some chic he wants to bang....etc. He was telling me how she was saying "you have a nice body!" He said he wants to stay lean blah blah blah. I shook my head and he said "what?" I said....if a girl tells you that you have a nice body you aren't doing our program right. You should be big, thick, dense, and basically disgusting looking until you want to diet I could give a rats ass what some slut thinks about my body. What matters to me is getting in the gym and hoisting the heaviest poundages I can possibly hoist.
Nice post man.


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Some slut? What about just some woman?

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Now thats what i am fucking talking about!!!!

I live in probably the most superficial region in the united states. All the guys here just NEED abs year round. And thats why they will forever be stuck at 175 lbs. for the rest of their life.

You need to eat big, lift big, and think big to actually friggin BE BIG.

When you start caring what other people think, thats when its time to rethink whether or not you should be in this sport. Especially girls. You don't like that i don't have abs? Well then fine, hit the road. Don't come crawling back either when i am 205 lbs. at 6% BF either.

I can't count how many girls won't even look at me in the offseason when i am 230-240 then i come back comp time in the spring summer shredded, and now all of a sudden they want to talk and mingle.

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